Angelica profile picture


Hotter than a gunslinger poppin' off his pistols at high noon on the 4th of Juuulyyy!

About Me

Hello, this is Angelica here, AKA Insectavora. I'm going by my name now because I feel it's kind of weird to go by Insectavora, being that I won't eat live (or dead) insects anymore. But you can still come see me do my fabulous fire fanfare down in Coney Island. Also, I've been involved in this awesome music project that I'm really having a lot of fun with. By all means, go check out the first couple of videos we released at I hope you enjoy them!

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Speaking in tongues, watching the strange things other people do, walking my dog, making people laugh, singing, and dancing.And I LOVE *:o)And being thirsty

I'd like to meet:





Cohen Brothers, Rob Zombie, Quentin Tarentino, & American Jyvass.


No time these days.


Gene Baur's "Farm Sanctuary", James Taylor's Shocked and Amazed series, any thing by Roald Dahl, Johnny Cash Auto-Bio, The Women Who Run With The Wolves,You Can't Win: the autobiography of Jack Black (no, not the current day actor. The long ago train hoppin', law-breakin', traveling hobo.The historical works of Jeffrey Stanton. Marc Hartzman's American Sideshow. John S. Berman's historical works. Innocent When You Dream/The Tom Waits Reader. Now & Then by Joseph Heller. Pretty much anything based on a fascinating individual's life story & books that give the history on places & eras I take an interest in.


Gene Baur and all of his associates of Farm Sanctuary NY and CA.

My Blog

YAY! The new Paint The Walls Red video is up...

The two videos for 'S**t Hits The Fan' are virtually identical. On one ya here the 'S' bomb and the other one (the one I've been spreadin' 'round MySpace) has a censored 'S' bomb so we don't upset the...
Posted by Angelica on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:13:00 PST

Yeah Baby, I got my first negative comments... Bwahahaha

Yeah, so I've been really busy doin' stuff and haven't had the time to come on-line for several days. So I get on my computer and I open a couple of e-mails from friends telling me some people wrote s...
Posted by Angelica on Tue, 20 May 2008 09:58:00 PST

I’m awesomely surprised!

Thanks to all of you awesome people who watched the music videos. You Rock! xoxoxo    So we kind of put up a MySpace Music page for Paint The Walls Red, we're still working on it so bear wit...
Posted by Angelica on Wed, 07 May 2008 07:08:00 PST

Finally!... the music videos are up...

YAY! Two of the music videos are FINALLY on-line. If you'd like to give 'em a gander, you can go to  and VOILA! There they'll be. And if you're computer is finick...
Posted by Angelica on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 09:48:00 PST

So dam close but yet so far...

Soooooo, all the videos are finished and we even uploaded some... BUT... I had them take 'em off-line again. They're not playing perfectly, so me no likey. I figure... I've been impatiently waiting TH...
Posted by Angelica on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 06:12:00 PST

The Coney Sideshow trip to Vermont...

was AWESOME. We spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Bennington College so that’s why we weren’t in Coney this weekend. We hope you enjoyed the show that performed in our place. We held a ...
Posted by Angelica on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:29:00 PST

The Sideshow’s Open!

We had our opening weekend at the Coney Island Sideshow’s by the Seashore this past Easter weekend. It was more fun than a barrel of monkeys and it was so nice to see all of the familiar faces t...
Posted by Angelica on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:01:00 PST

That dirty dawg took me to the cleaners!

Posted by Angelica on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:33:00 PST

What a winter...

So I like accomplished a bunch of things this winter - quit smoking... I falter sometimes when I’m out painting the town or at a function with an open bar :} but I’m doing better than I ha...
Posted by Angelica on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 08:14:00 PST