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I am here for Friends

About Me

If I told you, you would NOT believe me! Really! Ya just wouldn't believe it. Too bad I'll be dead before it all comes out!!!(And if they ever do tell my story, I'll probably be played by some emaciated Hollywood actress only too happy to make a Faustian bargain!) Let us just say I am a person who refused to sell my soul. You can take that literally or figuratively depending on how well you know how the world works! But we are all selling our souls aren't we? We are letting a corrupt power-elite ruin everything for the sake of their own greed! Fight back! The time is now!!!

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Pimp MySpace

My Interests

Reading, writing, procrastinating, walking in nature, fighting the good fight, spiritual akido, ethnic festivals (I'm Scots-Irish, Cherokee and Polish but I love all the world's cultures) size acceptance (fighting all this anti fat hysteria) - weight obsession is a social disease! I am proud to be a women of size. I am also interested in the environment and have given up my car to help stop global warming! Yes, there are fat environmentalists, the weight of our carbon footprints has NOTHING to do with our BMI! Don't let all the preaching and judgments stop you from loving Mother Earth!!!And don't believe all the media scare studies. They are sponsored by Pharma to sell more pills! Which do far more harm than good. That is marketing, NOT science. Health and beauty comes in all shapes and sizes!!! I am also going to start reaching for my own stars and living my own dreams, I finally realize it is possible and I have been waiting far far too long!

I'd like to meet:

Someone who is truly NON COMPETITIVE. Someone who rejoices with all their being at their friend's success, and aches for their failures. In so many families, people begrude each other's accomplishments. Joy uplifts us all. But how many of us would rather remain where we are if we can't be the ones to shine the most. So we try to hold others back, so afraid we won't be the first, the best, or the brightest! We would rather miss all the illumination that comes when any one of us shines as brilliantly as they can. I wish that everyone could step forward towards their dreams with geniune blessings of those they love!*****I would like to meet someone who knows how to FORGIVE THEMSELVES. Guilt is one of the most toxic emotions there ever was. The judgment of others really comes from guilt we refuse to deal with in ourselves. If only we could accept the fact than not ONE of us is perfect and be comfortable in the knowledge the earth plane is simply a school for the spirit. That way we could accept mistakes in others as the same the human condition that makes us tick as well. No need for the illusion that separation from the "sinners" keeps us from sinning ourselves. The degree does not matter. You will screw up! I will screw up! We all will! So why can't we just embrace the lessons and gracefully move forward. The mystic Edgar Cayce said the only real sin was selfishness! Who among us can cast the first stone.***I would like to meet people with COURAGE TO BE THEMSELVES. It is so easy to care what others think. But when we are true to ourselves, we change the vibrations! We make a difference in consciousness. I have seen it done. But the thing is, it has to be done in little ways on a daily basis as well as defining moments in our journeys. Critical mass starts one inch at a time!***I would like to meet people who BREAK THE RULES. Not just for the sake of breaking them, but people confident enough to ignore rules that are repressive, dysfunctional, or just plain silly. Who made the rules anyway!And speaking of BREAKING DYSFUNCTIONAL RULES, this video by Joy Nash is a MUST WATCH for anyone trying to free themselves from weight obsession!!!


I am addicted to Celtic music. I also like "New Age"and spiritual. Carlos Nakai, Loreena McKennit, Enya, Clanad, Liam Lawton as well as traditional Irish stuff. I will always love the Beatles, especially John Lennon. I love many Broadway tunes, the one thing I miss about being a married suburbanite is season tickets to the theatre! Evita is one of my favorites because she broke all the rules and took life on her own terms. Wicked is awesome, but those who buck the system don't always get a happy ending! I recently walked to a K-mart in a daze and compulsively bought the best of Cher. I am enjoying it. Who knew!


Silkwood. Robinhood! Leaving Las Vegas! Life is Beautiful! Chocolate! Only the Lonely! Lassie! Brother of the Wind! Benji! The Incredible Journey!(The original. Not the Disney remake with the snarky fat joke at the end!) Braveheart! Rob Roy! Night Mother! Baghdad Cafe! Hairspray! Real Women Have Curves (although "real women" don't necessarily HAVE to have pronounced curves either, all women are "real women." Reds! My favorite movie line of all times is from Reds. Jack Reed asks Diane Keaton (his love interest in movie) if she wanted to come with him to Russia. With typical female angst, she said "As what Jack? Your lover, wife, comrade, friend, peer??? What Jack??" He looked at her calmly and said "Thanksgiving is coming up! Why don't you come as a turkey?" If only women would learn, men are what they are!


I like mostly PBS. (Although it is increasingly coming under corporate control!) Ugly Betty! I don't really watch all that much t.v., I find myself feeling so much worse the wear when I do. Really is it about encouraging consumerism at the expense of our mental, physical and spiritual health!


The Thorn Birds Women Who Run With Wolves (Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes) Big Fat Lies(Glen Gaesser) The Nature of Prejudice(Gordon Allport) A Course in Miracles. The Celestine Prophecies. The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Fat?So!(Marilyn Wann) The Diet Myth!(Paul Campos) Love!(Leo Buscaglia) Hoopa Shoopa Donna (By Suzanne Stempek Shea - The Polish American "Amy Tan.") Circle of Friends.(Maeve Bichey) The Sociological Imagination(C.Wright Mills) You Just Don't Understand (How socialization causes women and men to miscommunicate- Deborah Tannen) Skinny Women Are Evil (Monique - of course "skinny" women are NOT evil, evil is the system that provides people privilege on body type alone) The one I haven't written yet.


Anyone who stands up for their beliefs against the odds. Those who don't go along with the crowd. Those who have the courage to heal. Those who have the courage to LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO TALK TO ANGELS!!! MUST VISIT WEB SITES: http://www.bigfatfacts.com/ http://www.bigfatblog.com

My Blog

Lose the Lemon, Chuck the Check, Myspace=Mybad R U Kidding???

I would like to think of myself as a socially responsible person.  I have given up my car out of climate concerns, I am a religious recycler, and I even haul  my wet laundry up 3 flights of stairs and...
Posted by FatNSassy!!! on Tue, 13 May 2008 07:25:00 PST

Prohibit Portly Patrons to Cover Corporate Crime

Mary could not believe she has such a huge spot on her new blouse. As she went into the cafeteria, she self-consciously held her hand over it, hoping no one would notice. The man at the next table did...
Posted by FatNSassy!!! on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 06:00:00 PST

Just How Weird Can Internet Dating Get???

Is dating getting weirder, or is it just my imagination???I have been experimenting with internet dating through the Chicago Reader. I have met some interesting people, like the sexy, creative guy wh...
Posted by FatNSassy!!! on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 07:26:00 PST

WELCOME Dear Dolphins!!!

I have invited several dolphins to be my myspace friends and I couldn't be more pleased that they have graciously accepted! I thank them from the bottom of my heart as dolphins were involved in a min...
Posted by FatNSassy!!! on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 03:43:00 PST

My Favorite Fat Girl Smart Alec Comebacks!!!!

I just thought I would list some of my fav fat girl comebacks:"Weight obsession is a social disease. If we cared more about CO2 than BMI there would still be time.""A waist is a terrible thing to mind...
Posted by FatNSassy!!! on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 03:46:00 PST

God is Voluptuous and Delicious.Meister Eckhart (AND I MISS HER!)

I did something to reach out to my soul tonight. I attended a book reading at a local bookstore by a Baptist minister. Ya, that is what I said, a Baptist minister. It took a bit of overcoming my own p...
Posted by FatNSassy!!! on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:17:00 PST

BiPolar Bushido and Samurai Psychic Survival

Bipolar Bushido and Samurai Psychic Survival!(Part 1)I would like to think one of my strengths is that I am not a selfish person. Truthfully, I quite often think of others. When I lost my only half ...
Posted by FatNSassy!!! on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 02:19:00 PST

The Resilence of HOPE and JOY

I share the following with someone every St Patrick's day because it is a mini miracle. When I found out my grandfather had cancer in his late 80s, I said I would wear green to his funeral. To me, g...
Posted by FatNSassy!!! on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 03:50:00 PST

BiPolar Bushido/Samurai Psychic Survival Part 3

BiPolar Bushido/Samurai Psychic Survival Part 3O.K! Just one more installation in this series I swear. This will not make sense unless you read parts 1 and 2. But I am STILL processing. There is o...
Posted by FatNSassy!!! on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 05:40:00 PST

Grrr! Just GRRR!!!

Grrr! Just GRRRR!!!If you are not a member of the size acceptance movement, please don't read this. It would be like coming in the middle of an argument and it will not make any sense!I just read an...
Posted by FatNSassy!!! on Sun, 11 May 2008 05:47:00 PST