Rescind Wounded Knee Medals of Honor profile picture

Rescind Wounded Knee Medals of Honor

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

There are more than 1000 signatures by now! Thank You all! Just carry on!
Dear Friends,
Wanbli, the promoter of ths site, left us for the reason that we are not willing to follow his orders in blind obedience. He has launched a new site to support his petition to rescind the Medals of "Honor".
Anyway, we will keep this site alive and we will keep on supporting Wanblis petition to rescind those medals. It's the cause we have been working for, not the man. We want those medals to be rescinded as an act of justice for the people and not for our own benefit or credit.
The purpose of this site is to demand that the medals of "Dis Honor" awarded to members of the 7th Cavalry Of the Army of the United States of AmeriKa for the murders of innocent women , children and men on Dec.29, 1890. be Rescinded. And that the Wounded Knee Pennant be removed from the official flag of the Army of the United States of Amerika.That a public announcement of the recension be made and an apology issued to the Oceti Sakon ( Sioux) people for the genocidal actions of that day. That the government of the United States of AmeriKa come forward and admit to its policy of genocide against the American Indian.
Please sign the Petition here: Rescind the Wounded Knee Medals of Honor Petition
Please use this contact information and let these people know how you feel
The Presidents email:
[email protected]
The Vice Presidents email:
[email protected]
This page has a listing for all members of the armed forces committee. each one has their own contact information .
Contact the candidates for the office of president at these addresses:
Sen. McCain contact page:
Sen. John McCain Contact Form
Sen. Obama contact page:
Sen. Barack Obama Contact Page
American Horse, Oglala Sioux and others described the carnage:
"There was a woman with an infant in her arms who killed as she almost touched the flag of truce... A mother was shot down with her infant; the child not knowing that its mother was dead was still nursing... The woman as they were fleeing with their babies were killed together, shot right through... and after most all of them had been killed a cry was made that all those who were not killed or wounded should come forth and they would be safe. Little boys...came out of their places of refuge, and as soon as they came in sight a number of soldiers surrounded them and butchered them there."
Who were the honorable soldiers who were so brave to slaughter unarmed men, woman, children and babies:
1. Austin, William G. , Sergeant, Company E, 7th calvalry, issued Junde 27, 1891:
" While the Indians were concealed in a ravine, assisted men on the skirmish line, directing their fire, ect., and using every effort to dislodge the enemy."
Entered service at New York, N.Y. Bonr, Glaveton, Tex.
2. Clanc, John E . , Musician, Company E, First U.S. calvalry, issued January 23, 1892:
His citiation stated that he had rescued wounded soldiers, twice. Clancy was courtmartialed eight times during his career, twice between the fight at Wounded Knee and the receipt of his medal.
Entered service at? Born, New York, N.Y.
3.Feaster, Mosheim, Private, Company E, 7th calvalry, issued June 23, 1891 for "Extraordinary gallantry"
Entered service at Schellburg, Pa. Born, Schellburg, Pa.
The Congressiona Medal of Honor, Sharp and Dunnigan Publications
"the officer who recommended him was more than a quarter of a mile away at the time of Feasters´s heroic action. However, three affidavits were given atteting tho his acts. The three men who signed these statements were friends of Feaster and fellow members of Troop E. These witnesses also received Medals of Honor."
Medals of Honor, Green
4. Garlington, Ernest A. , 1st Lieutenant, 7th calvalry, issued September 26, 1893 for "Distinguished gallantry"
Entered service at Athens, Ga. Born, 20. February 1853, Newberry, S.C.
The Congressional Medal of Honor, Sharp and Dunnigan Publications
5. Gresham, John C ., 1st Lieutnant, 7th calvalry, issued March 26, 1895 because he
"Voluntarily led a party into a ravine to dislodge Sioux Indians concealed therein. He was Entered service at Lancaster Courthouse, Va. Born, Virginia
The Congressional Medal of Honor, Sharp and Dunnigan Publications
"A unsigned, undated letter in Gresham´s file states that no records could be found of Gresham´s wounds, and curiously, the regimental returns for January 1891 show him "on duty." There is, however, mention elsewhere that druing the fighting Gresham received an abrasion onthe nose from a passing bullet.
Later in his career Gresham was implicated in a case where funds belonging to a student in his charge were missing. There is no record of the outcome, but he was ordered to retire with in six month after these allegations were made. A medical report tells of his "outbreaks fo fury over trivial matters...[and]... mental depression objectively shown by a permanent expresion of dissatisfaction.´"
Medals of Green Honor
6. Hamilton, Mathew H. , Private, Company G, 7th calvalry, issued May 5, 1891 for "Bravery in action."
Entered service at? Born, Ireland.
The Congressional Medal of Honor, Sharp and Dunnigan Publications
...[medal granted for] "conspicuous bravery in rounding up and bringing to the skirmish line a stampeded pack mule... Company G was not in a direct line of fire. Common sense would suggest animals frightened by gunfire would run away from the shooting. It almost seems Hamilton was awarded the Medal of Honor for riding away from the fighting"
Medals of Honor, Green
7. Hartzog, Joshua B. , Private, Company E, 1st Artillery, issued March 24, 1891 because he "Went to the rescue of the commanding officer who had fallen everely wounded, picked him up and carried him out of range of the hostile guns."
The Congressional Medal of Honor, Sharp and Dunnigan Publications
"All of the Indians opened fire on us. One of my men went for ammunition and didn..t come back. ... My captain called to me to come back, but I kept moving nearer the Indians, and kept shooting. Lieutenant Hawthorne came toward me and was calling, when suddenly I heard him say: "Oh, my God!" Looking around, I saw him lying of his side, and then I knew he had been hit. Hartzog ran to him and carried him back behind the hill. .."]
8. Hawthorne, Harry L . , 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd US Artillery, issued 10.11.1892
"Distinguished conduct in a battle with hostile Indians."
Entered service in Kentucky. Born, 1860, Minnesota.
[Hawthorne was responsible for two "Hotchkiss Brreech-loading, Steel Mountain Rifles, caliber 1.65 inches; length of bore, 24.72 calibers; weight of tube, 116.6 pounds; weight of carriage, 220 pounds,; weight of exploding cartridge, 2pounds 10 ounces; effective range, 4,200 yards."]
[Hawthorne´s] "wound ws so severe that he was forced to spend several years away from
field duty. One of his assignments was as professor of military science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He eventually gave up that post because of teasing he received from the students. This harassment was directed toward the army in general and at Hawthorne in particular... [because] The students believed there had been a massacre at Wounded Knee and blamed Hawthorne and the Army."
Medals of Honor, Green
["...The bursting artillery rounds churned up the earth and caved in banks. ...a Hotchkiss shell punch[ed] a six-inch hole in the middle of a man´s stomach. Up and down the ravine the People sang death songs..."An occasional shot came from the teepees. To stop this, the battery raked the Miniconjou camp from one end to the other. Flying shrapnel shredded the lodges and sought out every living thing.]
9.Hillock, Marvin C. , Private, Company B, 7th calvalry, issued April 16, 1891 for
"Distinguished bravery."
Entered service at LEad City, S. Dak. Born, Michigan.
The Congressional Medal of Honor, Sharp and Dunnigan Publications
10. Hobday, George, Cook, 7th calvalry, Comany K, issued for
"Conspicuous and gallant conduct in battle and [because he] was noticed by several officers. Information from draft copies of his recommendation indicated his primary act of bravey was ´voluntarily leaving his work as a cook.´"
Entred service at? Born, Pulaski County, IL.
Medals of Honor, Green
11. Jetter, Bernhard, Sergeant, 7th calvalry, Company A, issued April 4, 1891
for "Distinguished bravery."
Entered service at? Born, Germany. Date of issue: 24 April 1891.
The Congressional Medal of Honor, Shapr and Dunnigan Publications
12. Loyd, George, Sergeant, Company I, 7th calvalry, issued April 16, 1891 for
[Loyd] "was a veteran of the Little Big Horn campaign [and] on his sixth enlistment Two years, almost to the day [of receipt of his medal], he committed suicide. The only mention in the regimental record is that he died by ..shooting himslef through the head.´"
Entered service at? Born, Ireland
Medals of Honor, Green
"Bravery, especially after having been severely wounded through the lung."
America´s Medal of Honor Recipients, Highland Publishers
13. Mc Millan, Albert W. , Sergeant, Company E., 7th calvalry, issued June 23, 1891 because
" While engaged with Indians soncealed in a ravine, he assisted the men on the skirmish line, directed their fire, encouraged them by example, and used every effort to dislodge the enemy."
Entered service at Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, Md.
The Congressional Medal of Honor, Sharp and Dunnigan Publications
"He was promoted to sergeant major prior to April 6, 1891. For reasons not found in his records, he was demoted to private before his discharge on September 21, 1892."
Medals of Honor, Green
14. Neder. Adam , Corporal, Company A, 7th calvalry, issued for
"ballantry in action....One of the citiations says Neder was wounded; then that entry is struck through."
Entered service at? Born, Bavaria.
15. Sullivan, Thomas, Private, Company E., 7th calvalry, issued June 23, 1891 for
"exposing [himself] to the emeny"
Entered service at Newark, N.J. Born, Ireland
Medals of Honor, Green.
16. Toy, Frederich E. , First Sergeant, Company G, 7th calvalry, issued May 26, 1891 for
Entered service at? Birth, Buffalo, N.Y.
The Congressional Medal of Honor, Sharp and Dunnigan Publications
17. Trautman, Jacob , First Sergeant, Company I, 7th calvalry, issued March 27, 1891 because he
"Killed a hostile Indian at close quarters, and, although entitled to retirement from service, remained to the close of the campaign."
Entered service at? Born, Germany
The Congressional MEdal of Honor, Sharp and Dunnigan Publications
18. Ward, James, Sergeant, Company B, 7th calvalry, December 29, 1890, award issued April 16, 1891, because he "continued to fight after being severely wounded."
Entered service at Boston, Mass. Born, Quincy, Mass.
The Congressional Medal of Honor, Sharp and Dunnigan Publications
"Ward was reported as having been severely wounded, though no other records, medical or otherwise, could be found to support this.
Medals of Honor, Green
19. Weinert, Paul H. , Corporal, Battery E, First U.S. Artillery, award issued for
advancing with Hotchkiss gun into ravine in pursuit of women and children... Later in the decade Weinert adorned with his Medal of Honor, toured with Buffalo Bill Docy´s Wild West show as a member of it´s color guard.
"I expected a court martial, but what ws my surprise when gruff odl Allyn Capron, my captain, came up to me and grasped me by the soulders and said to the officers and men: "That´s the kind of men I have in my battery.´"
Entered service at Baltimore, Md. Born, Germany.
Medals of Honor, Green
Taking the place of his commanding officer, who had fallen severely wounded, hr. galantlyserved his piece, after fire advancing it [the Hotchkiss gun] to a better position.
America´s Medal of Honor Recipients, Highland Publishers
20. Ziegner, Hermann, Private Company E, 7th calvalry, Wounded Knee, 1890, issued 6.23.91 for
"conspicuous bravery."
Entered service at? Born, Germany
In Memory of:
1. Chief Big Foot 2. Mrs. Big Foot 3. Horned Cloud
4. Mrs. Horned Cloud 5. William Horned Cloud, son 6. Sherman Horned Cloud, son
7. Pretty Enemy, niece 8. Mrs. Beard, daughter-in-law 9. Thomas Beard, grandson
10. Shedding Bear 11. Trouble In Front, son 12. Last Running
13. Red White Cow, daughter 14. Mother-in-law of Shedding Bear 15. High Hawk
16. Mrs. High Hawk 17. Little Boy, son 18. Little Girl, daughter
19. Whirl Wind Hawk 20. Mrs. Whirl Wind Hawk 21. Young Lady, daughter
22. Young Girl, daughter 23. Little Girl, daughter 24. Little Boy, son
25. Little Boy, son 26. He Crow 27. Pretty Woman, daughter
28. Buckskin Breech Clout 29. Running in Lodge, son 30. White Feather, son
31. Little Boy, son 32. Bear Woman 33. Crazy Bear
34. Elk Creek 35. Mrs. Elk Creek 36. Spotted Chief, son
37. Red Fish 38. Mrs. Red Fish 39. Old Good Bear
40. Young Good Bear 41. Mrs. Good Bear 42. Little Boy, son
43. Pretty Hawk 44. Mrs. Pretty Hawk 45. Baby Pretty Hawk
46. Mrs. Lap 47. Shoots the Right 48. Bad Wound, son
49. Bear Parts Body 50. Little Boy, son 51. Brown Beaver
52. White Beaver Woman 53. Black Coyote 1) 54. Red Water Woman
55. Sun In The Pupil 56. Mrs. Sun In The Pupil 57. Henry Three, or Pretty Bold Eagle
58. Iron Eyes (Big Foot's brother) 59. Mrs. Iron Eyes 60. Has a Dog
61. Red Shirt Girl 62. Pretty Woman 63. Albert Iron Eyes
64. White Day 65. Little Boy, son 66. Charge at Them
67. Old Woman, mother 68. Mrs. Iron American 69. Mrs. Yellow Buffalo Calf
70. Louis Close to Home 71. Cast Away and Run 72. Bad Braves
73. Red Horn 74. Winter 75. Strong Fox
76. Mrs. Strong Fox 77. Little Boy, son 78. One Feather
79. Little Boy, son 80. Without Robe 81. Old Man Yellow Bull
82. Mrs. Old Man Yellow Bull 83. Brown Woman 84. Shakes the Bird
85. Red Ears Horse 86. Shoots with Hawk Feather 87. His mother
88. Ghost Horse 89. Little Boy, son 90. Chief Woman
91. Mrs. Trouble in Love 92. Hat 93. Baby boy
94. Mrs. Stone Hammer 95. Little baby 96. Wolf Eagle
97. Good Boy, son 98. Edward Wolf Ears 99. Little Girl
100. Shoots the Bear 101. Kills Assiniboine 102. George Shoots the Bear
103. Mrs. Shoots the Bear 104. Kills Crow Indian 105. Little Body Bear
106. Mrs. Little Body Bear 107. Little Boy, son 108. Baby girl
109. Red Eagle 110. Eagle Body, daughter 111. Little Girl
112. Little Elk 113. Mrs. Little Elk 114. Black Shield's little girl
115. White Wolf 116. Red Ears Horse, sister 117. Old Woman, her mother
118. Wood Shade 119. Mrs. Wood Shade 120. Running Stand Hairs
121. Mrs. Running Stand Hairs 122. Young lady, daughter 123. Scabbard Knife
124. Mrs. Scabbard Knife 125. He Eagle 126. Mrs. He Eagle
127. Edward He Eagle, son 128. Young girl, daughter 129. Young boy, son
130. Log 131. Mrs. Log 132. Really Woman, son
133. Brown Hoops 134. Little boy, son 135. Young girl, daughter
136. Mule's daughter, young lady 137. Red Other Woman 138. Black Flutes, young boy
139. Takes away the Bow 140. Gray in Eye 141. Mrs. Drops Blood
142. Young boy, son 143. Little boy, son 144. Old Woman
145. Mrs. Long Bull 146. Young girl, daughter 147. Spotted Thunder
148. Swift Bird 149. Mrs. Swift Bird 150. Boy, son
151. Boy, son 152. Strike Scatter 153. Boy, son
154. Wolf Skin Necklace 155. Last Talking, old woman 156. Not go in Among
157. Wounded Hand 158. Comes Out Rattling, wife 159. Big Voice Thunder
160. Mercy to Others 161. Long Medicine 162. Broken Arrow
163. Mrs. Broken Arrow 164. Young Man 165. Young Woman
166. Brown Turtle 167. Old Woman, mother 168. Bird Wings
169. Not Afraid of Lodge 170. Bear Comes and Lies 171. Wears Calf's Robe
172. Yellow Robe 173. Wounded in Winter, son 174. Mrs. Black Hair
175. Bad Spotted Eagle 176. Mrs. Bad Spotted Eagle 177. White American
178. Long Bull 179. Courage Bear 180. Mrs. Courage Bear
181. Fat Courage Bear 182. George Courage Bear 183. Black Hawk
184. She Bear, wife 185. Weasel Bear, daughter
1) had a Winchester Rifle)
º Only one man, named Black Coyote, was deaf and he had still a Whinchester and he could not hear the instruction.
º Woman and children, who were running for their lives, were raped, hunted and killed during the next hours
º On this day in all 350 Native Indians of America were murdered.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All people, of every race, religion and age, who agrees in one or more points which you can see below!

ºInterested in the truth
ºThinking, that it is not honorable and brave to slaughter unarmed people during a fight
ºThinking, it is not right to kill children, woman and men who shows the flag of truce
ºBeing not afraid to show the own opinion
ºFighting for justice about things which happened a long time before.
ºDaring to sign peditions and writing e-mails to the gouverment sometimes

You recognized yourself???
Please support us because we need every helping hand to reach our goal!
Thank you very much! =)))

My Blog

Something about the Ghost Dance

GHOST - DANCE I..yeje..! my children - Uhi..yeye..heye..! I..yehe..! my children - Uhi yeye..heye..! I..yehe..! we have rendered them desolate -! I..yehe..! we have rendered the...
Posted by Rescind Wounded Knee Medals of Honor on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 02:22:00 PST

Do you want to know more about the massacre at Wounded Knee?

What´s happened at Wounded Knee, 2912.1890What´shappened at Wounded Knee,  29.12.1890Under cover of the night on December 23, a band of 350 people left theMiniconjou village on the Ch...
Posted by Rescind Wounded Knee Medals of Honor on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 12:37:00 PST