Being Love.Yet not love like many know- the love they truly want.................... Could you be love? Joseph Israel Plays BOB DYLAN...Slow Train coming...can you hear it? MySpace URL: until I realized that this very pressure is what makes me and that each moment, each experience, everything I see and feel shapes me and forms me into who I am.It was not until I stood in reflection of all the moments put together did I realize that I am not defined by just one moment any more than a masterpiece is made with one brush stroke or a diamond is made of a single grain or cut.When I saw all the pressure , all the moments, all the experiences for what they truly used to shape me.Then this diamond in the rough began to truly shine.What are you waiting for?... TAKE THE LEAP! STEREO MCS 'GRINGO' Time to let the world hear your voice. Time to get up ...and dance! This is my stance on war, my belief, my perception. WE must stop that which lies behind and at the root. We must change our MINDS, HEARTS, and how we SEE eachother and our world. HARMONY IS A BEAUTIFUL THING, LET'S LIVE THERE TOGETHER. .....BOB MARLEY- War....The Legand and Prohet for his time and ours.......... I know a place where we can carry on............Bob Marley-I know a place. Climb on board... Time to see a world you did not know existed or how. All you can do is be in Awe... Dr Quantum - Double Slit Experiment
I would like to meet those who believe, hope and dream for a better way to come. Those who have a voice to raise and do not want to sit back silent.
Anyone who has an influence ( that is everyone ) and has chosen to use that influence for the betterment of all.
Anyone who feels they were born for such a time as this.
If this is you, I would love to stand with you for a better way... WELCOME!....................................................
Better Way- Ben Harper
note: that I do accept musicians. I believe that music is a very powerful tool.
One man put " It is the universal language."
" Jr. Gong " Damian Marley..................
MySpace URL:
My mom grew up in Chicago. There were 9 children in their family and they all have stories to tell.
They tell me about what it was like many years ago. They tell me of a time when things were different but the same in many ways.
All of them had to face fears and enemies that none should. They all chose to respond very differently.
In fact even their perceptions of things they hold common are different even though they all came from the same place.
I believe though, deep down inside they all want the same thing...freedom.
Freedom for these enemies that hound them. The enemies of deceit, doubt, fear and shame.
They all want to rise above these things.
Bo & Logic-
sweet home chicago
WE too are family. WE all come from the same place. Look around. Reality is staring you in the face.
Our house is broken.
There are so many crying out. If I would fill these pages with all those who lift their voice for a better way; I could be here forever.
If you can not see then it is time to open your eyes, get rid of that which makes you blind.
If you can not hear, the problem does not lie in the voices calling out. The cries, the voices and even the message is EVERYWHERE.
This is our home. You do not need to look very far to see. In fact it is impossible to not see unless you have simply chosen not to.
So I your hearts as well.
This video is amazing. Watch it with ALL of you.
I have purposely chosen a documentary from the United States. After all do we not consider ourselves ( I am not saying rightfully so ) " The model home " for all to learn from. This model home needs some major work.
This is one of many of Sam Slovic's great creations. I encourage you too take a look and please listen not just to the voices and images but your heart as
well. .........................Sam Slovic......
MySpace URL:
Music is powerful ! My blog titled " There is a sound that breaks all barriers " tells you my thoughts on this. Take a look around. Most of my favorite musicians are in my friends. You can also take a listen on my play list. These songs hold a sound that moves me. Great music is all around and has been around for eternity! THE HARMONIES SURROUND ME..... ... MySpace URL: MySpace URL: Arie India Arie MySpace URL:
....................................................... The Shift This movie is all about what is going on right now...There is a movement. A movement of people who are ariseing. A movement of people who are wakeing up to a new light. A movement of people who stand and say ...WE are ALL here TOGETHER. WE are all TRULY connected. " The Shift " .. Shift happens... Great words of wisdom from Sadhguru. Reguardless of our many reliogions there are truths found in them all. For truth is something that can not be created or destroyed. It just is. It may be hidden under shadows and seemingly lost deep in the depths but no matter where we go there it is. For what many do not realize is that you can not hide from truth and those who search and searh, when they find this great truth find that all along the truth was with them it was just waiting to be un-locked. For when enough light comes the shadows disperss and when the truth is known the lie no longer holds up. Words of great widom from the Elders I encourage all before any conclusions and final judgments are made to review all the evidence clearly. Also keep in mind the differences in our many languages. I will stand behind Oprah and continue to do so unless I have good reason not to. Whether or not one agrees with another's belief I still believe we are called to stand in love and peace with one another. I am very proud of her accomplishments and in who she has created herself into. I believe anyone in her position should be. OPRAH WINFREY Discusses the SECRET Why is the gospel of love destroying America ? cont.
Meet Barack here
Nelson Mandela, The Great Peacemaker and Hiawatha, The Native American's that stood for peace in the face of war, Gandhi, Harriet Tubman, Corrie Ten Boom,George Washington Carver, Those who witnessed the Holocaust and the attitude's that bring such atrocities, Martin Luther , To all of my ancestor's that risk it all for their future generation's, Rev.Dr.Martin Luthern King J.R. and all those who stood with him, Einstein, DaVinnci, Bob Dylan,Bob Marley, Toni Morrison, Ben Harper, Will Smith, U.2, Oprah, All those who stand in integrity, those who stand for peace, those who walk in truth and love, All those who were told what they wanted to do was impossible or hopeless, those who stood in the faces of the ones who told them they can't and they proved them wrong, and last but surely not least Jesus and all those who TRULY represent his name and all it stands for. To all those who in the face of fear, in the face of doubt, have looked straight into the eyes of their enemy and did not loose hope. Those who took hope and belief and with it produced evidence of infinate possibilities. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.†Marianne Williamson- read by Nelson Mandela...........................