Jessica ~ Reincarnation of Fannie Chamberlain profile picture

Jessica ~ Reincarnation of Fannie Chamberlain

My soul longs to speak to yours as it never has spoken.

About Me

"If you knew the wealth of my soul's love for you, you would not ask for more." - Fanny Chamberlain in a letter to her husband, 1857.

My name is Jessica Jewett and I live part-time in Tennessee and part-time in Georgia, but from 1825 - 1905, my name was Fanny Chamberlain and I lived in Brunswick, Maine. Since I was a toddler, I have had dreams and flashbacks of a life that is not the one I'm living now. Over the years I came to know a separate family underneath the surface of my consciousness. I knew this woman from the inside out -- I knew her thoughts, her feelings, her secret desires, the people in her life, etc. -- but I never got to see her until I was in the third grade when I (in her body) stood in front of a mirror in a dream, yet I never got her whole name. It was terribly frightening for many years and I never told a soul. I was ashamed. I thought I was crazy.

In 1999, a woman by the name of Diane Monroe Smith published a book called Fanny & Joshua, and I happened upon this book in a Borders bookstore in northwest Georgia. As I looked at the woman pictured on the cover, Fanny Chamberlain, my world spun, I got dizzy and my chest constricted. I was looking at the woman in my dreams. I was looking at myself. The blinding light of Fanny's picture right in front of me still did not convince me that reincarnation was in the realm of possibility and I continued to surpress my flashbacks for another three years. It wasn't until the spring of 2002 when I finally gave up and said, "All right, this is my reality. I have to deal with it."

With the support of close friends like Jeffrey Keene, author of Someone Else's Yesterday, and many others in the reincarnationist community, I have taken my story public in the last few years with the hope of helping others who struggle to come to grips with previous lives. Since 2002, I have compiled about 200-300 pages of recorded memories, dreams, parallel expieriences and feelings on Fanny Chamberlain as I know her, which I am now compiling and editing into a book. There are a lot of misconceptions about Fanny and her husband, Civil War Union General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, in addition to the misconceptions about reincarnation and other paranormal occurrences.


Click here for the most frequently asked questions about my reincarnation case!

Click here for more of the most frequently asked questions about my reincarnation case, plus a photo comparison of Fanny and myself now!


Click here for biographical information about Fanny!

My Interests

All kinds of music, art (French and American Impressionism), nature, religious and paranormal study, history, languages, writing, reading.
1854 fasion plate.

1855 fasion plate.

Battle Cry of Freedom by George Root.

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet other reincarnationists, reenactors, history enthusiasts, paranormal investigators and anybody open to exploring the spirit. Someday I know I will meet my Lawrence again, though the wait is long and extremely difficult.


I sing constantly and I find country to be closest to my (and Fanny's) vocal style. Fanny was a singer and musician and spent most of her teens and 20s devoted to the stage. Now I find myself shy of singing in front of people but I haven't lost the compulsion to listen to music and sing every day.


Gettysburg and Gods & Generals, of course, though I feel it was a poor choice to have a blonde, blue-eyed actress portray me. She sounded more like an Englishwoman than a Mainer! I also like Cold Mountain, Tombstone, The Last Confederate, Gone with the Wind, Sense and Sensibility, The Day Lincoln Was Shot, The Hunley, Andersonville.... pretty much anything historical.


I don't really watch television. It's nothing but trashy reality shows and toothpick women trying to get their 15 minutes. If I watch anything, it's the History Channel.


Someone Else's Yesterday by Jeffrey Keene, Fanny & Joshua by Diane Monroe Smith. Authors I read regularly are Louisa May Alcott, Kate Chopin, Jane Austen, Emerson, Dickens, Whitman, Anne Rice, and of course Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain.


The brave boys of the Army of the Potomac who gave their lives for their country. Of course my former husband is my hero.

Lawrence in 1865.

My Blog

The Smudging Ceremony

The Smudging CeremonyBy Adrienne Borden and Steve Coyote Our Native elders have taught us that before a person can be healed or heal another, one must be cleansed of any bad feelings, negative thought...
Posted by Fanny Chamberlain on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 01:14:00 PST

Do I Still Love Him? Reader Question

I got a question this morning before I left for the lake but I didn't have enough time to give it a good answer. Today I got a sunburn that has caused a headache but I still want to answer this questi...
Posted by Fanny Chamberlain on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 09:13:00 PST

Update on the Nightmare

I want to thank everybody for their insights about my nightmare last night, especially Adrian for his book recommendation. While I look forward to Fanny's thoughts most of the time, this nightmare can...
Posted by Fanny Chamberlain on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:47:00 PST

The Nightmares Chase Me Again

I've just woken from a horrific nightmare and now I'm wide awake. I don't expect anyone to understand. Of all the books I've read, they teach you several ways to deal with phobias borne of past lives ...
Posted by Fanny Chamberlain on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 09:23:00 PST

New Website Banner!

I am a busy little bee working on website updates today and it will take me a few more days to get everything done, but I made a general banner today so you guys can, if you choose, replace the old ba...
Posted by Fanny Chamberlain on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:51:00 PST

10 Minute Doodle

So I was sitting around trying to figure out what to do with myself tonight, being bored out of my pretty little skull, so I drew my interpretation of my friend Brian, a fellow artist. My artistic sty...
Posted by Fanny Chamberlain on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 05:46:00 PST

Does Maine Know About Me? Reader Question

Tyler asks the greatest questions, and he posted another one, so here we go. I can't help but keep asking you questions. How many people involved in historical societies, the museum that once was your...
Posted by Fanny Chamberlain on Tue, 29 May 2007 01:51:00 PST


Beth kindly pointed out that I spelled Pejepscot wrong in my last blog. I am usually very careful about hiding my dyslexia but sometimes it gets the better of me. I invert p and b, f and s, 6 and 9, a...
Posted by Fanny Chamberlain on Wed, 30 May 2007 04:40:00 PST

Why We Must Remember

Memorial Day has become little more than an excuse to barbecue and go on float trips (a Missouri thing), but I think we need to be reminded of why we have Memorial Day in the first place. Lawrence rec...
Posted by Fanny Chamberlain on Mon, 28 May 2007 03:50:00 PST

The Thorny Rose - A Poem

The Thorny Rose She's like a thorny roseHypnotizing with dewdrop eyesGraceful silhouette swaying in the breeze Her kiss of soft petalsEnticing him with her aesthetic spellGlow of silver thrill beneat...
Posted by Fanny Chamberlain on Sun, 27 May 2007 08:58:00 PST