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I AM that I AM

About Me

Lady Liberty
For I AM That I AM,
I Will, to Be More That I AM.
As I Understand That I AM,
I Want more to be That I AM
and because I AM That I AM,
I become I AM That I AM.
Beloved, allow for your own Individualized GOD Presence to manifest where you are. It matters not where you are on the Path, it matters only what you are doing on the Path. For there are victories and accomplishments each and every day.
There is only one doorway to GOD, and it is a state of consciousness. This inner contact with GOD is possible for any human being to attain. The road to GOD does not go through anything outside yourself.
"He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also." "Let those who have ears hear." The Christ, Jesus
Use your stubbornness rightly by concentrating only upon that which is good-- The holists prospect is teaching peace through self-attainment.
You must overcome the ignorance regarding the creative power that misusing thoughts, feelings, actions, and words appropriate upon ones life. Do activate God-control over these lower body cravings to gain your Victory through personal mastery.
Watch so nothing goes out from you except that which is harmonious, and do not allow a destructive word to pass your lips, even in jest. Remember you deal with a force of some kind every instant of Eternity, and you are its qualifier at all times. Only by correction of the human self can mastery be achieved.
Before you say anything to anyone, ask yourself 3 things:
1- Is it true? 2- Is it kind? 3- Is it necessary?
I AM- is GOD Individualized.
What is GOD Individualized?
I AM is the "Mighty I AM Presence"
of that which is —
GOD in Action & our Real Identity, our Divine Heritage, our Free Will, our Light Within. The Universal Heart of GOD, within, the Christ Attunement, your own Holy Christ Self, your own GOD Presence.
OMEGA- "the permanent atom within each of your hearts is a replica of the CRYSTAL ATOM of my own being" Think! Think! Think! on this.
When the individual says "I AM", he is using the Creative Attribute of the Godhead and the vibratory action of the Word "I AM", either in thought or spoken word, is the Release of that Power of Creation.
I AM is,
The Holy Grail.
I AM is,
The Philosophers Stone.
Link --- to read about The Mighty I AM Presence

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Purple

My Interests

Growing in LOVE


LINK --- to Discourse

"I AM the way, the truth and the life.

I AM here to show you the way home. I AM the Good Shepherd, and I know the way home. I AM the open door that leads to our Father's kingdom. I have demonstrated the path that all must follow. Dare to walk in my footsteps."

The Christ, Jesus.

Note that, the name of Christ is the term referring to The Anointed One or The Christos which has confused many with the name Christ Jesus, because Jesus did take on the Christ, the Christ Consciousness to become the Christos.

The second coming of Christ truly means the birth of the Christ Consciousness attained by thousands and millions of people on this planet.

The Christ Consciousness is born as a fragile, and in many ways begins as a helpless baby. Therefore, a life symbol of the stages that every soul goes through as the "Christ Child" born within that soul who then, can eventually grow to full maturity, with the soul expressing its personally attained Christ Consciousness, as an Individualized Christed Being in this world.

Your purest quality is God Individualized as you, your own ---

--- I AM that I AM.


Saint Germain Foundation

ENGLISH-The Temple of The Presence

DUTCH-De Tempel van De Aanwezigheid

FRENCH-Le Temple de La Présence

GERMAN-Der Tempel von Der Anwesenheit

POLISH-Świątynia Obecności

RUSSIAN-Храм Присутствия

SPANISH-El Templo de La Presencia

PORTUGUESE-O Templo dA Presença

Ascended Masters Research Center- INDEX

HELIOS BROADCASTING, Webcast Audio Recordings

Grupo Metafisico

Violet Flame Healing Meditation

Meditation For Global Peace and Harmony

E-BOOK-Unveiled Mysteries, Volume 1, Godfre Ray King

E-BOOK-The Most Holy-TRINOSOPHIA, (French/English) Saint Germain

I'd like to meet:


LOVE is a Divine Activity and its Cosmic Fount is the Heart of GOD. LOVE is the Divine Principle to be externalized by humans. Pure LOVE must have as its binding element, Harmlessness, which, when properly manifested and truly carried out, is the destroyer of all limitations in a cooperative unit working for the good of the greater whole hastening to give succor where such is needed.

The Love of God strikes in your heart a new tenderness so rare, you can hardly find a harsh word to say, or a hard feeling to express.

Without Love you will not have lasting human relationships. Without Faith you will not move forward throught despair, and without knowledge you will not know where to turn or what to do.


GOD Love, that which is brought forth from within by dwelling on Perfection and abiding by the one law, to Love transcendently, unconditionally.

The Golden Rule.
Love thineself first to love thy neighbor as yourself.

GOD, another name for Life.

ASCENDED MASTERS: Who are they? What are they? Why are they? ...... Be curious, seek, question, strive, understand, become! Can you become one? DESIRE TO BECOME that which you can manifest, PERFECTION.

As per general human knowing, the most famous Ascended Master is The Christ, Jesus.
Was he the only one?

The Sacred Marriage is the Christ Consciousness born in the heart of the human being, the conscious connection with your divine essence, your I AM presence alive, and you in control of you, GOD's quality within you as you, is you.

Every individual can think Perfection at every instant, if he only will, and it takes no more substance and energy to build Beautiful, Perfect Forms and Experiences than it does the imperfect; but if you the individual wants this Perfection expressed in your own world only you can do it, only you. Only you can use your own energy to utter the Decree which will release that Perfection unto you. Such is the Law of your Being, the Law of Attraction. Ask and it is be given unto thee. Be it what it be.

The figure Eight.

Energy going forth creates a figure eight type flow, meaning that where your attention is placed via your own energy out-flow (feelings and emotions), it will be in kind returned to you as the same type of current energy coming back to its source (you) charged even more with the same kind of energy given out.

Strive-Strive-Strive- to keep the basis of your thoughts as pure as possible always, and your personal desires focused firmly, persistently, consistently on you acquiring your own GOD Perfection within, in this way you will have True Happiness and find True Love.

Every human being is the Creator, Individualized.



~Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows~

~Where Your Attention Is, There You Are~

~What Your Attention Is On, You Become~

~What You Think And Feel,
You Bring Into Form~

~What You Think and Feel, You Cause~

~What You Think And Feel, You Attract~

~What You Send Forth In Thought, Feeling And Spoken Word Will Return To You Magnified~

Thought and Feeling are the Creative Power of Life. They are living, pulsating things. In as much as you are thinking and feeling, YOU ARE CREATING that!!!

Watch so nothing goes out from you except that which is harmonious, and do not allow a destructive word to pass your lips, even in jest. Remember you deal with a force of some kind every instant of Eternity, and you are its qualifier at all times. Only by correction of the human self can mastery be achieved.

Be your own I AM God Reserve within by becoming your own consciously quantifying figure eight flow between receiving more and becoming more; by Being I AM and giving back to life all that I AM.

This is the relationship we can have on earth, a beautiful synchronistic dance between that which gives us life and our gratitude for that life. Through this love of GOD for us and our love for GOD in return, flows the power of Reserve to give us every need.

Growing LOVE Giving

THE VIOLET FLAME- what is it?

The violet flame is the essence of one of the "seven rays." Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests as seven rays. Each ray has a specific color, frequency and quality of God's consciousness. The violet ray is known as the Seventh Light Ray.

When you invoke it in the name of God, it descends as a beam of spiritual energy and bursts into a spiritual flame in your heart as the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, justice, freedom and transmutation.

The VIOLET FLAME has been especially dispensed to bring forth the GOLDEN AGE that because of human's free will and their misuse of life energy, is 5000 years behind God's Perfect Plan - for this Freedom Flame's grace to be released, requires for you to invoke this Sacred Fire of GOD to bring about healing and wholeness to you and the earth that is so needed. You will love the violet flame once you become adept to its use.

Transmutation for the Transformation towards your own Illumination by your inner Purification facilitated by the use of The Sacred Violet Light Ray.


For results to become apparent, Constancy makes for Victory. Practice makes perfect.

Before retiring every night, (or when in need of misqualified energy cleansing) seek a quite place or stand in your room, center your self, quite your mind, think, call upon, visualize the Sacred and Divine Violet Flame into action by your invocation for your self purification of …...

Once your mind is quite, visualize this Violet Flame coming up through your feet, upwards, through, and around you, expanding outward for at least nine feet in every direction. Basically envision the location where your at, filled with the pulsation of the Sacred Violet Flame. Hold the focus to this visualization of the Violet Light.

Have your eyes closed, hold this image steady, focus, visualize this image in your heart, inside of you coming out from your third eye area. See the Violet Flame in you, through you, and around you. Then, raise your hands upwards, above your head, connecting to your I AM Presence energy. With your arms straight upwards, visually, mentally, connect to GOD, asking this Violet Flame to qualify your hands with God's Energy of Purifying Power that is this Sacred Fire, the Violet Light Ray Transmuting Flame.As you visualize this and thinking, knowing why your doing this, invoke also the Power of the Spoken Word and say out loud;

I AM the Sacred Violet Fire,
I AM the Purity God Desires.

Repeat this with the feeling of being for a couple of minutes.

Keeping visualizing this Sacred Fire, the Violet Flame surging in you through your body, ourside and around you; now also visualize the palms of your hands covered with the Violet Flame serving as magnets, sucking up away from you any and all negative energy you may have.

Now, barely touching yourself, continue with your hands cupped over your Crown Chakra and, starting at the head, work your way down over your body to the feet, passing your hands on each side of your body, taking in as much of the body surface as you can reach with your hands. Now, with the left hand, sweep down over the right shoulder, down the right arm to the hand, and then shake off and away from you, into the Sacred violet Fire of GOD all that negativity you sucked out of you. Now do the same with the right hand over the left shoulder, down the left arm throwing into the Sacred Violet Fire all that negativity to be purified.

Repeat this activity in its entirety three times.

Upon the third cycle, keep holding fast to the visualization of this Sacred violet Flame and give thanks to GOD for your cleansing. Night after night as you proceed with this exercise, astral accumulative negative substance (effluvia) gets lighter and lighter in color and texture, until eventually it is entirely removed from the body and actual purification takes place.

The purpose of this exercise is to cleanse all four bodies of past and present negative energy that has accumulated over eons and years of existence of the human life. As you proceed day by day with this exercise, invoking this Sacred Violet Light, actual self-purification takes place.


"Keep On, Keeping On" SG


LINK --- The Ascended Master School of Wisdom Acropolis Sophia


Link ---for a other
Glossary of
Ascended Master Terminology

of some Spiritual Terms:

- regarding the residual ether of actual occurrence in the material and non-material common medium of, life.

- from the Sankrit term of Akasha; the impressions of everything that has ever transpired as recorded in etheric substance and can be read by those with developed faculties.

- the science of the transmutation, as in the change from a lower form, to a higher form, such as from a base metal into gold by the use of fire (light); or as a spiritual term, from a lower self into a higher self.

- angels are qualities of God represented as feeling, and are the animators, regulators and dispensers of these feeling energies unto creation for the use towards creating creation. (God is much more than a who. God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end and all that is in between and beyond). The only way to contact angels is by having deep loving feelings for them clothed in inner peace and tranquility.

- the act of rising through, and above everything by the human self overcoming all worldly limitations and expectations whilst, acquiring a humans highest spiritual potential, its original God-perfection but, with the evolution and the conscious reunion with one’s own God-Presence, the I AM God-quality within, entering into the realms of Light and Perfection no longer required to go through material life’s hits and misses (karma) again, and, residing in “a heavenly state” forever more.

- Ascended Masters are enlightened Spiritual Beings who once lived on Earth, faced the same challenges we face today and reunited with God by having gained the mastery of the self; mastered time and space and, in the process also transmuted at least 51 percent of their karma, and fulfilled Their Dharma, Their Divine Plan, thus qualifying for the ritual of the Ascension, our Divine Destiny of going to “heaven”, becoming One with God Consciousness as an Individualized Being fully Conscious of Self. Ascended Masters inhabit the planes of Spirit, the Kingdom of God (God's Consciousness). Some serve as The Heavenly Teachers to mankind from the Realms of Spirit. They guide, protect, inspire and heal mankind. They are Teachers in the truest sense of the word that can help us grow in any area of our lives and achieve the real purpose of life: our eventual Ascension.

- a Theosophical term to mean an Ascended Lord or Master who is in charge of the quantification and qualification of the outpouring of a specific God-light energy, God-quality radiated forth towards manifesting the perfect plan of God in Life. (How do you think Life comes into being? From nothing? There is no such thing as nothing in Life. (God is much more than a who, God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, and all that is in between and beyond. The Chohans of the Light Rays are the Sons and Daughters of God as the the Logos, or the Word of God manifest.

- having a sympathetic consciousness for others in any type of distress engendered with a strong desire to help and alleviate such a circumstance.

- a person of devotion, devoted to a purpose with deep solemnity and complete dedication whom, is inducted by solemn ceremony into certain spiritual acquisition by this faithful worship of God.

- to do something with steadfastness of mind, and fidelity of action so much so that, it becomes a part of ones life’s routine regardless of outer circumstances or challenges so too achieve a desired goal.

- reflection and deep soulful thoughtful observation, in full consideration with purpose and intention towards a prospective expectation.

- an attribute of the Godhead as an intelligent, God-characteristic which is God-individualized, holding and representing the outpouring of the quantification and qualification of a specific God-energy, God-quality, God-manifestation that is given, projected outwards towards those who seek such a quality in their activity of being, such as Victory, Harmony, Peace, Love, on and on and on. (God is much more than a who. God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end and all that is in between and beyond).

- our personal life purpose of duty to fulfill our very own reason for being which runs as a thread throughout all our lifetimes. When our Dharma of our own Divine Plan is fulfilled, and sufficient of our Karma is balanced then, we become candidates for our Ascension.

- is a formal and authoritative order having the force of law in the form of a unique prayer directed with intention to manifest a specific quality given forth with love, devotion and feeling the irrevocable expectancy of fulfillment. Visualization is essential to successful invocation. Using GOD's Creative Name — "I AM" in Decrees and Invocations makes it so. You cannot create what you cannot visualize.

- a formal and orderly expression of thoughts or ideas of organized knowledge presented as a conversation or a story.

- as in the distribution of divine knowledge given forth by God through, and by a chosen appointee, prepared through a specific system, order or arrangement.

- achieving and having perfect Self-control of all the emotional human forces within and without, achieved by training yourself never to be surprised, disappointed, or your feelings hurt under any circumstances; this self mastery in correction of self, through the pathway of Unconditional Love engenders Divine Light alive within you by becoming one with The Law of The One, Love. God is Love; thus becoming Love incarnate alive in action through the quality of similarity.

- the byproduct of negativity such as from thoughts and feeling and their energetic/etheric counterpart given off thereby; the waste of a decaying matter and its impalpable emanation; an aura, a slight or invisible exhalation especially one that is disagreeable or noxious and lingers on as a residue.

- the power and force that is the fundament of the natural world, natures spirit of both the male and female form; evolutionary Intelligences that constitute what is air, earth, water, fire who start as tiny specks eventually reaching much grander status becoming Builders of Form, who help create bodies of man and all the world of nature, building mountains, rivers, lakes, etc., They are greatly affected, as are all nature spirits, by humankind's thinking.

- The Elohim represent the Power of God exercised through Creation; a Hebrew word meaning “God” used 2,500 in the Old Testament. It is the uni-plural noun referring to the Twin Flames of the Godhead – the “Divine Us” Who “in the beginning” (Gen. 1:1) created male and female in Their image and likeness (Gen.1:26, 27) The Elohim embody the Light of the Mother-Mother God, whom they personify in the Seven Rays and carry the greatest concentration, the highest vibration of Light that we can comprehend in our state of evolution; are the Real Self of God in manifestation.


- as in the evolving from a spirit spark devoid of an individual awareness identity, then as a human mentality devoid of Higher Consciousness from one life to the next until reaching the state of being where the emergence of the Christ consciousness begins to unfold the desire to attain a higher knowing emerges and continues evolving spiritually until, the Divine destiny of it ascension is manifest.

- is the spark of cosmic confidence as in trust and confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence but on loyalty and allegiance to that belief: a trusting acceptance of God's will.

Cutting oneself free from any feeling of resentment to any part of Life is one of the first steps to achieving Faith which will in turn open wide the door to understanding and activating Faith. The emotional and mental tools employed in the building of the outward and inner feeling of Faith are as essential as the multi-faceted tool which is Faith itself.

Faith is necessary to allow God-good forces to work for, and in us by qualifying in ourselves these changes that we seek or require. Know that today’s Faith is tomorrow’s foundation. Faith is the devotion to the Love of God.

- fear is the opposite of love and is present in every type of discord and wears the face of guilt, hate, resentment, anger, anxiety and blame. These negative emotions, forms of disharmony, when held in the body, the outcome is often a lack of ease, or “dis-ease” and when taken to “heart”, can eventually manifest in the body or in the mind as a form of “illness” because by our constant attention to these negative emotions we amplify them, resulting in more negativity in one form or another.

- an authoritative decree, a sanction, as in an order of command containing the power of the Living Word by which a person with authority gives the pronouncement for that order to come into being with absolute certainty.

- the act of pardon, the willingness to excuse a mistake or offense of yourself or another. Forgiveness is not always easy because of the anger, resentment and hate that is often the cause of the inability or unwillingness to forgive. Yet forgiveness represents the power of mercy in the world. Through the power of forgiveness, fear and anger are transformed back into love. Understanding and forgiveness are the Universal solvents that will take the heart of the trouble, which is fear, and transform it into peace, truth and love.

- is a human entity trained through lifetimes who becomes especially anointed to herald in a new God Era. As for example was John the Baptist whom announced the coming of the Christed Jesus as the new fount of God-knowledge for humanities betterment and spiritual evolution. Today, over two thousand years have passed since the coming of the Master Christ Jesus was, represented by the Piscean Age. We have now entered into the Aquarian Age and have been granted the dispensation of the
I AM Faith to usher in
The Golden Age of Ilumination at whose helm is the Ascended Master Saint Germain together with the I AM
Spiritual Hierarchy
of God Individualized Perfected Beings at
One with God.

- free and independent choice of the voluntary decision making process being expressed through personal choice by the conduct of the person themselves and not an act determined by other physical or divine forces.

- is the Number One, the very First One; The Supreme Being, The Creator of The Universe and its Ruler; The Light; The Sacred Light; The Divine Light; The Sacred Fire; The Great Central Sun, The Sun behind The Sun; God is Power, God is Love, God is Wisdom; The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit (Ghost), The Holy Triune, The Holy Trinity, The Threefold Flame; understood to be Life itself, as in Truth, Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Principle, on infinitum God-good qualities. God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end and all that is in between and beyond. When this term appears with a lower case ’g’, as in god or goddess, it means an aspect of The Creator.

- knowledge of Intuitive apprehension of spiritual truths; mystical knowledge.

- a manifestation of favor granted, esp. by a superior as in the freely given, unmerited favor, recompense of the Love of God for humans to regenerate or strengthen themselves given as patience with and understanding heart comforting life whilst activating forgiveness and forgetfulness for them.

- the act of being thankful by feeling and showing gratefulness. To live in this state of conscious awareness generating thankfulness and gratitude to God amplifies more of that type of good in our lives.

- the act of compatibility and agreement in opinion and action about things in general in balance with one another is the eternal fundamental law of life, for without harmony, no thing or condition can exist for long in any type of permanence; harmony is the fundament by which other feelings and ideas can grow. Everyone seeks happiness and happiness begins with harmony.

- the act of or calling upon by incantation, petitioning, entreaty the supplication invoking the presence of God for intercession at the beginning of an activity for help or aid as in a form of prayer. Using GOD's Creative Name — "I AM" in Decrees and Invocations makes it so.

- a prayer to God on behalf of another.

- is spiritual debt that is accrued every time we transgress the Law of Love. When we love again, especially love unconditionally, past accrued ‘debt’ begins to be spontaneously paid off. Karma is not a punishment, it is the Cosmic Law of Return of that which we sow, we reap according to the way we used our life will determine what will happen next. The Virtues woven into our karma are; Love, Truth, Mercy; Compassion, Justice, Opportunity, and Forgiveness.


- God is Light; The Divine Sacred Fire; The Sacred Heart. All the sacred teachings affirm that God is Light, if God is Light therefore all composition of Light is God, and separate are God qualities in kind. The Divine Sacred Fire, is the fire of the Spirit, the living Spirit Spark who dominates that Sacred Fire.

- Isaac Newton discovered that a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors; red, orange yellow, green, blue indigo and violet such as the rainbow, so to is the spiritual light manifests as these seven rays. Each ray has a specific color, frequency and quality of God's consciousness.The color violet has the shortest wavelength but the highest frequency of visible light and is the transitional vibration leading to the next octave of the color of light.

- a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person or thing that is and gives life. Love, is the Third Aspect of Divinity, after Wisdom and Power and is the Great magnet of God's Heart, charged with His Holy Wisdom in the Power of Love. God's Holy Diadem.

- a continued devout contemplation or spiritual introspection in order to achieve the inner silence to connect with your higher self.

- is the great evil monster that overtakes the mind with darkness hiding your inner light.

- self-created and self-inflicted human thoughts and feelings in the form of negativity based on inner discord and emotional turmoil such as doubt, ignorance, guilt, hate, resentment, anger, anxiety, betrayal, fear, fear of failure, blame, calumny, deceit, gossip, pent-up pride, etc. manifesting in confusion as a darkness within the consciousness of those who choose to cling to these thoughts and feelings as though it were ones very life essence that fills one up with stored-up error resulting in a built-up resistance to Divine Truth. As long as we allow the ups and downs of these tyrannical human thoughts and feelings too take over, we will remain bound to them.

- having the ability to connect with the energy of the higher consciousness of an Ascended Master, allowing for the transfer of Divine Knowledge or Creative Power above and beyond the present level of knowing because of a certain inner purity and a quite mind.

- as a Peace beyond the acquiescence of force which allows for the absence of conflict but Peace that is an attribute of the Christ Consciousness of each individual as in the absence of inner discord with the imbued with Divine Light moving through all human affairs.

- a person or thing that has become renewed or restored after suffering calamity or apparent annihilation;as in purification by the sacred fire.

- is the Will of God manifest in the ability to create form and influence life; it is leadership; it means duty not oppression and is meant for service to strengthen and to uplift by using knowledge to abolish ignorance.



LINK -- The Count Saint Germain-

- being aware of a benefit while showing feeling of expressing gratitude and appreciation thereby.


- a league of Ascended Master Leaders of Spiritual Hierarchy composed of those Ascended Masters who have Arisen from our Earth into Immortality who oversee the spiritual direction of human evolution. White symbolizes the white aura of perfection that emanates from them.

All great world movements, religions and activities, ancient and modern, have been inspired by some member of the Great White Brotherhood, in cooperation with a spiritually-sensitive individual in physical embodiment at the time of its inception.

The Great White Brotherhood is the Spiritual Representative of God's Will for the planet Earth, and, through its members, provides the stimulus toward God-development for the planet and its people, through the release of tremendous Cosmic Forces consciously directed and sustained in the lower atmosphere, where embodied man functions.

- to change from one form into another as in appearance, nature, or character by transmuting negative elements, characteristics within ourselves and becoming more loving, wise, compassionate and happy with who we are in our life. As we change our life changes. As our life changes we change.

- the process of change into another nature, substance, form, or condition; to erase or transmute the cause, the effect, the memory. change negative energy into positive energy, darkness into light, "fate" into opportunity of a reactionary ‘emotional’ nature into a state of unity with our divine quality of our higher self of transforming lower human consciousness to a higher spiritual vibration.

- is the Sacred Trinity anchored within the secret chamber of the heart separated from matter; it is the Spark of Fire from the Creators own heart, the point of human contact with the Divine I AM within as the Sacred Triune of Power, Wisdom, and Love. The Blue Plume is Spiritual Power relating to Faith, Good Will and the Divine Intent. The Yellow Plume is Divine Wisdom as relating to Illumination, to the right use of Knowledge and the Intelligence of the Godhead in to the heart and mind of man. The Pink Plume is Divine Love providing the Qualities of Mercy, Compassion, Justice, and Creativity. The Flame of Truth is a combination of the flaming Blue Power of God’s Will and the brilliant Illumination of God’s Wisdom.

The Threefold Flame is the Word that is made flesh and that can be thus expanded and intensified by the priority of the adept.

- to form a mental image of a perception in the mind through imagination so to manifest form through mental images or pictures.

- the violet flame is the essence of one of the "seven rays." The violet ray is known as the seventh ray, the Freedom Flame. When you invoke it in the name of God, it descends as a beam of spiritual energy and bursts into a spiritual flame in your heart as the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, justice, freedom and transmutation.

LINK--- Violet Flame read.

LINK- A Discourse on The Violet Flame
- is the worker of all things; it is an understanding spirit, holy, the state of being wise; knowledgeable of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, with insight of how to proceed along undefiled, not subject to being hurt, having a penetrating intelligence which cannot be confounded and is always ready to do good.


Psalms to Sophia
"I called upon God, and Sophia, the Spirit of Wisdom, came unto me.
"I loved Her, and sought Her out from my youth, I desired to make Her my spouse. I was a lover of Her beauty.
"She is conversant with God, She magnifieth His Nobility. Yea, the Lord of all things Himself loves Her.
"I preferred Her before Scepters and Thrones, and esteemed riches nothing in comparison to Her.
"Neither compared I unto Her any precious stone, because all gold in respect of Her is as a little sand, and silver shall be counted as clay before Her.
"I loved Her above health and beauty, and chose to have Her above Light: for the Light that cometh from Her never fails.
"Wisdom reacheth from one end of creation to another mightily: and sweetly doth She order all things.
"For Wisdom, which is the worker of all things, taught me: for in Her is an understanding spirit, holy, one only, manifold, subtle, lively, clear, undefiled, plain, not subject to hurt, loving the thing that is good, penetrating Intelligence which cannot be confounded, and always ready to do good.
"Sophia is more moving than any motion: She passeth and goeth through all things by reason of Her Purity.
"Sophia is privy to the mysteries of the knowledge of God and a lover of His works.
"She is more beautiful than the sun, and above all the order of the stars: being compared with the Light, She is found before it.
"She is the Breath of the Power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the Glory of the Almighty: therefore can no defiled thing fall into Her.
"She is the Brightness of the Everlasting Light, the unspoiled mirror of the Power of God, and the image of His Goodness.
"Being but One, She can do all things: and remaining in Herself, She maketh all things new: and in all ages entering into holy souls, She maketh them friends of God and Prophets.
"For God loveth none but him that dwelleth with Wisdom."

My Blog

The Temple of The Presence: Ascended Master Teachings

http://www.templeofthepresence.org/site-map.htm ..> ..> ..> ..> ..> I AM That I AM The Temple of The PresenceAscended Master Teachings ..> Home Bookstore Broadcasts Contact ...
Posted by I AM that I AM on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 09:21:00 PST

Twin Flames and Soul Mates: The Quest for Wholeness

Twin Flames and Soul Mates: The Quest for Wholeness ..> ..> Twin Flames and Soul Mates Alchemical Marriage Inner Contact of Twin Flames Madame Butterfly Lohengrin Love of the Guru and Chela ...
Posted by I AM that I AM on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 09:15:00 PST


THE ANGELIC KINGDOM The Gnosis and the LawChapter 17 Like the peal of an organ played by a master hand, the Age of Cosmic Ceremonial is dawning on the Earth, bringing along with it many blessin...
Posted by I AM that I AM on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 08:46:00 PST

Attaining Christ consciousness

Attaining Christ consciousness Jesus: If you desire to be my true disciple, you must realize that the central, in a way the only, key to discipleship under me, is that you must overcome the carnal min...
Posted by I AM that I AM on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 08:41:00 PST

Secrets of Prosperity

Secrets of Prosperityby Mark L. Prophet ..>..>..> ..> In the Bible the Apostle John says, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." ...
Posted by I AM that I AM on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 02:02:00 PST

Fortuna, "A New Era of Radiant Hope and Blessings"

Fortuna, Goddess of Supply                                 ...
Posted by I AM that I AM on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 08:44:00 PST

The Perfect Matrimony- Love

LOVE. God as Father is Wisdom. God as Mother is Love. As Father, God resides within the Eye of Wisdom. The Eye of Wisdom is located between the eyebrows. As Love, God is found within the Heart-Templ...
Posted by I AM that I AM on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 07:43:00 PST

Links to I AM activities

Posted by I AM that I AM on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 10:01:00 PST

Angels and the Angelic Kingdom

Angels Historical and Literary References SERAPHIM They were considered the highest order of the Hierarchy of Angels. They are the Angels of Love, Light, and Fire. Seraphim are the closest to God...
Posted by I AM that I AM on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 09:02:00 PST

Link to Discourses and Dictations from the Ascended Masters.

    THE TEMPLE OF THE PRESENCEbrings you PERPETUAL VOICE INTERNET BROADCASTSof ASCENDED MASTER TEACHINGS 24 / 7 for FREE! Join those who already know that just one click with their computer...
Posted by I AM that I AM on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 07:49:00 PST