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What Revolutionary Movement Leader Are You?
George Washington
You are George Washington, Father of the United States! You are drafted to lead the American revolution and become the first President because you poses all the qualities of a great leader. Some will question if this was a real revolution, because it simply transferred power from one group of white, male nobles in England to a group of white, male aristocratic land owners in America. Yet, the nation you lead goes on to become a world superpower.
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Which Founding Father are you?
John Adams
Sorry. You were John Adams. Adams was argumentative, annoying, and vain. However, he was a great philospher and a good politician, even if he was almost always second. Oh, well, at least you're not Alexander Hamilton, he was shot in a duel. ouch.
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If You Lived During the American Revolution, Would You Be a Patriot or Loyalist? For Americans pleas
You would like to be free from England and you would be annoyed by England if you lived back then. Yeah.... and you might even fight for the cause..maybe not if you are a pacifist. I know I am a pacifist.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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Which side of the Civil War should you be on?
Union (North)
You belong on the Union side. You're against slavery and racism. You take pride in the Ameircan flag and your country. You also just love the Civil War history in general as well.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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Do you know the CIvil War?
Your an expert! Why did you take this quiz?
You know almost the most unimportant details, but don't get to high on your pedestual there. the higher you go the harder you fall so keep your pride in check. I know a lot too but i have realized that there is always more to learn. Keep it up ... and i seriously suggest you become a history teacher.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz:
How Well Do You Know The Vietnam War?
Man, You Know It Well
You sure as hell know this subject like the back of your hand. Were you fighting over there or just know it well.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You scored as Neo-Conservative Catholic. You see that the government of the United States was originally founded on recognizably Catholic natural law principles and reason in the tradition of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and the freedom of religion acknowledged in the Constitution has allowed Catholicism to flourish in this largely Protestant country. You recognize that the American system of government, even with its faults, is the most moral social order developed in history. You are committed to being a Catholic active in society.
Neo-Conservative Catholic
New Catholic
Evangelical Catholic
Traditional Catholic
Radical Catholic
Liberal Catholic
Lukewarm Catholic
Envirnmentalist (Green)
Divine Command
Justice (Fairness)
Strong Egoism
Mystical Communion Model
Sacrament model
Institutional Model
Herald Model
Servant Model
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General William Tecumseh Sherman