Admitting Californina as a state, Abolishing the slave trade in DC, and settling the Texas boundry. I also put the first stove, bathtub, and library in the White House. First President to have a step mother? Me.
Sting, Gene Hackman, and Jackee'. Also, Franklin Pierce. He beat me when I ran for re-election. I'd like to kick him in the nuts.
Merle Haggard, he brings it every time. I just saw him the other day.
"Office Space" cracks me up. Heh Heh, I sure don't have the stapler!!!
Anything on the History Channel about WHIGs. We're the coolest.
Any law book. Oh, I have to put them down and sigh sometimes. Its sooooo invigorating.
Daddy-kins, Thurlow Weed (yes, that's his real name) and Zach Taylor.