Mr.Dead Wolf profile picture

Mr.Dead Wolf


About Me

.. Some might say: "He is a genius gone mad." Others think I am a complicated individual but the truth of the matter is I just appreciate the various and never ending supply of "things" this world has to offer. I am mearly Mr.Vincent Wolf one man...but a man on the mission none the less. I'm a fire eater/manipulator for the FreakShow Deluxe..sometimes I eat fire for money...sometimes i eat it for fun...but mostly I eat it cause I'm hungry....I am in The Chainsaws and like to drink in dives. I like records and whiskey, there really is much more to me than this..but i guess that's where "getting to know me" comes into play.................ABOUT MY FIRE EATING:I am self taught, It took me the better part of a year of research and just building up my courage before I was able to actually take a torch and "eat it" at the time I had a partner who spotted and trained with me. Once the hard part was over i began learning rapidly thanks to some books and information that I had acquired and seeing other performers around Los Angeles and online (Miss Satanica, Tyler Fyer, Brain Bushwood) got my start on stage at Santa Monica Blvd.'s Empire Amusement Hall. While doing my usual gig as the Empire's door man Rev.Tommy Gunn invited me on stage to see what i could do. After that I became a nightly feature at the Empire as part of the L.A. FreakShow Deluxe troupe. I shortly followed up with producing shows of my own called The Reverend Wolf's StageShow Oddities which became an Empire Amusement Hall Featured success!!!................................ Soon after the Empire closed down I was performing all over Los Angeles not only with my own troupe The FreakShow Deluxe but also with other groups like Lolita La Vey's Burlesque and Sideshow and also some brief stints with Todd Rey's Circus of Horrors, Nina La Fiamma's Vintage Vamps, Cannibal Flower, and more!Venues include: Empire Amusement Hall, Little Pedros, The California Institute of Abnormal Arts, El Cid, Safari Sam's, The Scene, The Magic Castle~Hollywood, The Doll Hut, Anarchy Library, Coney Island's Sideshow by the Seashore. and in various Warehouses & bars...and quite possibly in your backyard!..........I don't really perform outdoors. I can, i just prefer the indoors for my fire manipulation (it helps not to have to fight with the wind, i get burned less too). The show is far better inside anyway.....although fire breathing: blast, bursts, etc. are done outside...I'm a safe and professional individual, I am also a close up performer, i enjoy performing in small venues and bars where the audience is close to the stage and everyone can get a is my preference to not do huge events where the people will not be able to stand/sit and enjoy the delicate art that is fire manipulation...................................About teaching Fire Techniques:I have to say that I get asked alot to teach people how to eat and manipulate fire. I am always willing to take on an apprentice who is willing to's a very dangerous art..and I won't teach you in a'll probably have to put in some time @ the FreakShow too. Just don't be discouraged if i am hesitant about it....Your passion has to be obvious to me before I will lend my name to you as teacher.I have a dog named Alabama who is the best. I'm half Japanese and Half Puerto don't hate. LIFE'S A GAS, SO WHY DON'T YOU SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE RIDE!I am america's #1 Zombie Killer
I am Ash, from the "Evil Dead" trilogy.
I'm the guy with the...chainsaw.
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My Interests

View my page on CircuSpace
click on the image!this is my 1963 Mercury Monterey that now sleeps in my backyard. i need help fixing it!...(Reseal the Engine & rebuild Transmission) anyone help? i'm poor...but refuse to give up on The Monster Car! i'm also interested in custom work eventually...but i guess i need to really save some bucks first.THE CHAINSAW!!! oh lets!!! i wanna make movies, chickens!!! (don't ask), sideshow, human oddities (with respect), carnies, clowns, burlesque, cotton candy, popcorn, candy apples, balloons, music, movies, girls, masked wrestling, cars, art, museums, tarantulas,food, kicking back, lounge music and many a' martini, good booze & hell sometimes cheap booze... show, strange addictions, collecting things uhhh...and other stuff..Rockin' Jellybean great day i would really like to visit japan, hungary, greece, puerto rico, and spain

I'd like to meet:

trust no one until you can trust yourself!..any and all, as long as your good folks. boogie chillun, monsters, elephants, and people.people who would like to take me on as an apprentice. I would like to learn new skills. (sword swallowing, puppeteering, knife throwing, some magic, the art of clowning, and training with animals) i woudl also like to meet elephants, monkeys, burlesque performers, sideshow & circus performers, clowns, porn stars, tigers who jump through burning hoops, dancers, wrestlers, fans, haters, girls, boys, i add any and everyone unless you look like a spammer...but fair warning if you don't talk to me after a while i might end up giving you the boot...unless you let me know you are on here to keep up with my posted shows. Thanks Guys!


i lust me vinyl, sun records, the legendary stardust cowboy, turbonegro, cab calloway, the cramps, the damned, bags, "X", the adicts, the consumers, 45 grave, weirdos, the adolecents, circle one, the angry samoans, the feederz, bad brains, the avengers, street trash, the orphans, scarlet fever, descendents, the swamp rats, circle jerks, kraut, cyndi lauper, screamin jay hawkins, the misfits, tazers, the nuns, suburban lawns, dean martin, dinah washington, les baxter, blossom dearie, astrid gilberto, frank and nancy sinatra, louie prima, peggy lee, anita o'day, julie london, the alley cats,the detroit cobras, music machine, the monks, the mummies, the trashwomen, the red aunts, the spits, the lewd, helen kane, germs, the screamers, captain beefheart, the monkees, patsy cline, eddie cochran, charlie feathers, carl perkins, josie kruzer, kim lenz, the animals, count 5, the ramones, gene vincent, the mad, the queers, guitar wolf,the monsters, reverend beat-man, 5,6,7,8's, SONGS THE CRAMPS TAUGHT US, DESPERATE ROCK N' ROLL!....yeah the list just keeps on why don't we just stop there...


well i love movies.. fan of horror, low budget..and no budget films, black and whites,..santa sangre and el topo are a must see... ever see forbbiden zone?...or maybe spider baby? ...she freak?..street trash?... beneath the valley of the ultra vixens?...superstarlet a.d.? battle royale? switchblade sisters? basket case? street fight?...freaks....come to me damn you!!!.... yeah yeah yeah....master blaster runs barter town! Marion Davies, Louise Brooks, Clara Bow silent films and talkies, Got something i don't? will trade a copy for a copy!


i don't get anything clear anymore so if it's not on vhs or dvd then i probably don't know what it is....but i do know thatbefore the tube went down there was this show called should watch's fun and i know how much you like fun things!!! i can't knock a good tube plays alot of stuff with boobies in em...


The Final Confessions of Mabel Stark by Robert Hough.(it's usually like this when the booze from the night before has wore off)


Oh that's an easy one.... Gomez Addams!Dr.Doom!Blue Demon

My Blog

My Uncles "Nazario"

Are now gone....I didn't get to see either of them in a timely manner before they passed on...I am missing 2 uncles...but my cousins are missing thier fathers..and my heart breaks to know that.please ...
Posted by Mr.Dead Wolf on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 03:05:00 PST

The Showmans Prayer

The Showmans Prayer O my God, I believe in you. I trust in you. I thank you for all of my blessings. I love you and ask forgiveness for all my sins. Guide m...
Posted by Mr.Dead Wolf on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:06:00 PST

Daffy’s Ultimate Act

wait for it at the end! now that's genius......
Posted by Mr.Dead Wolf on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:36:00 PST

R.I.P. Auntie Lucy

I just got a call not even 10 minutes ago from my mom saying that my auntie lucy just passed away today... She was a good person..and lived with us for many years...she always helped us and took care ...
Posted by Mr.Dead Wolf on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 05:52:00 PST

If you come dressed like the crow your not getting in...

Posted by Mr.Dead Wolf on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:49:00 PST

Back from Coney Island NY

Oh man, I'm so beat...What a weekend!Our flight left Thursday night we all rallied at 7:30 to handle some stuff and head out to LAX our flight left at around 10p.m. and arrived Friday morning. None of...
Posted by Mr.Dead Wolf on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:31:00 PST

Does Los Angeles need a clown group?

L.A. needs their very own "gang of clowns" so i'm thinking in my ever on going quest for improvin...
Posted by Mr.Dead Wolf on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 01:56:00 PST

Brian Chic, A Master and His Whip

(Brian Chic is the person all the way to the right)I just got word that a wonderful person and fellow performer whom i have had the honor of sharing the stage with many times has passed away this past...
Posted by Mr.Dead Wolf on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:42:00 PST

The Magic Castle Part II

So, I know it's not like the day right after our previous gig at the Magic Castle and all but I've been sleeping for like 3 days so your just gonna have to forgive me. If there is one thing I love it'...
Posted by Mr.Dead Wolf on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:35:00 PST

The Magic Castle

Oh man our first run last night was AWESOME!I can't tell you how much of an honor it is to be performing among some of he most elite in the world of magic.So last night we got there at 5p.m. to report...
Posted by Mr.Dead Wolf on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 01:24:00 PST