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God's Daughter

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This book was written by those who would bring you forward through the one I call Daughter on earth.
Written through Jody Rector

About the Book:God’s Daughter is written in love by God the Father, God the Mother and the Daughter. In this spiral of words is a message to everyone to encourage them during these days of war and during the time after. The message is there to unlock the truth inside each individual, enabling all to become one with the Divine by understanding what the Christ Coming is all about. It is a message of Hope written directly to each soul so that each person can find comfort and understanding. God’s Daughter is not a book to read once, but many times, realizing new meanings hidden beneath layers at each turn in life. This is written solely to all those who have the need to BE.

About the Author:Jody thrives simply and quietly in faith unhindered by the material world. Her love of travel has taken her many places in the United States and Western Europe. When traveling she prefers to mingle with the local culture and feel the touch of the land she walks on. She is a devoted wife of 25 years. Jody lives along Philosophers way in Heidelberg, Germany.

What others are saying about the book, God's Daughter

Review from Amazon: "God's Daughter" is a wonderful channeled communication from God the Father, Mother and Daughter through writer, poet and artist Jodie Rector. This book will inspire you and show you the way that Spirit truly communicates through to individuals who open themselves to spiritual connection, as well as open you to the profound messages that come through Jodie Rector for the world. There are also beautiful artwork images of the Daughter receiving spiritual information throughout the book by the talented writer and artist, Jodie Rector. Inspirational poetry that has also been channeled closes out the book, further illustrating the many ways one can receive the message from God the Father, Mother and Daughter. This is a beautiful and evolved Spiritual book for anyone interested in considering messages from God.- Rev. Barbra Ross

I just finished reading a great book by a new author called God's Daughter, by Jody Rector. I have been going through a lot in my quest to find truth and meaning in experiences that I have had. This book was referred to me and I have to say that it put a lot in perspective for me. I also came to realize that I am not alone. In this book, The Father, Mother and Daughter come through this author to help us understand our path and how we can achieve the goal that we had set on ourselves before we ever came here. The Father is qouted as saying ""Now, children, be aware of the fact that life is but a place to learn these lessons and know that you learn them, they will carry your needs through to others, for they too are on a path to me." This statement, along with the rest of the book, has taught me that everyone's journey is meant to lead to the same destination, and we are not alone. This book has given me the courage to ask questions, make choices, and understand the meaning of life.I would recommend this book to anyone that has ever questioned the path they are supposed to take in this life. Julie B.

Of all the inspriational books that I have looked through I have found this one to be the most helpful. There so much truth to it when it comes to marriage and what it stands for. I really enjoyed reading it. Even though it is a short book there is so much to take in from each page. I also enjoyed the poems and paintings. Jody Rector is very well rounded with her work. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for something more in their marriage. -Roxanne Alden

"Do you sometimes think that your different, that you have so much to give but that nobody understands and won't feel as you do? Do you wonder why God gave you so many feelings and such a short time to share them? "God's Daughter" will give you hope that you are special, that God loves everyone of us, if we would just take the time to listen. "God's Daughter will inspire you to listen to your heart and know that Love, Peace and Joy are a part of who you are. You will know that you, have the power to use these wonderful gifts to benefit those now and those who come after you, and in this knowledge lies the Hope. Thank you Jody, I really appreciate the warm inner peace this book gave to me. God blessed us both. Midge in Missouri"

My First Experience Channeling- Jody

The following is my first experience channeling the Father's words back on January 18, 2001. It was this overwhelming spiritual experience, and many experiences after, that eventually lead to the book, God's Daughter.
A little history about this channeling- I was writing about my name in my journal for future generations when the Father's words began to spiral through me. The following writing begins with the paragraph previous to the Father's words so that you can see how the voice changed. Also, because of the sacred words of this document, I have left the writing as is, misspelled words and all. I have done this because I want to share this message exactly as it was first written. -Jody
January 18, 2001...“I have, in fact, just found out that my name, Jody Ann, as well as, Jo Ann, Jeanette, Jehanne, Jehenne, and Joan all meant, “God’s special gift”. So I now know I am also named for my grandmother, Jeanette, as well as her half sister, Jo Ann. The origin of the name dates back to Hebrew times which later during the Middle Ages became a common name in western Europe, especially in families with spiritual gifts in which traditionally the name was passed down grandmother to granddaughter, just as both Joan of Arc’s grandmother’s were named Jehenne.
But these are all technicalities. II look back now on this past year as I unravel my story. A story meant to be told truthfully and without guile. I have been chosen to write this so that all may k ow of Hope, for that has always been my mission. The people of this world need hopenow more thant ever for we are dyingn Life fritters away in the dust of technology. We are created of the energy about us, we are born into and out of these lives into something new and we must save this earth from contamination. Life does continue upwards and life is a precious gift. I say this to you now,for it nedds to be herd. We are dying. Put away your machines they will not save you. It is I the creator who makes one with the Goddess, who will save you for we are in each of you, divine and whole. Listen to me and save yourselves. Jody listen to me, write this as it is meant to be written, to the masses. January 18, 2001, 12:40 PM
The second writing, a few minutes later.
January 18, 2001---- I have just received the above message, following hard upon the hills of discovery. I am who I say I am. Listen to me for what I say is true. I have come before four times, four worlds. In the aftermath of human struggle when I am needed most. I write this in hope that you will hear me. I write it so that all will know that life speaks of more than just this one life. I am here now for there is a battle to be fought. The battle of Life. For here and now is the decision. Listen to the voice of reason. I speak of a time to come, a time for fear when the earth will lie dying from her wounds and people will be few. She will multiply a thousand different ways upon the path of speed into eternal light. Fix what you have broken now or forever hold your peace. I say this now as a word of warning. Your timeis limited. She cries for you, heal her. I have given you life suppoert it. The channels fall few and inbetween for few listen.”
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I move my hand over you
base to mouth
in one long whistle of thought;
your belly: round, full.
I cup my palm against you
to feel the fullness
drawing up, narrow
to a rim open to the sky.
If I filled you, you would hold me.
-Jody(Taken from the book, God's Daughter)

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Taken from the book, God's Daughter

God the Father speaks...It is in the best interest of the populace to know that all is sacred within me, for I am the hope of the world, and, in this, all hope rises. This is forever cast in doubt, but I assure you, all is for the outcome of all and all is within my power to rise. Dismay not over the coming days of terror, for I will assail upon the goodness of heart and all will prevail, for I will leave none behind. Lest you misinterpret these words, let all know I am the one you call God, and all will rise in this knowing within, for I am the center of your true and utterly beautiful beings. It is I who call all to justice and set forth the standard, and it is I who will bring forward light. Now, know this is coming, for the rising has long begun; and you must know that I am truth as well, for love is truth of a different kind, and all I say is for your own good...

The Archangel Michael speaks on Marriage and Hope Channeled Writing, March 2, 2007 Base of St. Michael’s Mountain, Heidelberg, Germany

Dearest Father, how does the Archangel Michael symbolize Marriage?

“You, my love, know the answer to this but let me help you. The Archangel Michael is here. Let him speak through you.”

“I am, Jody, the Archangel Michael. I am here to inform you that marriage is the existence between two opposite facets. It is through these opposite facets that life emerges on every level of the spectrum of light. This is part of this lesson on marriage. Marriage comes in both the plural and the singular tense. This process on earth is full of change and this change is caused by those who make changes. I want you to realize that life is full of the need to BE. TO BE is to be aware of your self. This is the process the earth is taking and this is why it is rotating in this haphazard way. It is trying to identify its own BEING. Yes, Jody, capitalize for it is imperative you understand the need to be. The need to be comes when one recognizes it’s other. The Other is the mirror image of itself across the spectrum of light. It is at this point that life is created. I am a symbol of the life given. This marriage is full of optimism. It is full of justice. This marriage between you and your other is a great success. It will mirror all time. That is why you are here writing this. The marriage that I symbolize is the marriage of Hope between Land and Sky. The Age of Michael is the Age of Hope and this is why it is the Age of the Sacred Marriage. Through the sanctity of Land and Sky, Hope rises. You are this Hope; you and your Other. I want you to know that the sword symbolizes this truth, this justice, and the dragon symbolizes the earth. I am the representation of the Father here on earth at this time. I want you to begin this section by explaining this to the people and from there I will help you more.”

Mary Magdalene as Bride

The Father and Bride Speak Channeled Writing, March 13, 2007

Dearest Father, who is Bride?"
“The Bride is the sole essence of those who have given themselves to me in the process of life and death for I am both the living and the dead. I see that I have your attention. The living bequeaths me to uphold to them what life means. This meaning is at the center of who you are, your own distinct livelihood, and submission grants that you allow yourself to know me as I am. This is the first step to understanding the meaning of the Bride for she is at the center of your being. Through her I adjust to the fore of your being for this is within the sanctity of love that I emerge. I am all that there is for it is through me that each of you know the path. I am this within and from me I generate the need to be. The Mother is the path for she is the one to give you the ability to see me. I am as always within the unity of breath. I give myself to the Father for I am the one who sees the light. It is through me that life is born for it through me life is generated. I see that you are confused. This is natural for it is hard to recognize that I come from within. This is the light that shines for I cannot grow outward without you recognizing me. I see only what is to be, not what is before. This is as it should be for I am born in a time when I am needed. This is how it is for the Father comes to me in the night and there opens me to light. I see that this is how it must be. You should not be sorry for what you have done. Only sorry for not understanding why you have come so far and not known me. You must be awakened to the light. This is who I am, the Bride. I awaken in you the ability to see your truest love. This is the one within and without you and He is the one who created me. I was created from Light and I will return to Light as you ascend through me. I am the center, the beginning, the end for I am the opening of mankind. This is above and beyond your understanding, but it is a beginning. This I ask of you. Remember who gave you life. Remember it came through me. This is what “Hope” means for it is truly a gift to know that you are upcoming and full of the need to be. This is called life. Fulfill it and know me.”

St. Bridget (Bride)

My Blog

Spiritual Journal- last entry

Hello Dear Friends, I hope all is well and I want to thank all of you for your support and love. I know that I am being helped by so many. I want to let you know that this is the last entry for t...
Posted by God's Daughter on Tue, 06 May 2008 01:42:00 PST

Miracle has happened! Spiritual Journal- May Day 2008

May Day, 2008:  Dear Friends,  I have wonderful news. A miracle has happened.  As some of you know I have given over the profits of this book to God the Mother and God the Father to dis...
Posted by God's Daughter on Thu, 01 May 2008 02:16:00 PST

Spiritual Journal- April 30 and Fest

April 30, 2008  Hello Everyone,  Today is a beautiful day! I wake up each morning now excited about the future and where it is leading. I feel such a rush just to be alive.  I spent the...
Posted by God's Daughter on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 03:49:00 PST

Expression- Journal writing April 29, 2008

April 29, 2008: Hello Dear Friends, I received this email this morning and answered back. I am sharing it with you because I had the question yesterday- that I asked the Father- if I was pushing my vi...
Posted by God's Daughter on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:34:00 PST

Age of Michael: Gift of Hope- A New Generation

Gift of Hope: A New Generation   One of the gifts of Hope that we are receiving right now in the Age of Michael are the Crystal Children. These children are filled with Light and Love and are fir...
Posted by God's Daughter on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 01:15:00 PST

Age of Michael: Becoming Light

A Call to All Warriors of Light         & nbsp;    Becoming Light In the Age of the Archangel Michael Written at the base of St. Michae...
Posted by God's Daughter on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 01:08:00 PST

Sacred Messages- 3 of 3

Originally handwritten and copied exactly to include mistakes of grammar and misspellings as the writing came through me on October 4, 2001.           . ..
Posted by God's Daughter on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 02:50:00 PST

Sacred Messages- 2 of 3

July 12, 2001              I am the messenger of this writing for it is beneath me to show favoritism to the populace of your hearts. I wish to en...
Posted by God's Daughter on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 02:49:00 PST

Sacred Messages- 1 of 3

January 19, 2001                My story of one of pain and love for I fall between. It is like the rose delicate and sweet covered in thorns...
Posted by God's Daughter on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 02:04:00 PST

Introduction to the Messages sent to the White House

  Introduction to the Messages   The following messages were written through me from the Daughter and Father on January 19, 2001; July 12, 2001, and October 4, 2001. Th...
Posted by God's Daughter on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 01:59:00 PST