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The Elemental Kingdom

I am here for Networking

About Me

When the Solar Logoi of a System take Cosmic Initiation and are vested with the power to create a Universe, three evolutionary Intelligences are given an opportunity to develop and mature in there: the Elemental, the Angelic, and the Human. The evolution of each one of them differs radically from the other two, but all three, through a cohesive band of cooperative unity work together to the attainment of the same goal. In this respect man seems to be the most dependent for it is from the Elemental Kingdom that he gets his mental equipment, while from the Angelic he receives that of his feelings.
". . . My service with the Elemental Kingdom is to train Builders of form. In Temples in the Third Sphere, where the Beloved Venetian assists Me, we teach elemental life to look upon a design - we start with something very small, like the petals of a flower, a blade of grass, a dewdrop, or a snowflake. We, or one of the Builders of Form - make a design, externalize it in the atmosphere before them, and all the elementals in the class endeavor to embody a like form. They try to imitate that figure in a shape, color and design - some of them are very grotesque at first - as they can hold the picture for scarcely a second at a time, when they resume their ordinary shape - but, they are in school and finally there comes a time when they can embody the form of, let us say, an apple blossom. The teacher in the Temple then notifies the Nature Devas that there is a group of elemental beings ready to become the blossoms of an apple tree in someone's orchard - simple! And yet, think of the centuries of training and self-control on the part, not only of the elementals themselves, but of the teacher! Finally, you have a lovely white and pink spring - the apple blossoms smell so sweet and the lovers of spring enjoy walking under the bowers of their beauty - the farmer has hope of a good crop in the autumn - the bees are happy as they make their honey, and the elemental is happy because he has fulfilled his purpose. Then the short season completed, the blossoms fall, and the elemental returns home for commendation, for rest, and reassignment. They are, primarily, mental beings - el-e-mental."
There are four divisions of the Elemental Kingdom, each one working under the direction of a Cosmic Being. These are: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. The directing intelligence for the Earth is Virgo, "Mother Earth," and Her Divine Complement is Pelleur. The elementals under Them are known as "Gnomes." For the Water is Neptune and His Divine Complement is Luara. The elementals under Them are known as "Undines." For the Air is Aries and Her Divine Complement is Thor. Their charges are known as "Sylphs." The elemental of Fire comes directly under Helios and Vesta, and Oromasis and Diana, and the elementals for this division are the "Salamanders."
In the creation of the Planet Earth, as well as in the creation of other Planets, the services of the Elemental Kingdom come first. They work under the supreme direction of the Seven Elohim and the Builders of Form and it is to them that we owe our mountains, our plains, the rivers, the sea and the oceans, and everything tangible on Earth. When this work is completed, man arrives, accompanied by the Angelic Host, but even then the elementals remain to serve man and keep up the work of Creation. (Maha Chohan)
Nature is much more than meets the eye with a riot of colors and the glorious abundance of earth. In truth, there is a material and spiritual science involved in Nature that is far beyond what most people imagine. In her seeming reckless wild abandon, there is the order of universal intelligence moving according to divine decree.
Man, who along with the ascended masters belongs to the branch of cosmic hierarchy known as the “Sons and Daughters of God,” plays an important role in this cosmic scheme. When man was created by the Father-Mother God and told to take dominion over the earth, he was given helpers from both the “Angelic Kingdom” and from the kingdom known as the “Builders of Creation.” So Nature is the servant of both God and man.
Elohim are the powerful beings who head up the Builders of Creation branch of cosmic hierarchy. Elohim is one of the Hebrew names of God. It is a uni-plural noun referring to the twin flames of the Godhead that comprise the “Divine Us.” When speaking specifically of either the masculine or feminine half, the plural form is retained because both halves contain the divine whole. Elohim preside over the creation of star systems, planets and all physical life evolving anywhere in the universe. They carry the greatest concentration and highest vibration of light that we can comprehend.
Nature spirits or “elementals” serve under the direction of Elohim. Elementals are vital participants in the cosmic scheme, working to help create and sustain our planet. They work with the four elements of fire, air, water and earth. Fiery salamanders work with fire, sylphs with the air, undines with water and gnomes with the earth. They strive to physically manifest the beautiful concepts of creation held in the divine mind of Elohim.
While elementals serve to manifest divine creation, they also outpicture the concepts held in the minds of men. Many of mankind’s thoughts and creations are unfortunately negative. Burdened by mankind’s misuse of energy, elementals are forced by their very nature to release this negative karma through natural disasters like hurricanes, floods and earth changes. They help us as much as they can by removing toxins and impurities from the air, the sea and the land, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for these beings to do their work without mankind’s conscious collaboration.
Because elementals live on a different level of the physical plane from ours, most people do not see them and, ignorant of their existence, have not actively combined forces with them in caring for the earth. The ascended masters encourage people to develop loving relationships with elemental life by sending them light, love and positive energy to assist them in their daily tasks. The masters also recommend using the Science of the Spoken Word as a direct and effective method for working with the elementals and giving them a boost of light. Consciously working with them in these ways can help offset and avert many natural disasters and weather patterns that are disrupting Nature and the harmony of earth’s ecosystems.
Animals are also a large part of Nature on this planet. Animals have a group soul and are evolving into higher life forms. Occasionally an elemental will ensoul an animal body and assist the group soul in developing. Sometimes elementals ensoul animals that live with or around people. These “elemental” pets learn such lessons as love, obedience, patience and service. Advanced elementals can eventually earn a threefold flame through their service to souls of light. Through this spark of divinity within the heart, they enter the beginning level of the same kingdom as man, the “Sons and Daughters of God, thus moving up the ladder of spiritual evolution.”

My Interests


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I made this music playlist at MyFlashFetish .com.


What The Bleep Do We Know

The Secret

The Gospel of John


The Ten Commandments


The Last Temptation of Christ

The Celestine Prophesy

Conversations With God


Peaceful Warrior

The Last Mimzy


The "I AM" Discourses

Saint Germain On Alchemy

Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East

At the Feet of the Master

The "I AM" Discourses, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Climb the Highest Mountain



My Blog

Hierarch of the Earth Element/virgo and Pelleur/Gnomes

Virgo                     Twin Flame / Divine Complement / Twin Ray: Pelleur Also known as: Mother Earth 9 "Gaia" Goddess of Earth 2 Firs...
Posted by The Elemental Kingdom on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 03:55:00 PST

Hierarch of the Water Element/Neptune and Luara/Undines

Neptune              Neptune: Purpose of Water Element, Sept 30, 1955, dictated to G. I. "Beloved children of the Earth, I come as always as the...
Posted by The Elemental Kingdom on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 03:49:00 PST

Hierarch of the Air Element/Aries and Thor/Sylphs

Hierarch Aries: Purpose of Air Element, Autumn 1955, dictated to G. Innocente I AM Aries spirit of the air! I AM the first visitor you had when you first took embodiment & your infant form accepte...
Posted by The Elemental Kingdom on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 03:42:00 PST

Hierarch of Fire Element/Diana and Oromasis/Salamanders

Diana                     Hierarch of Fire Element Diana: The Seven Bodies, Sept 29, 1955, dictated to...
Posted by The Elemental Kingdom on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 03:34:00 PST