In Honor of His Holiness profile picture

In Honor of His Holiness

i am just a man

About Me

This site is intended to honor His Holiness through information and discussion about Buddhism, Human Rights and news from Tibet in a supportive and positive environment. I personally do not have contact with His Holiness The Dalai Lama, nor am I a monk, a nun (more appropriate since I am female ;)) or an ordained or qualified Buddhist teacher. I am simply a citizen householder and Buddhist laywoman.
Background from flickr userTHIS BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WAS TAKEN FROM THE WEBSITE "WWW.DALAILAMA.COM" - WONDERFUL SITE IF YOU HAVE TIME TO BROWSE IT..."I was born on 6 July 1935, and named Lhamo Thondup, to a poor family in the small village of Taktser in the province of Amdo. The name, Lhamo Thondup, literally means ‘Wish-Fulfilling Goddess’. Taktser (Roaring Tiger) was a small and poor settlement that stood on a hill overlooking a broad valley. "His Holiness’ three elder brothers were Thupten Jigme Norbu - the eldest, who was recognised as the reincarnation of a high lama, Taktser Rinpoche - Gyalo Thondup and Lobsang Samten. The youngest brother, Tenzin Cheogyal was also recognised as the reincarnation of another high lama, Ngari Rinpoche. "Of course, no one had any idea that I might be anything other than an ordinary baby. It was almost unthinkable that more than one tulku (reincarnation) could be born into the same family and certainly my parents had no idea that I would be proclaimed Dalai Lama.I myself likewise had no particular intimation of what lay ahead. My earliest memories are very ordinary.I am held to be the reincarnation of each of the previous thirteen Dalai Lamas of Tibet (the first having been born in 1351 AD), who are in turn considered to be manifestations of Avalokiteshvara, or Chenrezig, Bodhisattva of Compassion, holder of the White Lotus. Thus I am also believed to be a manifestation of Chenrezig, in fact the seventy-fourth in a lineage that can be traced back to a Brahmin boy who lived in the time of Buddha Shakyamuni. I am often asked whether I truly believe this. The answer is not simple to give. But as a seventy one year old, when I consider my experience during this present life, and given my Buddhist beliefs, I have no difficulty accepting that I am spiritually connected both to the thirteen previous Dalai Lamas, to Chenrezig and to the Buddha himself".

My Interests

These links will all lead initially to the default MYSPACE warning about leaving this page and possible "Phishing" or account hacking activity. I personally have visited and added these websites and can assure you that they are NOT harmful or intended to fool you in any way. MYSPACE automatically changes all web addresses added as links in a profile page to "MSPLinks" , masking the original web address. This is not an attempt on my part to obscure the web destination in anyway and is not something I can alter in the MYSPACE platform.


The Official Website of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Books By, For and About His Holiness on

The Government Of Tibet In Exile

Foundation For The Preservation Of The Mahayana Tradition

Kopan Monastery and Nunnery

Sera Monastery

Tibetan Center For Human Rights And Democracy

The Tibet Fund

The Missing Panchen Lama

Tibetan Buddhism Practice and Philosophy

Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center

Snow Lion Publications-Tibetan Buddhist Items, Publications and Resources

Rigpa - Tibetan Buddhist Teachings & Resources

Click Here For More Buddhist And Tibetan Web Links & Resources! :)

I'd like to meet:

For as long as space endures And for as long as living beings remain, Until then may I too abide To dispel the misery of the world.


martin luther king jr although I never met him, but I heard. I admire his enthusiasm, his willpower, determination and honesty and also nonviolence Mahatma GandhiPresident (Vaclav) Havel (of the Czech Republic) then Nelson Mandela (of South Africa) also.

My Blog Needs Our Help!

I have sponsored an elderly Buddhist monk who resides in the Tsering Elder Home and a deaf Tibetan refugee child through the Noenga School for Disabled Children for over a year now, and I can't say en...
Posted by In Honor of His Holiness on Thu, 15 May 2008 02:36:00 PST

From - The official Site for His Holiness

Go to  to read these articles in full   Media ReleaseI am deeply saddened by the loss of many lives and many more who have been injured in the catastrophic earthqu...
Posted by In Honor of His Holiness on Thu, 15 May 2008 01:57:00 PST

Tibet Matters - A Blog From A Friend

www. myspace. com/hemleygonzalez I was fortunate to travel to Tibet a few years ago (see my personal album in my pictures). Unfortunately I've witness first hand the transformation of a peaceful and j...
Posted by In Honor of His Holiness on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 05:41:00 PST

A recent personal experience - (Same blog. Different font.)

Just a few days ago my supervisor at work asked me, in a somewhat condescending manner, if I would be attending the protests in San Francisco along the path of the Olympic torch. He seemed to intend i...
Posted by In Honor of His Holiness on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 05:39:00 PST

Buddhist Stories (Same blog. Different font :))

On Compassion Twelve long years of austere practice in solitary retreat had brought the noble Asanga to an extraordinary level of spiritual maturity. In turning to Maitreya, Regent of the Buddha Shaky...
Posted by In Honor of His Holiness on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 05:20:00 PST

Olympic Protests

Route changes, scuffles mark Olympic torch relay SAN FRANCISCO, California (CNN) -- Heavy security surrounded runners taking part in the controversial Olympic torch relay in San Francisco Wednesday, ...
Posted by In Honor of His Holiness on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 02:35:00 PST

Updated Schedule For His Holiness the Dalai Lama 4/2008-8/2009

Upcoming Schedule  -   2008   Events in Seattle, WA, USA from April 12 to 15: His Holiness will participate in four days of events that will attempt to highlight t...
Posted by In Honor of His Holiness on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 01:42:00 PST

Another Clarification

For those of you already following the issues that have arisen for this site lately, you already know what this will say - I have however, been receiving messages and comments still from people who do...
Posted by In Honor of His Holiness on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 07:23:00 PST


(Same blog - just disabled the comments from now on...Thank you all for your input! )   Just so everyone is aware, and to clear up any confusion that may be lingering for regular visitors of this...
Posted by In Honor of His Holiness on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 05:58:00 PST

Upcoming Schedule

  2007   Teaching in Dharamsala, India from December 22 to 27: His Holiness will give five-days of teaching on Guru Puja (Lama Choepa) and confer a Jigje Initiation from December 22 to 26....
Posted by In Honor of His Holiness on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 03:57:00 PST