Member Since: 3/31/2007
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Band Members: for these tracks i used my old computer, some other gearand the closest sounds to the sounds of my +words written + performed by me .copyright
Influences: everything i ever heard is probably an influence in one way or another. i know that descriptions no good for people like you who happen to stumble across/been invited to hear these tunes to try tempt your cochleas .grew up in a concoxion of 70s 80s with asian sounds playing in the background. subliminally mesmirise. onto the 90s and dance took the reigns of my feet and implanted musical seeds to be used later in life with some of my uptempo midst of listening to what everyone listened to there was always stuff i listened to (and still do) that not everyone around me knew of or liked. true emotions behind music kicked in and embedded itself in my soul century started and with a mixed bag of old tapes and Cds to hand i had a collection of music which ranged from the well known to the obscure and the desire to fuse eveyrthing i heard and using styles and influences i carried when it came to writing music. subconscious.If you need to know the answer to this influences question then go to my friends list. browse . click. listen to the soundmakers who added me. it might give you a good idea on the answer. those sounds and words that had an affect on me you might feel
Sounds Like: labels can restrict audience. whats read then thought before anything is heard leads to 2 options 1- listen 2- dont. Words are limiting. understood theres a need for options for choice but song 1 song 2 song 3 etc would denote my point but then would be bland boring and maybe initiate opinion of lethargy or lack of imagination. it could make it less appealing to prospective listeners onthis site. be that judge if you want. if these sounds make you feel anything like i do ..then part mission accomplished / / / / / / / /the video is the first couple of minutes from a film called Seeker written and directed by Omelihu Nwanguma and Adam Hutchings (in my friends list) and its the first film i wrote the music for .A poignant take on life in this country and the journey a man takes in order to survive.Seeker was perfect opportunity for me to write music to picture and especially because its an inspiring well-acted film (particularly by Joseph Sadipe) about the reality of life these days...
Type of Label: None