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Damon Zex

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

The primary outward aspect of my character is my love of make-up - particularly eyeliner. I have always been interested in dramatic transformation and love to fall into distinct characters. I started sculpting at the age of two. I became fascinated with theater and role playing around the age of four. My urge to be creative hurled me into the realm of the arts and philosophy. I became obsessed with the medium of pen & ink in my early twenties and proceeded to create over one hundred works. After receiving my B.A. in Philosophy from OSU, I entered a multi-media art program which would allow me to combine different aspects of my creative talents in installation and performance. Throughout my education, which has a strong emphasis in German Expressionism and Surrealism, I have mixed my intellectual fixations with my urge to express myself through the artistry of make-up. I finished my M.F.A. with my performance, "An Evening With Damon Zex," a very Peter Sellers-esque piece including audience interaction. My first experience with public access occured during my philosophy days when I made the show "Smoke Rings," a talk show where I played a psychotic cult leader who was interviewed by a conservative, all-American interviewer. The fun thing back then was that one could actually smoke cigarettes in the studio, thus the name "Smoke Rings." My first Damon Zex video, called "Glitznik" was created in 1987, beginning my investigation of hypnotic special effects. I then collaborated with Marshall Barnes on a series of music videos which played on Much Music in Toronto. I began my public access TV series, "Zextalk" in 1992 and continued to produce a series up to 2001. During this time period, I made over 250 programs ranging from acts of pure social attack, parody, surrealism, interviews, comedy, and absolute madness. Beginning in 2001 I left public access and began working on, agonizing over, and finally finishing "Checkmate", a 28 minute nearly silent film, combining chess, one of my early loves, with sex or erotica, a key focus of my life. Most recently I collaborated with video artist James Dinan and created "Kundalini Killer", "The Terrible Truth", and "Asana Assassin", experimental pieces combining my pen & inks, and light wave effects with performance, and in two cases, yoga. If you are interested in viewing a wide range of my characters feel free to go to YouTube and do a Damon Zex search. In addition to video work, designer Dan Repicz and I have created three primary art websites - Checkmatethefilm.com , Zexart.com and Glitznik.com . These three websites represent three primary aspects of my creative nature - performance, visual art, and experimental quasi-scientific investigations in hypnosis. When I am not wrapped up in my own creative quests, I devote my time to yoga, having investigated ashtanga, power, and kundalini for the past six years. However, I am still a weight training fanatic at the gym. My favorite thing to do, though, is dance my ass off until I am thoroughly covered in sweat. Usually, if I end up on the dance floor, I am compelled to shut the place down. Obviously, I have a real night owl component and love any darkly lit nightclub establishment. This lunar fixation probably also led to my love of horror, black clothes, and producing late night television. Yet, I really have no addictions to accompany my night life. Yes, I get high occassionally, like drinking wine, smoke a cigarrette once or twice a day, but in general I try to balance these vices with intense athletics. I don't watch television at all - that vice I eliminated several years ago after being a channel surfing fanatic. I love creating, meditating, clearing my mind, and being a body.


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My Interests

Body/Mind Technology, Kundalini and Power Yoga, Sex, Dancing, Weight Training, Long Brisk Walks, Intense Conceptual Conversation, Comedic and Romantic Moments, Make-Up, Old Marvel Comics, Drinking Wine, Coffee Shops, Clairvoyant Dreams, Alchemy, Travel, Indian, Mediterranean and Thai Cuisine, Sea Food, Good Tofu Dishes, Meditating, Marijuana, Performing, Ecology, Synchronicity, Kismet..

I'd like to meet:

Fascinating people who add to my life experience


Bach, Beethoven, Berlioz, The Kinks, David Bowie, Bauhaus, King Crimson, T. Rex, Todd Rundgren, Clock DVA, The Zombies, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, Sisters of Mercy, She Wants Revenge, Fatboy Slim, Prodigy, Jane's Addiction, Nick Cave, New Order, KMFDM, The Rolling Stones, Diamanda Galas, Nina Hagen, Interpol, The Sweet, Electric Hellfire Club, Led Zeppellin, Joy Division, The Sex Pistols, The Jam, Yes, Santana, The Who, Ray Charles, Elvis, Beck, Apollo 440, Belle & Sebastian, Alice Cooper, Chemlab, Foetus, James Brown, The Ventures, Bobby Darin, Little Richard, Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, XMal Deutschland, The Tubes, Blondie, Matthew Sweet, Love, Kula Shaker, The Yardbirds, Laibach, Front 242, Love & Rockets, GWAR, The Cure, Pere Ubu, The Velvet Underground, Depeche Mode, Soft Cell, The Ramones, The B-52's, Frank Zappa, Duran Duran, Madness..


Dr. Strangelove, The Great Dictator, Casino Royale, The Big Lebowski, Fight Club, The Cube, Matrix, Kind Hearts and Coronets, Hellraiser, Phantom of the Opera (silent), Last Year at Marienbad, Never Give a Sucker an Even Break, Being John Malkovich, Brazil, 1984, A Clockwork Orange, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Shock Treatment, Metropolis, The Hills Have Eyes (original), Dead Alive, Evil Dead II, Lair of the White Worm, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, Head, Love and a 45, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, Bride of Re-Animator, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Soylent Green, The Three Stooges Go To Mars, The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T, Yellow Submarine, Lolita, Dawn of the Dead, The Day After, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Office Space, Cry of the Banshee, 2001; A Space Odyssey, Time Bandits, Total Recall, Bladerunner, Bedazzled (original), The Nutty Professor (original), Susperia, Demons I & II, The Wall, The Song Remains the Same, Finnean's Rainbow, The Manchurian Candidate (original), A Day at the Races, A Night at the Opera, Bell, Book & Candle, The Graduate..


I, Claudius, Babylon 5, original Star Trek series, The World At War, The Wild, Wild West, Dr. Who, Night Owl Theatre, Fantastic Four, Twilight Zone, The Monkees, original Batman series, Ernie Kovacs..


The Tin Drum, Little Dorritt, 1984, The Brothers Karamozov, Foucault's Pendulum, Confederacy of Dunces, A Cool Million, Archer's Goon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, I Claudius & Claudius the God, Dune, Dante's Inferno, Childhood's End, Beyond Good and Evil, The Name of the Rose, and Punishment, Faust, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, The Theatre and Its Double, The Critique of Pure Reason, Metamorphosis, The Stranger, What Is Surrealism, Brecht's, Pinter's and Ibsen's Plays, Works of Plato and Aristotle, Philosophical Writings of Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Hindu Tantric Teachings, Yoga Sutra of Patanjali..


Bosch, Julius Caesar, Stan Lee, Andre Breton, Krishnamacharya, Ray Davies, Antonin Artaud, Goethe, Andy Warhol, Isaac Newton, William S. Burroughs, Charlie Chaplin..

My Blog

Black Magic Attack . . .

I haven't seen it all, But I've seen enough. Playtime is over. This Cyclopean Cthulhu of Governmental Entrapment, Totalitarian Torture, Economic Slavery, and the Great Lie c...
Posted by Damon Zex on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:08:00 PST

Something Is About To Happen . . .

     Can you feel it?  Can you feel the shifting of energy across the Astral Plane?  Do you actually perceive a bending of parametric focus?  As I sit in Lotus Pose ...
Posted by Damon Zex on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 10:56:00 PST

Last Call For Alcohol . . .

     Okay, so I meditated while walking five miles, had my mystic visions on weed, conjured the spirits of surrealism, and reached an insane zenith of sentience.  Fuck it.&nbs...
Posted by Damon Zex on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 08:17:00 PST

Black Magic . . .

I have seen enough . . . I have seen enough unthinking martinets, enough intellectual pigmies, enough mindless money grubbers, enough simpletons who assume we live to serve those in control . . . Rea...
Posted by Damon Zex on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:21:00 PST

The Surreal Revolution

     As I stare right at the self appointed Pontiff of Petroleum, looking at his simian grin, I cut through the fabric of maya subterfuge and with complete precision view the venom...
Posted by Damon Zex on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:39:00 PST

I Summon The Demons . . .

     You may think this is a joke, but this entire society is about to collapse, cascading into a netherworld of entropic black flames as the Inferno burns away the maya of meaning...
Posted by Damon Zex on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:29:00 PST

Devastating Devolution

     We live in a culture obsessed with products and production.  Unfortunately, instead of aiding in the advancement of sentience on this planet, it has turned us all into a ...
Posted by Damon Zex on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 06:20:00 PST

Killer Telepathy Weed . . .

     Ah, yes, finally, I am having a moment of supreme telepathy, of killer clairvoyance.  Only by understanding true alchemy can this ever be achieved.  It's what the or...
Posted by Damon Zex on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 08:07:00 PST

Wine, Weed, & Weight Training . . .

     I really don't know how I'd survive all the assholes out there if it weren't for wine, weed, and weight training.  Realize, I have been up against the notion of corporate...
Posted by Damon Zex on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 09:17:00 PST

Art Is A Weapon

Fuck this Shit.  Fuck all of You for sleepwalking through this Life. I am talking to all you Idiotic, Moronic, Unthinking Martinets who pretend it's cool to be a part of a system about to cr...
Posted by Damon Zex on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 07:48:00 PST