)O( Raine Goddess profile picture

)O( Raine Goddess

Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting. Choose your thoughts wisely!

About Me

I love watching the sea and sky change colours, and the seasons passing bringing their own unique beauty. A cup of Earl Grey tea in a china cup first thing, The sound of our children laughing, The first fall of snow, The first flowers of Spring, Walking in warm Summer rain, Huge loud thunderstorms, Living life synchronistically intune with the universe, Respectfully and gently nurturing our beautiful world, Belgian chocolates, Candle light, Being read to and seranaded ... there is nothing more romantic, Beautiful, happy, confident women, Meeting people from all over the world from all walks of life, and sharing in a little of their lives. Waking up beside the love of my life, Laughing until I cry, Hugging, Kissing, Flirting, Holding Hands, Telling those who I hold dear how much I love them, Music which really moves me, tears me apart, or inspires me. Reading, but only books I can learn and grow from, Encouraging others to carry out my wild, wacky schemes lol I love stretching boundries, tearing down walls, thinking outside the box, Playing muse and inspiring others. My glass is always 1/2 full ...
"A YEAR IN MY LIFE" This is me, my beautiful family and where we live. A selection of photos taken over the last year

I am a jewellery designer & artist producing unique one of a kind works of art. My inspiration is drawn from spiritual sources and themes. All the pieces are lovingly created with a view to balancing the Mind, Body & Spirit. I have such a love of nature and more than a passing interest in all things spiritual which I incorporate into all my art work. I use the natural world as my central focal point, drawing on different traditions from around the globe and taking in different cultural influences to add a varied hue to my work.The jewellery designs featured in this gallery incorporate a wide range of materials from man made as well as those sourced from the natural world. Including crystals, gemstones, shells, wood, acrylics, glass & even ancient artefacts and coins.
CURRENT MOON moon phase info
My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at myspaceoryours.net!

My Interests

Long walks on the beach or through the local park/woodland where we live. I am also a Jewlery designer, I find surrounding myself in nature to be very inspiring.

Also watching Movies, Wicca/Witchcraft, I Love all different kinds of Music, esp my lovely hubby seranading me, there is nothing more romantic :-) I'm always reading, usually more books on healing but I love adventure/thriller type ones too.

I'd like to meet:

I'd Like to meet I love meeting genuine, happy, unique, well balanced people, who are living their dreams and making a difference to the world. I surround myself only with positve, uplifting people who inspire both myself and others around them. If you add me or wish for me to add you please don't just be another face on my friends list, say hello! I want to get to know you! I want to make real friends not collect faces I'd also love to meet anyone interested in Healing, particularly Quantum Touch Healing, Spiritual Development, Mind, Body & Spirit. My husband and I run very friendly forum where we specialise in teaching Healing & Balancing the Mind, Body & Spirit. We also feature Aromatherapy, Herbs and herbal rememdies, Bach Flower Remedies, Crystal Healing, Weekly ESP & Meditation Exercises, Aura/Chakra Work, Colour Therapy & Motivation. Wicca & Witchcraft, Angels and Fairies. Something for everyone! Please feel free to pop by and say Hi! http://groups.myspace.com/utopiaforum"UTOPIA HEALING & SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP .. "I co-run a Mind, Body & Spirit shop with my husband, Phil. On the spiritual side of things we try to cater for all tastes from Wiccan to Buddhism and everything in between. Where we also sell our hand made crafts and art work. *Which is currently a re-vamp ... reopening soon! *
.. "


Eleonorah Jones, Kate Bush, Kylie, Natalie Imbruglia, Miccoli, Madonna, Beautiful South, Julie London, The Corrs, ABBA, Beatles, Diana Krall, Sophie Ellis Baxtor


Imagine Me & You, Dirty Dancing, What Dreams May Come, Davinci Code, Bridget Jones Diary/Edge Of Reason, Meet The Parents/Fockers, 4 Weddings & A Funeral, To Catch A Thief, The Matrix, Indian Jones, Mr & Mrs Smith, Tomb Raider, Coyote Ugly, Something About Mary, Field Of Dreams, City Of Angels, Brief Encounter, Rear Window, Somewhere In Time, The Ladykillers


Tipping The Velvet, The L Word, Desperate Housewives, Charmed, 4400, Bad Girls, X Files, Cold Feet, The Avengers, Secret Army


Masaru Emoto, Ted Andrews, Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins, Laurie Lee, Sarah Waters, Melissa Good


Mary Magdalane & The 9 Muses. Each and every person I meet

My Blog

A year in my life

I have spent the morning sorting out all my pics from the past year. I thought I would make them into a slide show to share on here. I hope you enjoy them. Love Raine x   ...
Posted by Raine Goddess )O( on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 07:19:00 PST

Amelia is 2 today!

I just thought I'd share my slide show of Amelia's birthday. She has had a wonderful day. Thank you to you all for your kind wishes, Love Raine x ...
Posted by Raine Goddess )O( on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 08:00:00 PST

Self Awareness

The media is constantly bombarding us with what to eat and what not to eat. To watch our weight, take plenty of exercise, to not fill our bodies with junk. Which is all well and good but how are you d...
Posted by Raine Goddess )O( on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 11:13:00 PST

Undercover mission

 My parents came over today and took the children out so we could get all their presents wrapped, bagged and well hidden from prying eyes . I'll be so glad to get my bedroom back again....
Posted by Raine Goddess )O( on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:12:00 PST

Hello & Welcome To My Little Corner Of The Net!

On this journal I hope to share my experiences, my hopes and dreams as well as the day to day madness that only setting up a new business while juggling a husband and 3 children brings :)
Posted by Raine Goddess )O( on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 08:51:00 PST