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Raymond Stolp

The official Raymond Stolp MySpace page

About Me

Raymond Stolp (1976) is a Dutch singer-songwriter and guitarist. He studied philosophy of culture at the University of Amsterdam, getting his degree of Master of Arts in 2004. With his band he has done live shows in places like the Melkweg and Paradiso in Amsterdam. His albums have sold internationally in record stores and through his web site. His new album Exit Inferno will be out in 2009.
Web site banner by Heather Leather
'Look Away' single sleeve (on the MySpace audio player) by LaShane Arnett
Raymond Stolp - Kiss Goodbye (Live at Paradiso, Amsterdam, 1997)
Raymond Stolp - Hollywood Suicide (Video, 2007)
Dear Ray, I'm quite the worst guitar player of the continent, but it ain't a true problem for me (I listen to worse stuff on the radio). I just wanted to ask you this: My instrument is a DeArmond M75T and all I wish is a Fender amplifier. I know you are quite experienced with Fender equipment, so I would like to ask you which model you suggest... with a budget of about 500 US dollars (obviously I'd buy it on the web)! I suppose you already know my musical tastes. Thanks again for your help!
Red Grave, Verona, Italy
Hey man, the gear is just part of the equation when it comes to how you ultimately sound. For instance, compare the footage of me playing a Gibson Les Paul through a Fender Twin Reverb at the Paradiso in '97, to your memory of how Vincent Gallo sounded using the same set-up at the same venue eight years later; even though the lo-fi recording alters the sound, and memory is fallible, it's still clear that despite the use of the same tools, our sounds are different because we're different. A musician's physical and mental being leaves such an imprint on the sound, that even a gearhead like John Frusciante once told me that it therefore ultimately doesn't really matter what guitar (or amp) you use. However, some gear does fit some personal voices better. But the last thing I want to be is some sort of authority on that (or any) subject, as believing in authority figures is stifling for personal growth. Just because I'm a somewhat experienced musician doesn't mean I have more insight than you do into what gear fits your personal voice best. Lots of gearheads have tried to get me hooked on their favored amps that had no mojo to me whatsoever, and I always end up going back to using my favorite '54 Fender Champ amp. If you happen to like things to sound filthy and broken like I do, it might be worth it to try out the current Fender Champion 600, which is well within your price range.
Okay, Mr. Egomaniac: Is there an underlying theme interwoven in all of your music? What sorts of experiences do you think of when you write your lyrics? Curiously yours,
Grisel, Tampa, Florida, United States of America
Egomaniac, who, me? I'm innocent... I know that I'm groovy but to demonstrate how humble I am, I burst out laughing at the notion of how pretentious it would be to discuss 'my work' here in any other way than with a big fat wink. Anyway, I sort of pick my theme per album: generally speaking, Simulacra was about love, Fatal Finality was about death, and Into The Heart Of Conflict was about conflict, surprisingly. For the new album Exit Inferno I started writing the songs without any preconceived notion of having them ultimately fit into a prevalent theme that would tie the whole thing together; ironically it's turned out to be my most thematically homogeneous album yet. It's about betrayal. When I write my lyrics, I tend to think of my relationships with people who are or have been in my immediate circle, in situations that provoke a strong emotional response from me. To be any more specific would be detrimental to the room my songs give to dream up your own meaning to them. I'm not sure if there's a main theme underlying all my music, it's more like I'm using various themes to express myself without wanting to change anything or anyone or impose my ideas onto others. My only message is for you to find your own way. There you go, if there's any underlying theme interwoven in all of my music, it's probably that.
Do YOU want to ask Ray a question too? E-mail your questions to me at [email protected] or send them to me here on MySpace under the header 'Ask Ray'. You can read all the questions and answers here at www.raymondstolp.com

My Interests


Member Since: 1/31/2008
Band Website: raymondstolp.com
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Troubles at ’Ask Ray’

Hey bitches (and when I say 'bitches', it means I love you)For those of you who have been sending in questions to my already-legendary 'Ask Ray' feature on my web site, only to see their question go u...
Posted by Raymond Stolp on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 06:00:00 PST

Ray in the Hospital - The Full Story

Dear German Supernurses, spectacle-seeking showbiz-junkies, and others who's interest I genuinely appreciate,I've been getting a lot of questions about my health and instead of recounting the story lo...
Posted by Raymond Stolp on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 11:20:00 PST

Raymond Stolp finishes new album ’Exit Inferno’

Dear citizens of MySpace,After more than three years of writing and producing, I've finished my new album today! It's going to be called 'Exit Inferno' and it'll be released somewhere later this year ...
Posted by Raymond Stolp on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 01:20:00 PST

Ask Ray

Hi everybody,I'm going to start a Q and A page on my web site called 'Ask Ray'. You can submit your question(s) here in response to this blog, or in comments on my page, or send me a message under the...
Posted by Raymond Stolp on Mon, 05 May 2008 11:04:00 PST

Interview 2006

You can read an interview I did in 2006 for TaxiMag! here.
Posted by Raymond Stolp on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 11:44:00 PST