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Christ Truth

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Was Jesus Christ the only son of God?
Beloved Jesus The Christ:"Everything in the world of form is created from God’s substance. Without him was not anything made that was made. Therefore, every living soul is a son or daughter of God.
However, there are many devout Christians who feel very strongly that I was someone special, and there is some validity to this belief. I am not thereby saying that I completely agree with this belief, I am merely saying that it is understandable why so many Christians hold on to this belief. Let me explain.
What does it truly mean to be a son or daughter of God? God has given you free will, and God has given you the ability to create. Originally, your soul was created in the image and likeness of God, meaning it had a unique individuality. However, your spiritual parents did not create your individuality as something that was set in stone. You have the free will and the creative potential to build your individuality upon the foundation laid by your spiritual parents. This is indeed what you were meant to do.
Therefore, life can be seen as a process through which your soul is constantly building its sense of identity. In an overall sense, you are meant to keep building your sense of identity until you reach a point where you realize that you are an individualization of God and that you have the full creative powers of God himself/herself. That is why I said: “Ye are Gods.”
However, when a soul falls into a lower state of consciousness and forgets its spiritual origin, the soul begins to build a false sense of identity, a pseudo identity. From God’s viewpoint, that false identity, as a mortal human being, is not real. Yet, as long as your soul accepts that sense of identity, the pseudo identity becomes the only reality that your soul knows. Therefore, that sense of identity becomes the soul’s reality. Because the soul knows nothing else, the soul does not realize that the pseudo identity is unreal and temporary. To the soul, this is the only sense of identity there is.
From God’s viewpoint, a lost soul is still one of his sons or daughters. Yet, if you go inside the box of the soul, inside the soul’s sense of identity, that soul does not see itself as a son or daughter of God. Therefore, in the here and now, the soul is not acting as a son or daughter of God. If a soul does not accept its divine origin, it cannot express its divine potential. If a soul does not accept its potential to be the Christ, then the soul cannot be the Christ in action.
When I appeared on earth 2,000 years ago, only a few people had come to a full realization of their Christhood. Therefore, one might say that I appeared at a time when there was no other son or daughter of God on earth. I had realized the fullness of my sonship, and therefore I was and I acted as a son of God. In other words, when you look at this situation from a specific viewpoint, it is possible to say that Jesus Christ was indeed the only son of God who appeared in that particular place at that particular time. Therefore, I can understand that some Christians have strong feelings for this idea (I am not saying that I share those feelings).
Unfortunately, most people never understood that the statement that I was the only son of God was correct only from a certain viewpoint. The carnal mind has a tendency to create idols. Therefore, people were quick to turn me into an idol and to start believing that the statement that I was the only son of God was universally true.
Let me make it very clear that every living soul is, in reality, a son or daughter of God. If the soul does not identify itself as a son or daughter of God, then that soul cannot express the fullness of its divine potential. Therefore, from an earthly viewpoint, the soul is not a son or daughter of God. The soul has the potential to act as a son or daughter of God, but that potential is not realized. Yet, I want to make it very clear that I am not the only person to appear on earth with a full recognition of his or her divine identity and origin. I am not the only person to appear in the fullness of Christhood.
There have been others before me and there will, I sincerely hope, be others after me. In fact, I hope that some of the readers of these teachings will be counted among them."
I am come to inaugurate the Age of the Universal Christ
A message from Jesus, delivered during the Shangra-la Summer Conference, July 1, 2005.
"I am the universal Christ in action here.Many in the West have known me as Jesus, many in the East have known me as Krishna. We are distinct beings, yet we are both representatives of the one universal Christ that is in all life. Therefore, I come now as the Jesus with which most of you are familiar here in the West. I come to claim planet Earth for the universal Christ, as opposed to the false Christ, the dogmatic, exclusivist Christ that has been set up as an idol by those who claim to represent me on Earth.
I am here to take dominion over the Earth, but I am here to take dominion over the Earth through the Christ in all life. Will you be the Christ in action where you are?[Audience answers, “Yes!”]
Then I welcome you to my heart, and I welcome you to this upper room,* which is a symbol of the upper room where I shared the last supper with my disciples. That upper room was in itself a symbol of the fact that my disciples had been willing to raise their consciousness to the level of the Christ mind. And thus, the upper room was truly a place in consciousness, although it was also a physical place.
I am come today to claim the next 2,000 years as the Age of the Universal Christ. You may have heard of it as the Age of Aquarius, you may have heard of it as the Age of Freedom, but there is no freedom except through Christ and the Christ mind that cleaves the real from the unreal in your own being and in the world in which you live.
And thus, many years ago, the term Christ was truly a universal term. It had no dogmatic connotations. It was not monopolized by a particular church, and it was never meant to be monopolized by one particular church. It was meant to remain a universal term that would unite brother with brother across the lines of the outer religions. I came to inaugurate an age where people would separate themselves from the consciousness of duality, the consciousness of anti-christ that is based on separation, the separation from your source that leads to a sense of separation from your brothers and sisters in Spirit, and therefore leads to conflict and vain competition among men.
I came to bring the universal Christ light that is beyond any outer teaching that can be expressed in words. It cannot be confined to any expression in words or images in this world. It is beyond this world of form, but it can be touched, it can be glimpsed, through you, when you go within, when you go into the kingdom that is within you, that is within your heart and reach for that something more that you cannot define, that you cannot put into words, but that you know is real because your heart will tell you the reality of this universal Christ mind.
And when people are willing to reach for that – whether they call it Christ or something else – but when they are willing to reach for that which cannot be defined, then they will truly find a deeper sense of oneness with the source of all life. And as you, as an individual, feel that sense of oneness, you will know that the source from which you sprang was also the very origin of all other people on Earth. And when you know that other people came from the same source, you cannot look at them as enemies, you cannot look at them as competitors, and you will not judge them.
The end of the Piscean age
Thus, I come to tell you that this conference marks the end of the Piscean age and the beginning of the Aquarian age. This is not determined by a particular date or by some conflagration of stars in the sky. It is determined by the fact that humankind has reached a level of consciousness that makes it possible for us to bring forth the true teachings of Aquarius instead of having to bring forth teachings that still attempt to help people learn the lessons of Pisces—that they should have learned many lifetimes ago.
You have all heard the statement from the Gospel of John, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father but by me.” You have probably heard some hellfire and brimstone Christian preacher use that statement as a supposed proof that Christianity is the only true religion. And for almost 2,000 years the blind leaders of orthodox Christianity have managed to have over a billion people believe in their lie that Christianity is the only true religion. But in truth, the universal Christ is the only true religion, the only true approach to religion, because it is only through the Christ mind that you can attain the goal of all true religion, which is oneness with your source and oneness with your brothers and sisters who are part of the Body of God on Earth.
And thus, I never meant to start an exclusivist religion that would compete with other religions and seek to replace them, even seeking to kill the followers of other religions, thinking it was better for those followers to be killed than to go to hell. What folly this has been. What sorrow and burden it has been to my heart to watch this for 2,000 years. And therefore, I come to tell you that I Jesus Christ from this day on will wage war against those who misuse my name and the name of the Universal Christ.
I will remain with Earth for another 2,000 years
I have come to claim planet Earth for the true teachings of the universal Christ. And I will give those teachings, so that people can either accept them or deny them, but so that no one can say that they have not been presented with the true teachings of Christ.
The true meaning of the statement I made, that I am the way, the truth and the life, is simple. I Jesus Christ, as an ascended being, have been appointed by God to hold a spiritual office for planet Earth. That is the Office of Savior, or World Teacher. When a person has reached a sufficient level of Christhood, that person will have to go through the office, my office, the Office of the Universal Christ, in order to permanently ascend from planet Earth and rise to a higher level.
The Office of the Universal Christ has one goal only, and that is to make sure that a student has let go of the duality consciousness, the consciousness of anti-christ, and has come to identify himself or herself with the Christ within, with the source of all life, because only that sense of oneness can give a soul, a lifestream, entry into Heaven. No one who is still stuck in the duality consciousness can enter Heaven, because in Heaven we are all one and we are all one with God. And so, how can those who wear not the wedding garment of oneness enter the wedding feast? They must remain in the outer darkness of their own making, of the duality consciousness.
So for these past 2,000 years I have served in this office. And I have received many sincere seekers who came to me. And many of them have passed the test of oneness and they have gone through my office to higher realms. Now, the Christians will tell you that those who came to me would have had to come from a Christian religion, but that is not so. That is a lie. I have received people from every religion on Earth over these past 2,000 years. I have even received many who did not belong to a formal religion. I have even received a precious few who thought they were atheists, but nevertheless discovered their true inner faith, once they shed the mortal form.
As one age passes and another age begins, it is possible that a spiritual office will be passed on to another ascended being. Yet I am here to tell you that I have been offered by cosmic councils to continue in my office for the next 2,000 years, and I have decided to accept this offer.[Audience applauds.]
Therefore, I will continue to serve in the Office of the Universal Christ for the next 2,000 years, assisting all of the ascended brother and sisters who work with planet Earth. Why have I made this decision? For one reason only—out of my love for you, for those souls on Earth who truly are the true followers of the universal Christ.
I am here for you
As I have said, there are 10,000 people on Earth today who at inner levels have attained their Christhood. Many of them have grown up in a religion that did not teach them about Christhood, or that taught them that it was blasphemy to make themselves equal to Christ. Therefore, they have not been awakened to their inner attainment, they have not accepted their inner attainment, and they have not claimed their Christhood. And there are millions more who have attained a high degree of Christhood and could attain the full Christhood in this embodiment, if only they would dare to claim it.
And thus, I have vowed – out of love for these souls – to stay with Earth for another 2,000 years and assist Saint Germain in bringing in the Golden Age of Aquarius, the golden age of spiritual freedom, that has been this dream for these many centuries. And thus I tell you that I am here and that I am here to stay.
And I tell you also – all those who are members of other religions, those who are in the New Age movement, those who have been discouraged or disappointed by orthodox Christianity – I tell you, I Jesus Christ am here to serve the Christ in you—if you will have me. I know that many of you have been prejudiced against Jesus Christ because you have been exposed to the false image of Christ that has been promoted by orthodox Christianity in my name. Yet I am not here as that idol.
I am not the Jesus Christ that has been portrayed hanging on the cross for so many years in Christian churches. I am not that idol, not that false Christ. I am far more. I am a universal spiritual Being, and I am here to help you—if you are willing to open your heart and give me room to enter.
Therefore, I will – through this messenger, through other messengers and through anyone who is willing to speak the Living Word – expose people to the true, universal Christ, the inner Christ within all. This is the Christ of the Aquarian Age, and without that Christ, without that Christ mind, you will not be able to transcend the consciousness of Pisces and move into the consciousness of Aquarius. This then is my commitment to Earth and to your progress on the path.
However, I realize, as the realistic Being that I am, that I of my own self can do nothing and that I alone cannot accomplish this task, even though I am an ascended Being and even though I have been given all power in Heaven and on Earth. I am not the only ascended being, and there are other ascended beings who embody particular flames that are needed to help planet Earth go through the transformation from the Piscean state of consciousness to the Aquarian state of consciousness."

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My Blog

Is There Room In the Inn For the Living Christ to Be Born? by Jesus The Christ

Is There Room in the Inn For the Living Christ To Be born? A message from Jesus Christ, Easter Sunday, March 27, 2005. NOTE: This message was delivered through Kim Michaels at the Shangra-la Easter co...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:00:00 GMT

The Living Christ IS Always More Than You Think by Jesus The Christ

The Living Christ is ALWAYS more than you think A message from Jesus, given 10-23-05, during the Shangra-la Fall conference, held in Emigrant, Montana. I am come that all might have life and that the...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:59:00 GMT

Become the Open Door For the Living Christ by Jesus The Christ

Become the open door for the Living Christ A message from Jesus NOTE: This message was delivered on May 28, 2006 during the Shangra-la Ascension Conference. I and my Father are One. I and my brother a...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:57:00 GMT

See the Living Christ In Yourself-and Let the Living Word Flow Through You by Jesus The Christ

See the Living Christ in yourselfand let the Living Word flow through you A message from Jesus Note: This dictation was delivered through Kim Michaels during the Shangra-la Christmas, New Year's conf...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:55:00 GMT

Become the Christ That You Are by Jesus The Christ

Become the Christ that you are September 13, 2002 NOTE from Kim: [Text in brackets are my explanatory notes].Please note that most of what was given to me in these messages applies to everyone walking...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:53:00 GMT