my name is jesse,i was born in Marietta Georgia, i am attending georgia military college i love civil war history with a passion. i feel like i beong back then (: but not much i can do about that.i love ballroom danceing, sweet tea, southern food, and i may graduate as an officer from the citadel in south carolina.i cant stand people who are rude to woman. i am a real southerner. i love victorian towns and ppl need to stop building around them (: sherman is responsible for many war crimes in my state, opening fire on a city full of civilians, my aunt visited the ggggrandson of general nathon bedford forrest who lives in georgia!one of my ggggrandfathers surrendered with Robert E Lee at Appomattox court. He had to walk home barefoot. the ancestors of robert e lee live in my state as well. the red clay is my blood, my home, it's who I am, and nothing will ever change that.
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