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The Holy Spirit

About Me

Beloved Jesus The Christ
In the New Testament you will see that there are two types of baptism. John the Baptist baptized people with water, and he said that one would come after him who would baptize them with fire. Most people assume that he was referring to me, and in a sense that is true because I was a representative of the Christ. Nevertheless, the true meaning of the baptism by fire is that it is a ceremony and an initiation that is performed by the Holy Christ self of each person.
The baptism by water is a symbol for the process of purification that leads the soul to the point where it is ready to attain a direct, conscious and permanent contact with its Christ self. This does not necessarily mean that the soul has attained full Christhood, but it does mean that the soul has attained a direct inner communion with the Christ self, which enables the soul to get answers and directions from within. In other words, the soul has permanently realized that it is a spiritual being and that it is only temporarily abiding in the physical body. It has realized that it is in this world but that it is not of this world.
So ideally the baptism by water should start the process whereby the soul purifies itself of false beliefs and imperfect energies, heals its emotional wounds and chooses to leave behind imperfect choices and momentums from the past. When this process is successfully completed, the soul will attain permanent contact with the Christ self, and through that thread of contact the fires of the Holy Spirit can flow through the Christ self and into the soul and be expressed in its thoughts feelings and actions.
There is little point in performing the baptism by water shortly after the birth of a child, because the child has no conscious awareness of the need to walk the path of Christhood. In an ideal spiritual community, the child would be raised with an understanding of the fact that I was an example to follow and that it has the potential to walk in my footsteps and therefore ascend the spiritual path that leads to personal Christhood. This would be explained to the child in easy-to-understand terms that was adapted to a child under the age of 12.
As you will see from the New Testament, the first significant event in my life recorded after my birth is when I appeared in the Temple at the age of 12. This signifies that after the first 12 years of life, a child who is properly tutored in the spiritual path is ready to receive a glimpse of its spiritual mission and calling. This then is the time when a child should ideally be baptized by water. You could then replace the confirmation ceremony with this baptism.
However, baptism should be preceded by a period of instruction in the path to Christhood and the 33 stations to Christhood, which I will explain on this website at some later time. Armed with this knowledge, the child would be ready to receive the baptism by water and make a firm inner commitment to walk the path of Christhood. As a person ascends this spiral in the coming years and decades, he or she would eventually reach the point of attaining conscious contact with the Christ self. At that time, the baptism by fire would happen spontaneously from within.
In other words, no outer ceremony is necessary to mark the baptism by fire, although one could be performed as a symbol. However, such a ceremony could only be performed by a minister who had already attained a high degree of Christhood and therefore could recognize the Christhood in another.
Obviously, for a person who was not brought up with an understanding of the path to Christhood, baptism by water can be performed later in life when the person is awakened to the reality of the path. As I explained in my remarks about Holy Communion, the most important factor in any spiritual ceremony is the inner commitment of the person receiving the ceremony. However, it is also beneficial that the person performing the ceremony has inner attunement and empowerment by the Holy Spirit.
My point here is that if you have not been baptized in a Christian church, you can certainly go through this initiation if you desire. However, the real important point is that you make the firm inner commitment to begin the path of personal Christhood. If you wish to mark that commitment with an outer ceremony, then by all means do so. However, I am not saying that the outer ceremony is absolutely necessary. You can make the commitment on your own.
If you can find a minister who has some empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit flowing through the ceremony can give you a good start on your path to Christhood. I cannot at this point give you a specific recommendation as to a particular church or minister. You must use your inner discernment in this matter. What I can say is that here is currently no outer church that offers a full understanding of the path to Christhood.
Let me now comment on whether baptism is necessary. The fact of the matter is that throughout the history of this planet many souls have manifested personal Christhood and have qualified for their ascension, what many Christians call salvation, without being baptized in a Christian church—or for that matter any other church. Therefore, the baptism by water is by no means a necessary ingredient for salvation. However, as I just described, it can indeed be an important stepping stone on your personal path, if you enter into the ceremony with the right inner commitment.
As for the baptism by fire, it is clearly a necessary step on the path to salvation, but it is an inner ceremony that will take place when the soul is ready. You can take the baptism by water with false motives - you can take it by force - but you cannot fake the baptism by fire. You are either ready for it or you are not.
Beloved Saint Germain
You see, my beloved, do not limit the Holy Spirit. Do not look back at the religious history of the last 2000 years and take a look at how the Holy Spirit has been expressed in various religious movements and form the mental image that this is how the Holy Spirit needs to be expressed – and therefore this is how it should be expressed – in the Aquarian age.
The Holy Spirit can take on many forms, my beloved. It will not necessarily appear as a religious outpouring. I can assure you that many of you – when you speak to other people and you speak from the heart – you are allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through you, even if you are not talking about spiritual matters.
And thus, what I am talking about is an awakening of the many people who have been positioned by me to bring forth the change in awareness here in California and elsewhere. Many of these people have found their way into professional positions, political positions, teaching positions at universities and elsewhere, where they are positioned not necessarily to bring forth a spiritual awakening in their field, but still to bring forth a new awareness, new ideas, a new paradigm. It might not be openly spiritual but it is still the Holy Spirit working through them when they bring forth these new concepts and ideas.
Thus, do not limit the Holy Spirit, thinking that it has to take on a particular form. My beloved, you might see a preacher who has the Holy Spirit and who stands in front of a large audience, causing people to fall over in the Spirit. But that is not the only manifestation of the Holy Spirit, for it has many disguises. In fact it will take on whatever form is necessary in order to challenge the status quo and help people to take one step higher. Again, it is not our vision that everyone should come to accept a particular spiritual belief system or become members of a particular movement or organization.
We simply desire to see everyone come up one or several steps in consciousness, compared to where they are at right now. And this is, again, the work of the Holy Spirit. Whenever someone transcends their current level of consciousness and comes up higher, it is through the agency of the Holy Spirit that that transcendence happens.
For the essence of the Holy Spirit is self-transcendence. And so, whenever anyone is instrumental in helping another human being transcend some limitation of consciousness, well then you have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. And you might look at society and see how – over the last several decades – there has been an incredible growth in people's awareness in every aspect of life. Look for example to the growth in the awareness of alternative health, alternative diets, and more healthy lifestyles. This, again, is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, whenever there is a greater awareness, an awakening.

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My Blog

The True Community of the Holy Sirit by Jesus The Christ

The True Community of the Holy Spirit A discourse by Jesus NOTE: This dictation was given at the Shangra-la Summer Conference, July 26, 2004. I AM Jesus Christ, as Above, so belowin you. I come to ap...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 16:43:00 GMT

Questions Answered by Jesus The Christ 1

Kim: Jesus, what is the deeper meaning behind the concept of the sin against the Holy Ghost, as recorded in Matthew, Chapter 12: 31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 16:41:00 GMT

Questions Answered by Jesus The Christ 2

Question: In three of the four gospel accounts, you speak about the "unforgivable sin." Were these your words? And if so, will you please explain. Is there truly a sin that is unforgivable? Answer fro...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 16:39:00 GMT

Questions Answered by Jesus The Christ 3 (The Violet Flame)

 Question: Master Jesus: Are the Holy Spirit and the violet flame one and the same?Bambi Answer from Jesus: The Violet Flame is one aspect of the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit is more than th...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 16:37:00 GMT

Questions Answered by Beloved Jesus The Christ 4 (kundalini & reiki)

Question: Question 1: I'm confused, did you dear Jesus ever teach on the kundalini? Is the constant stream of spiritual energy that keeps us alive and the kundalini two different energies, or are the...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 16:29:00 GMT