William profile picture


Ocian in view! O! The joy!

About Me

I am the Clark in Lewis and Clark.
I was born on August 1, 1770 a.d. to John and Ann Rogers Clark in Caroline County, Virgina. I am the ninth of ten children. I had little Formal edukation. When I was fourteen, my family moved to Kentuckee where we lived on a Plantayshun near the Ohio River.
I enlisted in the local militia. In March 1791 I was appointed a Lieut. in Mad Anthony Waynes army and was kept on Command about 18 months before I joined the Main Army. When I joined, I was anexed to a Chosen Rifle Company of which I had the Command, and recieved a Staff appointment, both of which I retained untill after the Treaty at Greenville and at the time of takeing possession of the Western posts, I resigned and returned to a Farm in Kentuckee on which I lived several years in bad health (sensative stomacke). At this time I also oversaw financial Affairs for my brother General George Rogers Clark.
During the time I was liveing on my Farm in Kenty. I had freequent Reasons to Visit the Eastern States & Washington where I became Acquainted with the Presidt. Mr. Jefferson.
In 1803 I was applied to by Capt Lewis by Letter, who was then Private Secty. to the President, to accompany him on an Expedition to the Pacific, stating the genl. plan and objects, and offered by the approbn. of the President himself, in rank pretentshuns &c. &c. On those Conditions I agreed to undertake the expedition. We went to the Pacific Ocien and back (and were my feet ever tirred!).
I married the beeutiful and accomplished Julia Hancock on January 5, 1808 and we had five children: Meriwether Lewis Clark, William Preston Clark, Mary Margaret Clark, George Rogers Hancock Clark, and John Julius Clark. After my beloved wife passed away in 1820, I married her first cousin Harriet Kennerly Radford and she bore three children: Jefferson Kearny Clark, Edmund Clark, and Harriet Clark. Harriet died in 1831.
I am a people person. I like verry much marriment.
The best thing about me is my strong lolalltee. I am the kind of Freind that you may allways deepend upon. Be assured and find comfert in the fact that I have your back!
Unusual trait: I like to Capitalise words.
The worst thing about me is that I am a Terrable spellarer, although my Dear freend Capt Lewis has promized me loan of his Deckinsary. Of whom, I am most indebted and am asurred that it will be most usefull in all future wrighting endeavers.

My Interests

art, cartography, freemasonry, adventure, journaling, family, the woods, meeting new and unusual people, hospitality, entertaining, indians, negotiation, maps, umbrellas, engineering, public relations, finance, astronomy, engineering, navigation, mediation, family, friends, entertaining

I'd like to meet:

Any person of respectability.


the fiddling of Peter Cruzatte and George Gibson


Part 1

Part 2


Gen. George Rogers Clark

My Blog


I have a bad Cough and a bad head ake fer Several days. yesterday I took Salts which acted and made me very Sick fer the greater part of the day. Julia complain a little every day but I must Say that...
Posted by William on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 06:35:00 PST

Thanks for the Birthday messages

I wish to thank all my myspace freends for the maney Hearty birthdae Greetings.  I am happy that you thought enough of Me to send your Letters.  I wish you all the health & hapiness of y...
Posted by William on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 08:24:00 PST


I have Bought from a Mr. Fitzhough a Humbrallo made of Wale bone ribs And a fine antaler handel. It shads the Sun off my face Verry well.
Posted by William on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:54:00 PST

MyHeritage Face

Posted by William on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 08:16:00 PST

New Year

This year my resolushuns seem to be made for me.  It is the general consensus of my esteemed associates and Friends that for the forthcoming year I work on my spelling.  There you have it--o...
Posted by William on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 07:52:00 PST


3 Potawatomies & Kickapoos arrive
Posted by William on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 08:07:00 PST


There is a Flood of Indins spreading accross the Missisippie forgaging for food and complaints.  I have taken upon Myself to give some Parshal assistence to those Bands.  They are wretched a...
Posted by William on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:24:00 PST

More arrivals

8 Delawares arrive from Illinois
Posted by William on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:20:00 PST


13 Kickapoos & 2 Shawenes arrived
Posted by William on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 02:02:00 PST

On the banks of the crick

As an Escape from this misserable heat, Judy and I packed up the Young uns and spent the Day at the neerest Crick. 
Posted by William on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 01:53:00 PST