Art, Music, Books, Drifting away.
All of you
Progressive Rock of all kinds (except for Neo-Prog)- Some names:
Aardvark, Absolute Elsewhere, Abstract Truth, Acid Mothers Gong, Acid Mothers Temple, Agitation Free, Ahora Mazda, Ain Soph, Airlord, Akasha, Jan Akkerman, Aksak Maboul, Alamaailman Vasarat, Alas, Daevid Allen, Alluminogeni, Alpha to Omega, Alphataurus, Alquin, Alusa Fallax, Amazing Blondel, Analogy, Andromeda, Anekdoten, Ange, Anglagard, Annexus Quam, Antonius Rex, Aphrodite's Child, Apocalypse, Apoteosi, Arachnoid, Neil Ardley, Area, Arkham, Armageddon, Arti + Mestieri, Arzachel, Ash Ra Tempel, Asia Minor, Atmosphera, Atoll, Atomic Rooster, Audience, Brian Auger, Aunt Mary, Autumn, Kevin Ayers.
Bacamarte, Badger, Il Balletto Di Bronzo, Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso, Peter Banks, Tony Banks, Pete Bardens, Syd Barrett, Luciano Basso, Franco Battiato, David Bedford, Beggar's Opera, Adrian Belew, Between, Bi Kyo Ran, Biglietto Per L'Inferno, Black Widow, Blackfeather, Tim Blake, Peter Blegvad, Blodwyn Pig, Brainstorm, Brainticket, Brainville, Brand X, Edgar Broughton Band, Arthur Brown, Bruford, Bubu, Buon Vecchio Charlie, Burnin Red Ivanhoe.
John Cale, Camel, Campo di Marte, Can, Los Canarios, Captain Beefheart, Caravan, Carmen, Carpe Diem, Cartoon, Catapilla, Celeste, Clearlight, Cleves, Cluster, Colosseum, Comus, Conventum, Corte dei Miracoli, Larry Coryell, Cos, Cosmic Jokers, Crack, Cream, Cressida, David Cross, Culpeper's Orchard, Curved Air, Cybotron.
Daddy Cool, Dedalus, Dali's Car, Dalton, Elton Dean, Delivery, Deus Ex Machina, Dice, Dr. Dopo Jam, Dragon, Dragonfly, Drugi Nacin, Druid, Dzyan.
Earth & Fire, East of Eden, Eela Craig, Egg, Embryo, Emerson Lake and Palmer, England, L'Engoulevent, Brian Eno, Ensemble Nimbus, Epidaurus, Ergo Sum (France), Eskaton, Esperanto Rock Orchestra, Espiritu, John Etheridge, Etron Fou Leloublan, Eulenspygel, Evolution, Exmagma.
Family, Fanny Adams, Far East Family Band, Faust, Finch, Finnforest, Morgan Fisher, Flairck, Flame Dream, Flamen Dialis, Flash, Flasket Brinner, FM, Focus, Forgas Band Phenomena, Formation Studio Balkanton, Formula 3, Freedoms Children, Robert Fripp, Fripp And Eno, Fred Frith, Fruupp.
Peter Gabriel, Ron Geesin, Genesis, Gentle Giant, Gila, Giles, Giles & Fripp, Michael Giles, Gilgamesh, Gnidrolog, Goblin, Gong, Sam Gopal , Gracious, John Greaves, Greenslade, Grits, Grobschnitt, Gryphon, Guru Guru.
Steve Hackett, Haikara, Peter Hammill, Hands, Bo Hansson, Happy The Man, Harmonium, Roy Harper, Gordon Haskell, Hatfield And The North, Hawk, Hawkwind, Heldon, Henry Cow, Here & Now, High Tide, Steve Hillage, Hoelderlin, Hugh Hopper, Horslips, Steve Howe, However, Zakir Hussain.
Iceberg, Iconoclasta, If, Illusion, Island, Isotope.
Jade Warrior, Los Jaivas, Jansen Barbieri Karn, Janus, Japan, Keith Jarrett, Jethro Tull, Eddie Jobson, Jonesy, Jumbo.
Kalacakra, Kangaroo Moon, Kayak, Kebnekaise, Kedama, Kenso, Khan, Kin Ping Meh, King Crimson, Koenjihyakkei, Kollektiv, Korni Grupa, Kraan, Kraftwerk, Kultivator, Kyrie Eleison.
Bill Laswell, Latte E Miele, Leb I Sol, Led Zeppelin, Legendary Pink Dots, Lethe, Libra, Lizard (Swiss), Locanda Delle Fate, Lotus.
Machiavel, Duncan Mackay, MacKenzie Theory, Madder Lake, Magma, Magna Carta, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Mahjun, Pepe Maina, Didier Malherbe, Man, Mandalaband, Maneige, Manfred Mann's Earth Band, Phil Manzanera, Albert Marcoeur, Marsupilami, The Master's Apprentices, Matching Mole, Material, Maxophone, McCully Workshop, John McLaughlin, McPhee, Wim Mertens, Metamorfosi, MetroGnom, Joni Mitchell, Pierre Moerlen's Gong, Mogul Thrash, Mona Lisa, Patrick Moraz, Morte Macabre, Moving Gelatine Plates, The Muffins, Murphy Blend, Murple, Museo Rosenbach, Mushroom (Ireland), Mushroom (USA), Musica Dispersa, Os Mutantes, Myrbein.
National Health, Nektar, Neu!, Neuschwanstein, New Trolls, The Nice, Czeslaw Niemen, Nova, Novalis, Nucleus, Nuova Era, Nyl.
The Old Man and The Sea, Mike Oldfield, Omega, Le Orme, Osanna, Ougenweide, Out Of Focus, Ovary Lodge.
Panta Rhei, Parzival, Patto, Pell Mell, Penguin Cafe Orchestra, PFM, Anthony Phillips, Picchio dal Pozzo, Pierrot Lunaire, Piirpauke, Richard Pinhas, Pink Fairies, Pink Floyd, Plastic People Of The Universe, Pocket Orchestra, Pekka Pohjola, Jean-Luc Ponty, Popol Vuh, Present, Pretty Things, Procession, Procol Harum, Prof. Wolfff, Progres 2, Pulsar, Pip Pyle.
Quatermass, Quaterna Requiem, Quella Vecchia Locanda, Quintessence.
Ragnarok (New Zealand), Ragnarok (Sweden), Rainbow Band, Rainbow Theatre, Mikael Ramel, Random Hold, Rare Bird, Raw Material, Recordando o Vale das Macas, Refugee, Renaissance, The Residents, Terry Riley, Roedelius, Round House, Rousseau, Il Rovescio Della Medaglia, Roxy Music, Ruphus, Terje Rypdal.
Sammla Mammas Manna, Savage Rose, SBB, Janne Schaffer, Klaus Schulze, Sebastian Hardie, Secret Oyster, Semiramis, Sensation's Fix, Seventh Wave, SFF, Shadowfax, Shakti, Shampoo, Ravi Shankar, Shingetsu, Shylock, Richard Sinclair, Pete Sinfield, Sloche, Socrates, Soft Machine, Solaris, Som Nosso de Cada Dia, Sotos, Spectro, Spirit, Spring, Chris Squire, Stackridge, Stern Combo Meissen, Still Life, Stormy Six, String Driven Thing, Sui Generis, Supersister, Supertramp, Sweet Smoke, David Sylvian, The Syn.
Tako, Taman Shud, Tangerine Dream, Tantra, Tarantula, Tasavallan Presidentti, Tea & Symphony, Tempano, Tempest (UK), Third Ear Band, Third Eye, Thirsty Moon, This Heat, Steve Tibbets, Tipographica, Jukka Tolonen, Tonton Macoute, Trace, Trad, Gras och Stenar, Traffic, Trettioåriga Kriget, Triana, Triangle, The Trip, Tully, Nik Turner, Twenty First Century Schizoid Band.
U.K., Univers Zero, University Of Errors.
Van Der Graaf Generator, Vangelis, Verdun, Violeta De Outono, Virus, Vox Dei.
Rick Wakeman, Wallenstein, Darryl Way, Eberhard Weber, Wigwam, The Wilde Flowers, Tony Williams Lifetime, Windchase, Wolf, Richard Wright, Robert Wyatt.
Xhol, Xhol Caravan.
Stomu Yamashta, Yardbirds, Yes, Yezda Urfa.
Zao, Frank Zappa, Zauber, Hector Zazou, Zingale, ZNR.
Roman Polanski, The Coen Brothers, Terry Gilliam, Tim Burton, Stanly Kubrick
I avoid TV
Issac Bashevis Singer, George Amado, Phillip K. Dick, Charles Boukowski
Everybody wants to be free
but before this can be
you’ve got to learn, learn how to see
just from what it is that you want to be free
Kevin Ayers – Hymn
There is so much sorrow in the world,
There is so much emptiness and heartbreak and pain.
Somewhere on the road we have all taken a wrong turn...
How can we build the right path again?
Peter Hammill - Forsaken Gardens