Click The Page Below to Visit the Museum of Mourning Photography & Memorial Practice
The Museum of Mourning Photography is not intended for morbid fascination, but as an investigation into human ritual. The Museum's focus is on how photography, as a tool and artistic medium, preserves memory as an expressive cultural document· Our mission at the Museum is to collect, showcase, preserve, and disseminate information pertaining to all facets of memorial documentation. The Museum is a resource for both the anthropologist and artist alike. -Anthony R. Vizzari, Museum Director, 2007.
The Collection:
The Collection houses over 1000 mourning photographs and negatives, circa 1850 to 1980. In addition, there is also an archive of pertinent literature and ephemera. With a modest budget, we are actively acquiring new items.
The collection may only be viewed by appointment. To make arrangements to see the collection in Chicago, please email: [email protected]. 2-3 week advance scheduling may be required.
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