soar like an eagle through the trees of your soul

About Me

"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." ~Pericles
"I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create." ~William Blake
"In Silence the heart illumines; veil after veil is removed. In the heart shines the Light of Love. When the Light of Love is seen shining within your heart you behold the Light in all. Your heart will be filled with love and compassion for all." - Kirpal Singh
FAITH! HOPE! Find a petition and sign it!
horse drawn carriages, rodeos, horrible seal hunting in canada, animal testing...animals need our protection we humans with understanding and reason are the only ones to protect the innocent get off your ass and become proactive in your world....find out where and how the food you eat gets to you..please dont be paralyzed by fear and gloom the innocent need you..please don't kill me, its not my fault that the salmon and cod are disappearing
Why boycott Canadian seafood? Seal hunting is an off-season activity conducted by fishers from Canada's East Coast. They earn a small fraction of their incomes from sealing—primarily from the sale of seal pelts to European fashion markets. But the vast majority of the sealers' incomes are from commercial fisheries. Canadian seafood exports to the United States contribute $2.5 billion annually to the Canadian economy—dwarfing the few million dollars provided by the seal hunt. The connection between the commercial fishing industry and the seal hunt in Canada gives consumers all over the world the power to end this cruel and brutal slaughter. Early in the season, younger seals are usually killed on the ice with clubs or hakapiks. Later in the season, beaters and older seals are usually shot with a rifle, both on the ice and in the water. Seal pups have traditionally been clubbed to death, but in recent years thinning ice has led to increased shooting on ice and in open water. When clubbing, sealers may only "stun" a pup, resulting in the skinning or bleeding of a live seal. Shooting also causes significant suffering. The Royal Commission on Seals and Sealing recognized it is extremely difficult to guarantee a clean kill when shooting at seals in the water or on moving ice floes. Seals are often wounded and escape to die under the ice. (These "uncounted kills" are not included in government catch statistics.) < PRESS RELEASESCanada plans to kill 275,000 harp seal pups despite international outcry11 March 2008(Ottawa, Canada – 11 March 2008) - Conservation and animal welfare groups, including the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), have condemned Canada’s announced plans to kill 275,000 harp seals in this year’s commercial seal hunt, which is expected to start in a few weeks’ time.The Canadian Government has once again decided to ignore scientific advice by setting the total allowable catch (TAC) for harp seals well above what the population can sustain, with experts appalled that the quota has been increased despite scientific evidence that the population is in decline. “The blatant disregard for precautionary principles demonstrates to the world that the Canadian government does not value science or conservation,” said Sheryl Fink, a senior researcher with IFAW. Experts with IFAW maintain that the government’s unwillingness to seriously reduce the TAC is not only irresponsible, but downright reckless given the recent history of unsustainable catches, poor ice conditions and increased pup mortality. “Just last year, hundreds of thousands of newborn pups in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence died due to lack of ice before the hunt even began,” said Fink. “And now with this exceedingly high quota, this same harp seal population will face another year of decline.” In the last year, an international groundswell of opposition to this hunt has brought about national bans on seal products in Belgium and The Netherlands. Similar bans designed to close down markets for seal pelts are currently under consideration in Germany, Italy and Austria. Amid the European trade ban discussions the international demand for seal fur has diminished considerably and pelt prices have dropped by almost half. “All recent evidence indicates that the market for seal fur is saturated. There is no place for pelts to go, even at reduced prices,” said Robbie Marsland, UK Director of IFAW. “This annual slaughter is carried out to provide fur products for the fashion industry that nobody needs in this day and age. A growing number of countries in Europe have introduced or are seeking a ban, sending a very clear message to Canada that Europe wants no part in this inherently cruel trade.” Canada’s commercial seal hunt continues to be the world’s largest hunt for marine mammals today. Last year over 224,000 seals were killed, 98.5% of which were pups under three months old. < JOIN CAMPAIGNSSeal Hunt Facts Canada Doesn't Want You to KnowTrue Confessions: Sealers Testify to the Cruelty of the HuntThe following is direct testimony from blueback sealers, taken by Department of Fisheries and Oceans enforcement officers. It was obtained through Access to Information requests, and contains graphic descriptions of cruelty to animals.Notes: · When mothers are killed and their newborn pups abandoned on the ice, there is no chance of survival for the pup. In every case, the baby seal would have starved to death slowly. · The use of .22 caliber rifles to shoot seals has been outlawed for humane reasons - the guns are not powerful enough to kill seals quickly."Prior to March 8/98 most females were killed with the pup inside them. ...I seen seven pups threw over the side after the female was pelted. I took two out myself. Me and another sealer even agreed that this was shocking and there should be another way to hunt seals. We were in the whelping on March 10/98 because I observed that eight of tens pans of ice had young pups with the after birth and other debris from the birth on the ice. There was once I can remember the young seal watching his parents being hoist aboard. He watched the boat as we steamed away. The pups were not killed but left by themselves on the ice." Sealer's statement, taken by Fergus Foley, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, June 10/98"I did see some mother seals killed and the pup fall out on deck still alive. ...(Name deleted) told me to throw it overboard and I did. It crawled up on a pan of ice. The mother was full of milk, the milk ran out on deck when the pup fell out." Sealer's statement, taken by Cyril Furlong, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, June 24/98"I was present when female Hood seals were pelted and did see pups fall out of the female on deck. ...I seen this happen twice and know that it happened eight to ten times during the first trip. I knew this happened because of conversations with the crew. The two pups that I saw on deck were alive. The pups were threw over board and on one occasion I did see one of these pups swimming in the water. I don't know what happened to the pups." Sealer's statement, taken by Cyril Furlong, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, July 3/98, 15:33 hrs"I seen a female being pelted and the pup came out of her when they cut her open, the pup was dead. ...This seal was killed for a while. This was on the day we got one hundred and seventy. Someone passed the comment, 'If Green peace were only here to see this.'" Sealer's statement, taken by Fergus Foley, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, June 22/98, 15:15 hrs"We did take female Hoods and leave the pups on the ice. ...I was on deck when a pup fell out of a female Hood seals and I pelted the seal along with two other crewmembers. I can't recall who they were. The pup was alive when it fell out. I killed the pup and threw it over the side." Sealer's statement, taken by Fergus Foley, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, July 6/98, 3:51 pm"We were hunting for adult seals and on several times we took the old seals and left the pups on the ice. ...The Hood seals pupped while we were out there hunting. We did take seals before they had pups on one occasion. I did see a pup fall out on deck while the female was being pelted. This pup was alive and it was threw overboard. The pup was alive and swimming in the water. The pup crawled up on the ice." Sealer's statement, taken by Cyril Furlong, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, July 6/98, 11:11 AM"My job was pelting seals and using the gun. I was present when the female Hood was being pelted and young pup fell out of her onto the deck. ...This happened eight or ten times. There were lots of comments made for example, 'If we only had a video camera we would make a fortune' and 'We should never be allowed out killing them'" "There were lots of times that the male and female were killed and taken on board and the pup left on the ice, sometimes the pup had blood on it as it was just born. We had approximately five hundred and fifty seals for the trip, approximately four hundred were hood seals of which at least one hundred and fifty were females." "The seals were always in a net bag in the speed boat, when they were hoist on board there were numerous 22 caliber rifle casings among the seals. They were often kicking around the deck of the longliner, I seen the observer Rex Hodder pick them up and throw them over aboard. He had to know that the 22 guns were being used. They even make a different sound to the heavier gun. There was an effort to hide these guns from Rex Hodder. They were passed down through the vents in the engine room. They were kept in cases while in the two speedboats. We landed something over three thousand seals fro the trip. We got in somewhere around the 21st of April, 1998. I don't think that the 22-caliber rifle is powerful enough to kill even a beater seal. I often seen seals alive after we hoist the seals them out of the speedboats. We would finish them off with a hakapik." -----------------------

My Interests

Meat is murder, and dairy is rape....."The time will come when people, such as i, will look up on the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of humans -Leonardo Da Vinci"

Interview with David Jubb Ph.D. By Dr. Simon A. SenzonDr. Jubb is a Shaman, author, lecturer, and one of the world's top naturalists. He is innovator in the field of neurology, language, communication, gender roles, nutrition, blood formation, and colloidal biology. Jubb's Cell Rejuvenation Lifestyle Therapeutics program is responsible for thousands of people rejuvenating their bodies and healing from life-threatening illnesses using "LifeFood Nutritional Fasting", LifeFood Nutrition, and the world's finest food supplements. David is training Phoenix Fastishens (Doctors of the future) across the country in the art of empowering people through education in taking care of their health. He is an expert at using sophisticated ancient technology to look inside the body and know exactly what a person's condition is.David has an estimated worldwide audience of 40 million; he is a master communicator and has compiled his life studies into a program called Whole Brain Functioning, which is amongst the most advanced training of its kind in the world. For 24 years David and his partner Annie Jubb have been producing, books, training manuals, and incorporate adventure based learning into their Whole Brain Functioning trainings.SS: Why do you use the term life food as opposed to raw or live food?DJ: Lifefood is food that has its life-force in tact. And lifefood is one word like lifeboat or liferaft. Raw food people do raw flesh and raw grains and raw legumes. This is not lifefood, this is uncooked, and it is raw food. Raw food is just uncooked that’s all. Flesh doesn’t have any lifeforce. Lifefood is food that is nutritionally available and easy to digest.Living food is a term that Ann Wigmore coined. She coined this term, based on the principle of releasing the enzyme inhibitors through sprouting. Because when people just did simply raw food, she realized that there was a lot of enzyme inhibitors in that food and so she called what she does living food to define this principle of releasing the enzyme inhibitors from the food through sprouting.I became her scientific advisor, and as I looked at her program I saw that she had a lot of food in her program that couldn’t be found growing in nature. And under the microscope, that food just became mold, fungi, and yeast fairly quick. And as a microbiologist and a cell histologist, I saw that the flora that makes up that food is only one step away from a mold, fungi, and yeast. Fermentation is the chief undertaker.Banana and dates, and corn and wheat, and rice and carrots and beets, are composed symbiotically of a flora which really won’t eco-sterilize against mold, fungus, and yeast in nature. And they wreak havoc in the body and cause more mold, fungus, and yeast. And they cause bile and cholesterol, which ordinarily should be in a liquid state, to crystallize because that food acidifies the body.SS: Interesting. So let me ask you as well. There are many people in the area that know about Aryuveda and Chinese Medicine. Both of those systems talk about cooked food. What do you think about that?DJ: There is no pot boiling in nature. That is an error. A great error that has been made. People generally have not looked around to consider what it is to be natural. All ideas about cooked food, and letting people know that we are meant to eat cooked food is an error. It is in error because no other life force on the whole of the earth eats cooked food except for humans. If we were meant to eat cooked food we’d be born with stoves attached. And on another note, there is no Vet in the world that feeds the animal in the zoo food that is cooked. They stopped doing that many years ago. Vets may possibly know a lot more about nutrition than Chinese practitioners or Aryuvedic practioners. And for that note, Vets might know actually, more than our licensed physicians.SS: So, also, this is the garden issue, so I was wondering if you had any advice for our readers who are planting gardens right now. Especially those wanting to start eating more life food now.DJ: Oh that’s wonderful mate. There are so many things that they could plant in the garden, even fruit that would grow just about all year round. Like capegoose berries, and various plants they can plant where they are going to get a bit of fruit all year round just about, you know? Gooseberries, is a plant that is like this. They could plant fruits and things that don’t require much looking after. They could stick with things that they know are not going to raise blood sugar. It is amazing to take native fruits and grow these, like persimmons. Of course potato is not a good one you know. And, peas are not good because they are starchy. Carrots are not good because they are starchy. But then other things like tomato, and squashes are very amazing fruits. Zuchinni and cucumbers, they are very delicious, and beautiful fruits, and they help cleanse. All food that come from a flower is a fruit. For gardeners and those people who are really interested to have a right ratio of potassium to sodium, then they won’t use any artificial fertilizer. And they won’t put any animal dung on their garden either.Dr. Simon Senzon practices and teaches about life food in Ashevill, NC. He and his wife, Susan, own Network Family Chiropractic at 188 Charlotte Street. Contact this writer:[email protected]

I'd like to meet:

people interested in loving caring relations
Out of the box thinkers, muses, adventurers, activists, people who need love.

Dawn Cartwright:
"some of you may feel drawn to these experiences and ask yourselves where to begin, what i can tell you is this . . . trust your attractions, trust your sexual pull and trust your desire for pleasure. follow the longings of your heart and keep your heart open to new experiences, every moment. as guruji said, "don't ever name anything, because once you name it, you become attached to it" . . . once you have decided what something or someone is in your life, you have stop discovering the newness, you have closed the door, to a small or greater extent, to the infinite that everything contains. life, and everyone of us, is created, anew, every instant, that's the bindu, the point of conception, the center of the meru, the beginning that begins every moment. " chandra bindu tantra institute~


i love the cello (www.jamisieber.com), Seun Anikulapo Kuti, John Frucsiante, Sonu Nigam, Shannon Hoon, Bjork, Moby, Joan Osborne, Norah Jones, Jamiroquai, Juice Newton, IAMX (Chris Corner), Dresdin Dolls, Fiona Apple, Lil' Champs, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Buckley, Bob Marley, Ben Harper, Ravi Shankar, Prince, satsang, kirtan, bajans, punk, conscious hip hop, rock, funk, eccentric soulful indescribable indie, African and Indian world music.
all my personal friends who are musicians....check them out...love em...


movies are responsible for most of my childhood fears and even traumatized me.
Never hold in your farts they travel up your spine and thats where shitty ideas come from!




“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket—safe, dark, motionless, airless—it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable.” C.S.Lewis
I Say Unto Thee, The Book of Secrets, (Osho) Delta of Venus (Anias Nin), The Tao of Pooh, Zen and the Art of Archery (Eugene Herring, Anam Cara (Jonh O'Donohue), Tantric Yoga (Gavin and Yvonne Frost), Mudras (Gertrud Hirschi), Ayurveda and Marma Therapy (Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Sabbash Ranade and Dr. Avinash Lele), Anatomy of a Rose (Sharman Apt Russel), Advanced Chakra Healing (Cyndy Dale), Wheels of Life (Anodea Judith), The Male Member, The Female Member (Kit Swartz), Jubbs Cell Rejuvenation (David Jubb), Tantra The Yoga of Sex (Omar Garrison), The Metamorphic Technique (Gaston Saint-Pierre and Debbie Boater), The Healing light of the Tao and Healing Love through the Tao (Mantak and Maneewan Chia), The Tao of Sexology (Stephen Chang, Sex with Spirit (Michele Pauli), The Power of Now (Tolle), The Alchemist (Cohello), The Awakening (Kate Chopin), The Prophet (Kahlil Gibran), Magical Tarot/Mystical Tao (Diane Morgan), Shakti Mantras (Thomas Ashely-Farrand), The Tree of Yoga, Light On LIfe, Light on Yoga (BKS Iyengar),


VEGANS, the real Jesus, Mary Magdeline
THOSE WHO WALK THIS WORLD WITH HEARTS ON FIRE: may we open, may we flower, may we deepen our desire, may we walk this world with eyes wide open, may we walk with hearts on fire... blessed be within every human breast shine two mystic hearts, one hid subtly within the other. The outer one loves and desires the beauties of this world, and in obtaining them is led into happiness and song; and in losing them, grief and lamentation. but the inner heart is a secret heart, its form adamantine. it gazes with unbroken rapture into the great mystery of the soul's desire. there, in the domain of niether gaining nor losing, all things are perceived truly and there is face-to-face seeing into the deepest nature of things. the light of singularity abounds in full gladness, like coming upon a light in thick darkness, like receiving a treasure in poverty: and existence is delivered from all limitations. The one whos sits at the head of the assembly, a servant of the triple flame, as wise as she is noble, delivered herself of this teaching of the inner heart.

My Blog

love will find a way....

Sensual Salutations!My dearest beloved welcome to your sacred initiation into divine consciousness. The spirit of breathe will awaken you and together we will uncoil your latent potential for Divine L...
Posted by TANTRIC ENCHANTRIXOXO on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 06:46:00 PST

Obama and the Palin Effect by Deepak Chopra

Sunday, September 21, 2008 Obama and the Palin Effect by Deepak ChopraObama and the Palin EffectSometimes politics has the uncanny effect of mirroring the national psyche even when nobody intended to...
Posted by TANTRIC ENCHANTRIXOXO on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 07:41:00 PST

monica lewinsky or sarah palin for president?

Eve Ensler on Sarah Palin ... from my friend dragon batteryI am having Sarah Palin nightmares. I dreamt last night that she was a member of a club where they rode snowmobiles and wore the claws of dro...
Posted by TANTRIC ENCHANTRIXOXO on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:28:00 PST

wish list

Namaste thanks for stopping in....If you would like to gift me as an act of worship to the divine, or if you are exercising giving as an extension of your yoga practice..or...if you would just simply...
Posted by TANTRIC ENCHANTRIXOXO on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 03:04:00 PST


Posted by TANTRIC ENCHANTRIXOXO on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 03:19:00 PST

sign the ban against horse drawn carriages

The Cruelty of Horse-Drawn CarriagesEvery year, the list of accidents involving horse-drawn carriages grows, and horses continue to endure pain and suffering because of this outdated practice. The onl...
Posted by TANTRIC ENCHANTRIXOXO on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 03:35:00 PST

vegangelical moments

beagles used for tobacco expiermentation,polar bears drowning, animals tested on in the name of vanity, animals befriended, domesticated, and others tortured, hung and skinned alive,expoited, and sacr...
Posted by TANTRIC ENCHANTRIXOXO on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 06:08:00 PST

save the internet!!!!!

http://savetheinternet.com Receive updates and alerts on the campaign via email. Get involved on Facebook, MySpace and the Free Press Action NetworkFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat is thi...
Posted by TANTRIC ENCHANTRIXOXO on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 08:22:00 PST

tantric sex

How to... Practice Tantric Sex, Part 1, The Basicsby Deva Charu MorganThe first thing that drew me to Tantra was the prospect that I would become better in bed&that I might tap into some ancient secre...
Posted by TANTRIC ENCHANTRIXOXO on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 03:10:00 PST


TANTRA is the belief that the universe and nature are divine.It fuses religion and science, and concern for humans with concern for nature.It provides the most realistic concept of life after death,an...
Posted by TANTRIC ENCHANTRIXOXO on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 02:23:00 PST