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What we think, we become

About Me

About me:
Gautam Buddha's given name was Siddhartha. Gautama is his family name so his full name was Gautama Siddhartha. Buddha is not his name, it is his awakening. Buddha simply means "one who is awakened." Gautam Buddha is the most famous awakened person.
There haven been many buddhas before him and there have been many buddhas after him-- and as long as every human being can become a buddha, new buddhas will go on springing up in the future. Everyone has the potentiality...it is only a matter of waiting for the right time. Some day, tortured by the outside reality, in despair of having seen everything and found nothing, you are bound to turn inward.

In Buddhist terminology, 'Buddha' is equivalent to 'truth'. Buddhists don't talk much about truth; they talk much more about the Buddha. When you become a Buddha, you become awakened, so why talk about truth? Just ask what awakening is. Just ask what awareness is, because when you are aware, truth is there; when you are not aware, truth is not there.

A Buddha is one who lives from moment to moment, who does not live in the past, who does not live in the future, who lives in the here and now. Buddhahood is a quality of being present - and it is not a goal, you need not wait, you can become a buddha just here and now.

Buddha says the greatest joy in life is freedom: freedom from all prejudices, freedom from all scriptures, freedom from all concepts and ideologies, freedom from all desires, freedom from all possessiveness and jealousy, freedom from all hatred, anger, rage, lust...

In short, freedom from everything, so that you are just a pure consciousness, unbounded, unlimited. That is the greatest joy, and it is possible -- it is within everybody's grasp. You just have to grope for it a little. The groping will be in the dark, but it is not far away. If you try, if you make an effort, you are bound to find it. It is your birthright.

- Osho
Thanks for visiting
this silent space of
imagery, stillness and
meditation dedicated to
the intrinsic nature of
our highest consciousness

My Interests

Gautam Buddha's given name was Siddhartha. Gautama is his family name so his full name was Gautama Siddhartha. Buddha is not his name, it is his awakening. Buddha simply means "one who is awakened." Gautam Buddha is the most famous awakened person. There haven been many buddhas before him and there have been many buddhas after him-- and as long as every human being can become a buddha, new buddhas will go on springing up in the future. Everyone has the potentiality...it is only a matter of waiting for the right time. Some day, tortured by the outside reality, in despair of having seen everything and found nothing, you are bound to turn inward.

In Buddhist terminology, 'Buddha' is equivalent to 'truth'. Buddhists don't talk much about truth; they talk much more about the Buddha. When you become a Buddha, you become awakened, so why talk about truth? Just ask what awakening is. Just ask what awareness is, because when you are aware, truth is there; when you are not aware, truth is not there.

A Buddha is one who lives from moment to moment, who does not live in the past, who does not live in the future, who lives in the here and now. Buddhahood is a quality of being present - and it is not a goal, you need not wait, you can become a buddha just here and now.

Buddha says the greatest joy in life is freedom: freedom from all prejudices, freedom from all scriptures, freedom from all concepts and ideologies, freedom from all desires, freedom from all possessiveness and jealousy, freedom from all hatred, anger, rage, lust...

In short, freedom from everything, so that you are just a pure consciousness, unbounded, unlimited. That is the greatest joy, and it is possible -- it is within everybody's grasp. You just have to grope for it a little. The groping will be in the dark, but it is not far away. If you try, if you make an effort, you are bound to find it. It is your birthright.

- Osho

May the tranquility of this space still your mind, & facilitate the process in you to realize your own Buddha nature.


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My Blog

The Wise Ones of Old

The wise ones of old had subtle wisdomAnd depth of understanding,So profound that they could not be understood.And because they could not be understood,Perforce must they be so described:Cautious, lik...
Posted by Buddha on Tue, 20 May 2008 08:33:00 PST

The Mind of the Ancient Buddhas

    The mind of the ancient Buddhas should not beunderstood as something irrelevant to your experience, as some mind which exists from the beginningless past, for it is the mind which e...
Posted by Buddha on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:38:00 PST

via negativa

    The way of the Buddha is known as via negativa - the path of negation. This attitude, this approach has to be understood.     Buddha's approach is unique. All th...
Posted by Buddha on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:22:00 PST

Song of Zazen

    All beings by nature are Buddha,as ice by nature is water.Apart from water there is no ice;apart from beings, no Buddha.How sad that people ignore the nearand search for truth afar;...
Posted by Buddha on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 08:53:00 PST

The Natural Abiding

    Don't do anything whatsoever with the mind-Abide in an authentic, natural state.One's own mind, unwavering, is reality.The key is to meditate like this without wavering;Experience t...
Posted by Buddha on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 07:40:00 PST

Practice of Meditation

    Truth is perfect and complete in itself. It is not something newly discovered; it has always existed.       Truth is not far away; it is ever present. It is not ...
Posted by Buddha on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 09:08:00 PST

Crossing the Stream

    Few cross over the river.Most are stranded on this side.On the riverbank they run up and down.But the wise person, following the way,Crosses over, beyond the reach of death.Free fro...
Posted by Buddha on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 08:23:00 PST

Breath of Life

    Now and again, it is necessary to seclude yourself among deep mountains and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life. Breathe out and let yourself soar to the en...
Posted by Buddha on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 01:24:00 PST

Acceptance and Surrender

    Even within the seemingly most unacceptable and painful situation is concealed a deeper good, and within every disaster is contained the seed of grace.Throughout history, there have...
Posted by Buddha on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 06:42:00 PST

Enlightenment Has No Form

Enlightenment has no definite form or nature by which it can manifest itself; so in enlightenment itself, there is nothing to be enlightened. Enlightenment exists solely because of delusion and ignora...
Posted by Buddha on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 05:15:00 PST