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Archangel Michael
September 11, 2001
"Know that as the Authority for the Blue Flame of the Will of God and the Protection of the Faithful, We will stand to keep that Faith with you in all areas, regardless of your outer attainment if you will allow us. The Light of God is on your side and on the side of America! Do not think for one moment that America has been weakened by this attack! America has only been strengthened. There will be the great awakening to that which has been revealed by this attack: the areas of vulnerability of the American people. We will see to it that those who can take action immediately know of these vulnerabilities. Students of the Light throughout the Earth, know well that America stands for Freedom and will continue to do so!"
Hear, Oh America! I, Michael, AM here! Do not have one shred of fear, for I stand with my Legions of Angels in the Earth for your Protection. Do not think that the circumstances of this day are out of hand. For I tell you, We have held back far more of an onslaught of cataclysm than you could begin to imagine.
We have, at the very first blush of the action that has taken place in the United States, been at the side of each Lifestream caught up in this vortex. We have stood with those who have lost their lives and immediately been there to escort them to the Octaves of Light. We have likewise been in attendance with those Angelic Hosts of the Healing Rays, those Angels of the Devotional Rays, and all manner of the Hosts of the Lord to assist those trapped and needing surcease from pain, anguish or fear, needing Comfort and the understanding that We, the Angels of the Lord, stand ready to release. We know exactly where to be and what to do, reinforcing the inner Faith and conviction of Lifestreams when they are at the brink of transition between their outer incarnation and inner levels.
This event was not a case of Heaven and all the Hosts of the Lord being caught unaware. The pressure of the Light and the continued calls of the relatively few students of the Ascended Masters have been our Primary Opportunity for mitigating much of what could have otherwise occurred. Understand, beloved, that should many more Lightbearers on the Earth elect to step forward to invoke the Reality of their own God Presence into the circumstances of Life, We would not have any cataclysm whatsoever. It is not the choice of any Cosmic Being or any Ascended Master that even one embodied individual should ever be caught in a circumstance less than the Light of his or her own Christhood.
But sadly, there is not yet the awakening in most Lifestreams, at inner levels or the outer, to help and assist when this cataclysmic activity is brewing. Cycles come and cycles go, and this is a cycle, beloved, when the Heavenly Hosts and the Angels of the Lord stand in great Devotion - with a tear in one eye and the fortitude of the Will of God in the other - holding fast so that there will not be further losses; so that there will be an inner awakening to the understanding and the Illumination of the right action to take for all Lifestreams touched by this occurrence.
Why is there a release into the Earth of this astral substance? Cosmic Law is impersonal. You know this from your own testings and initiations. The Law of Cause and Effect must have its recompense. Where there are those invoking the Violet Flame in the Earth, We experience a fullness of the transmutation of many of the astral substances, which would have otherwise created even greater havoc. Because of their Violet Flame Vigils, the Torch Bearers of The Temple have held in abeyance many of these actions, which would have otherwise returned as karmic patterns in the Earth.
This is a wake up call to those Ascended Master students who have been sitting on the sidelines, allowing others to do the work. And I, Michael, the Archangel say, "Awake! Sons and Daughters of God, to the reality of who you are! Invoke the Flame of God upon the Altar of your Hearts and expand that Flame into all of the circumstances of your life! Allow that Flame, beloved, to correct actions in the Earth and to take command of every situation that is less than the vibration of the Christ. This is the action that you are called upon to perform." We are most aware that there are natural cycles for Lifestreams to discover for the first time the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. But have you considered the many students who already know of these Teachings, but who are recalcitrant in their own human creation and still are not invoking the Flame of God or wearing the Mantle of their Christhood? This also is indeed a tragedy.
I do not say that this incident has been caused because of the neglect of the Faithful. But it is time for those who have been less than vigilant to awaken so that We will be able to move forward without further travesties of cataclysms, wars, famine, plague or pestilence in the Earth. Do you see, beloved, that when there is the elevation of consciousness and the Vibration of the Light in the Earth, and those who have the calling, who have the understanding of Cosmic Law, where there are those who can teach and give that Law, this provides us greater Opportunity.
I wish all to understand that my Legions of Angels are in attendance - many times two, three and four angels for each individual caught in these vortices - not unlike how they have surrounded you, yourself, beloved, from time to time. Now you have established a conscious connection with your own God Presence. At certain times of your life, you have had the flickering of that Christ Consciousness that has awakened the inner call to these Teachings and the understanding of these Teachings. You have heard that call and you have responded. This is now your great opportunity to take that which you know and expand the Light. Allow that Light to nourish more and more Lightbearers so that they might unfurl the Banner of their own Christhood.
We understand that where there are but few the task may seem daunting and overwhelming, but do you realize, beloved, that the very few who will hear my voice in the outer ear this day will not be the only ones to uphold the Flame, but those who hear at inner levels will also hear the call of Archangel Michael! And when they come in contact with you, with the Messengers, with our Teachings in any form whatsoever, they will gravitate to this Magnet of Light - the Light We release upon this Altar. With this Instruction, there can be the full mitigation of many of the karmic returns that would have to be outpictured if the balance were not held. This is not new information. This is as old as the hills, beloved. For as long as I, Archangel Michael, have stood in the Earth with my Legions, there has been the cycle of the returning world karma, in many cases more than the Lightbearers could handle, for so few were holding the balance.
Understand that first and foremost, you are called upon to make the connection with your own God Presence to internalize this Instruction. When that Instruction is seated in the fullness of your own Wisdom's Ray, you will make wise decisions. You will make those discernments that allow for you to be in the right place at the right time, and out of harm's way.
The cycles that are to unfold for each of you in the fullness of the Mantle of your own Christhood are great indeed. Not one erg of fear, one doubt, one record of death or human questioning should be present within your own body, within your own emotions or your own outer consciousness. The time for you to entertain those lesser vibrations is gone, for I, Michael, have decreed it so. This is an action of your own God Presence, where you stand and invoke the Flame of the Will of God as your Protection. Do you see that the very Invocation you make is truly the release of that Ascended Master Light that is so very present and close at hand? My Legions of Angels know well what it takes to stand between you and harm's way. And you have been saved from many cataclysms, many situations that would have taken you out of embodiment prematurely. I tell you, beloved, We know well that many caught up in this travesty have been taken prematurely, and you have my word that those innocent Lifestreams are protected and will be protected - without the scars that would cause them any discomfort whatsoever in their next embodiment - to continue on with their cycles of life without losing one step. This intercession is made possible because you have made the calls. You, the very few, have invoked the Mercy Flame. You have invoked the Lords of Karma and the Opportunity for these Lifestreams to be protected at every level. This is the great Mercy of the Law.
For where there is the call, We will answer. And where the Light goes forth from the Altars of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and their students, know well, beloved, that We respond instantaneously. The Light of God truly never fails! And I, Archangel Michael, stand with you, each and everyone, each time you call upon the Law of Forgiveness and give the Violet Transmuting Flame. But that Flame needs to be protected. Do you see, beloved, We the Protectors of the Faith, protect all the Flames of all the God Qualities, for We understand that many times there are certain higher aspects of Wisdom and Illumination that have not yet been achieved. They are yet to appear in your life. Know that as the Authority for the Blue Flame of the Will of God and the Protection of the Faithful, We will stand to keep that Faith with you in all areas, regardless of your outer attainment if you will allow us.
The Light of God is on your side and on the side of America! Do not think for one moment that America has been weakened by this attack! America has only been strengthened. There will be the great awakening to that which has been revealed by this attack: the areas of vulnerability of the American people. We will see to it that those who can take action immediately know of these vulnerabilities. Students of the Light throughout the Earth, know well that America stands for Freedom and will continue to do so!
Freedom comes with a heavy price. Many of you have paid that price in previous lifetimes. You continue to do so. And there are those who have paid the price this very day for the Opportunity of Freedom. We salute their sacrifice in the giving of their life. Know well, beloved, that We hold them in high esteem, each and every one who has passed through the screen of life into the Octaves of Light. They will soon be once again in embodiment and on the frontlines with each and every one of you who knows what it is to hold fast to the Light of God and Freedom's Flame!
I must be up and doing, for I have much to do as you can imagine. The Light of God is on the move throughout the Earth and my Legions do require my most immediate and close attention. But I was most concerned that the Lightbearers of the Earth know full well that I AM very present, indeed, and have not left my post. I will never leave my post until each one who is in embodiment has taken their Ascension in the Light and the Golden Age is present. This has been my commitment and it will be my commitment until each one is Ascended in the Light and Free!
I thank you.
The Golden Age
Foreseen by Ascended Master Saint Germain
Excerpts from "Unveiled Mysteries", by Godfre Ray King, quotes from conversations with Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain:
Page 251" . . . Many changes were shown to take place in the next seventy years [1930s - 2003]. These affected Europe, Asia, India, North and South America, and revealed to us, that regardless of all appearances at the present time, the SINISTER FORCE attempting to create chaos and destruction throughout the world, WILL BE COMPLETELY DESTROYED. When that is accomplished the mass of humanity will turn to the ‘Great God Presence’ within each heart and also governing the Universe. ‘Peace shall reign on earth  and man will send out good will to man.’ This revelation was stupendous. The closing scenes followed next and these concerned principally the United States in the next century. [Year 2000+] The progress and advancement she will make is almost unbelievable."
Page 250"'Many of these inventions,’ explained the Master [Saint Germain], ‘will come into use on earth in the Golden Crystal Age we have now entered.’ Some of the principal inventions that are to be utilized on Earth were explained and could humanity have seen them, it would take heart and be tremendously encouraged in regard to the future."
From "The 'I AM' Discourses" by Saint Germain, Page 46:" . . . let the Full Divine Justice . . . reign throughout the land in all official places. See that all authority is in the hands of Thy trained and trusted Messengers; that they may govern fully all governmental offices in America, and be ever divinely sustained; that America be healed, blessed, and forever prosper; that all sinister influence be consumed and forever repelled from within the borders of America."
More from the book "Unveiled Mysteries" Page 97:" . . . The Divine Plan for the future of North America is a condition of intense activity in the greatest peace, beauty, success, prosperity, spiritual illumination, and dominion. She is to carry the Christ Light and ‘Be’ the Guide for the rest of the earth, because America is to be the heart center of the ‘Golden Age’ that is now dimly touching our horizon. The greater portion of the land of North America will stand for a very long time. This has been known for thousands of years, yes! for over two hundred thousand."
From the book "Unveiled Mysteries" Page 42"In your beloved America, in the not so far distant future, will come forth a similar recognition of the Real Inner Self, and this her people will express in high attainment. She is a Land of Light, and Her Light shall blaze forth, brilliant as the sun at noonday, among the nations of the Earth. She was a Land of Great Light, ages ago, and will again come into her spiritual heritage, for nothing prevent it. She is strong within her own mind and body  stronger than you think; and that strength she will exert to rise out of, and throw off from border to border, all that weighs heavily upon her at the present time.
"America has a destiny of great import to the other nations of the Earth, and Those who have watched over her for centuries still watch. Through Their protection and Love, she shall fulfill that destiny. America! We, the Ascended Host of Light, love and guard you. America! We love you.
"A similar form of perfect government will come at a later period, when you have cast off certain fetters within that hang like fungi, and sap your strength as a vampire. Beloved ones in America, be not discouraged, when the seeming dark clouds hang low. Every one of them shall show you its golden lining. Back of the cloud that seems to threaten, is the "Crystal Pure Light of God and His Messengers, the Ascended Masters of Love and Perfection"  watching over America, the government, and her people. Again I say, ‘America, we love you."
"One by one, great awakened souls are coming forth who will become clearly conscious of their own mighty, inherent God-Power, and such as these will be placed in all official positions of the government. They will be more interested in the welfare of America than in their own personal ambitions and private fortunes. Thus, will another Golden Age reign upon earth, and be maintained for an aeon."