John C. Calhoun profile picture

John C. Calhoun

Beware the wrath of a patient adversary

About Me

I'm One Handsome Devil!

I was born March 18, 1782 in South Carolina, and educated at Yale College. From 1808 to 1810 an economic recession hit the United States and I realized that British policies were ruining the economy.I served in South Carolina's legislature and was elected to the United States House of Representatives serving three terms. In 1812, Calhoun and Henry Clay, two famous "warhawks", who preferred war to the "putrescent pool of ignominous peace", convinced the House to declare war on Great Britian.I was secretary of war under President James Monroe from 1817 to 1825 and ran for president in the 1824 election along with four others, John Q. Adams, Henry Clay, Crawford, and Andrew Jackson. However,I withdrew from the race, due to Jackson's support, and ran for vice president unopposed. Calhoun was vice president of the United States in 1824 under John Quincy Adams and was re-elected in 1828 under Andrew Jackson.

My Interests

"A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks."

I'd like to meet:

Mo bitches and ho's that are into watersports,S&M, and Bondage. Let Ol' Cal be yo daddy.


I wrote an essay about this conflict, "The South Carolina Exposition and Protest", in which he asserted nullification of federal laws, and in 1832 the South Carolina legislature did just that. The next year in the Senate Daniel Webster and I opposed each other over slavery and states' rights in a famous debate. In 1844 President John Tyler appointed me secretary of state. In later years he was reelected to the Senate, where he supported the Texas Annexation and defeated the Wilmot Proviso


"A Birth of a Nation""The Goonies" --- i love that shit




"A Disquisition on Government and a Discourse on the Constitution and Government of the United States" Written by me of course. Yeah Bitch! I'm my own favorite author.


Charles Coatsworth Pinkney? Aunt Jemimah makes a hell of a syrup...but I prefer Cane Patch ummm let's see. Mark Sanford is a hell of a fella. And Ol' Thomas Dixon is a great writer.. Oh fuck it. The new Jay-Z is the shit biznitch!

My Blog

Dear Citizens of Charleston...

Please help remedy a great injustice that has plagued this city ever since I was hoisted up on that granite column in Marion Square on June 27, 1896.  Now, I realize that in 1896, the Ladies of T...
Posted by John C. Calhoun on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:55:00 PST

dead guys need love too.

Show ol' Cal Some Love!! I want some Comments!
Posted by John C. Calhoun on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Disquisition on Government

In order to have a clear and just conception of the nature and object of government, it is indispensable to understand correctly what that constitution or law of our nature is, in which government...
Posted by John C. Calhoun on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST