Zen profile picture


Thoughts come and go like clouds in a windy sky.

About Me

Zen goes beyond Buddha and beyond Lao Tzu. It is a culmination, a transcendence, both of the Indian genius and of the Chinese genius. The meeting...the essence of Buddha's teaching and the essence of Lao Tzu's teaching merged into one stream so deeply that no separation is possible now. Out of that meeting Zen was born. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist, and yet both.The future of humanity will go closer to the Zen approach - because the meeting of the East and West is possible only through something like Zen, which is earthly and yet unearthly. The miracle is that Zen is neither interested in the past, nor the future. Zen lives in the present. Its whole teaching is just to be rooted, centered in that which - "is"Zen is Zen. There is nothing comparable to it. It is unique - unique in the sense that is the most ordinary and yet the most extraordinary phenomenon that has ever happened to human consciousness. It is the most ordinary because it does not believe in knowledge, it does not believe in the mind. It is not a philosophy, not a religion either. It is the total acceptance of ordinary existence. It has not interest in any esoteric nonsense, no interest in metaphysics at all. It does not hanker for the other shore; this shore is more than enough. Its acceptance of this shore is so tremendous that through that very acceptance it transforms this shore - and this very shore becomes the other shore.This very body the Buddha. This very Earth the lotus paradise.- Osho

My Interests

If you want to know the realm of Buddhahood, you must make your mind as clear as empty space; leave false thinking and all grasping far behind which causes your mind to be unobstructed wherever it may turn. The realm of Buddhahood is not some external world Where there is a formal “Buddha”: It’s the realm of the Wisdom of a self-awakened Sage. Leave false thinking and all grasping far behind, causing your mind to be unobstructed wherever it may turn. The realm of Buddhahood is not some external world where there is a formal “Buddha”: It’s the realm of the wisdom of a self-awakened sage.- Zen Master Ta-hui (1088-1163)

I'd like to meet:


!- START code BLOCK 1 make page one centered column-!!-Close tables out to level 1-!!-Create a Div to be used to more accurately position the stuff below this point, that we want to display-!!-Open same number of tables we closed-!

!-End BLOCK 1 to make page ONE centered Column-!

My Blog

From its peak ...

    A bamboo path leads through the First Stage Where the City of Illusion appears from Lotus Peak. Up in its windows all Ch'u is encompassed, Above its forests Nine Rivers lies ...
Posted by Zen on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:05:00 PST

Our Original Face

    If people are quiet, They can be quiet anywhere. If people aren't quiet They won't be quiet in the mountains. Everything depends on you. Life is transient, Like a flash of lightning...
Posted by Zen on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 01:21:00 PST

Cold Mountain

I climb the road to Cold Mountain, The road to Cold Mountain that never ends. The valleys are long and strewn with stones; The streams broad and banked with thick grass. Moss is slippery, though no ra...
Posted by Zen on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:30:00 PST

Nature of Mind

   The mind of a holy person is like a mirror, Which neither grasps nor resists; It receives and lets go That is why the sage encompasses The world without hurt.-Chuang-Tzu ...
Posted by Zen on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 09:52:00 PST

Listening to Snow

It's about to snow; Clouds fill the lake. Tall buildings and terraces Shimmer and disappear. Now there are mountains; Now there are not. From the rocks flows water clear; You can count the fish. ...
Posted by Zen on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:32:00 PST

how does One describe the ineffable?

Buddha is Sanskrit for what you call aware, miraculously aware. Responding, perceiving, arching your brows, blinking your eyes, moving your hands and feet, its all your miraculously aware nature. And ...
Posted by Zen on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 04:52:00 PST

essence of Zen

The whole essence of Zen consists in walking along the razor's edge of Now - to be so utterly, so completely present that no problem,  no suffering, nothing that is not who you are in your essenc...
Posted by Zen on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 05:35:00 PST


Down to the stream to watch the jade flow or back to the cliff to sit on a boulder. Mind like a lone cloud clinging to nothing; what do I need in the faraway world? ~ Cold Mountain --> --> ...
Posted by Zen on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 07:04:00 PST


     Utter emptiness has no image, Upright independence does not rely on anything. Just expand and illuminate the original truth Unconcerned by external conditions.Hongzhi Zhengiue (10...
Posted by Zen on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 04:32:00 PST


If you want to be free,Get to know your real self.It has no form, no appearance,No root, no basis, no abode,But is lively and buoyant.It responds with versatile facility,But its function cannot be l...
Posted by Zen on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 06:49:00 PST