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Code Pink

Don't Buy Bush's War!!

About Me

Honor these and other Iraqi dads by making a contribution of $25 or more to assist Iraqi refugee dads in your father's or loved one's name. 100% of the proceeds will go toward the Collateral Repair Project, a grassroots movement working with CODEPINK to address the Iraqi Refugee Crisis. CRP offers food, education, job training and other vital services to refugees in Iraq, Jordan and Syria with special projects to support Iraqi fathers in their struggle to support their families.
Rock the Parties: Bring the Peace Message to the Election Race 2008Let's raise a ruckus and let the politicians know that the majority of Americans will not stand for ongoing war, occupation, and killing. Sign up now to join our CODEPINK team.Let's show them what Democracy looks like and put "Ending the War in Iraq and stopping all new wars at the top of the Agenda." We will bring our always vibrant creative messaging inside and outside the conventions. Join a team, join us there, bring your creativity, passion and heart.Let's seed the change, let's be the change!
Help us give Dick Cheney a PINK SLIP! Add your name below, endorsing the Articles of Impeachment and we'll deliver Cheney a PINK Slip on your behalf!

Sign Here
Military Recruiting FAQs
Pink is Powerful! To support the idea of creating and living in a Peaceful World, we must pay attention to where our dollars are going. CODEPINK's Online Store has a vision: to function as part of the global village- effectively supporting sustainable and socially responsible products, services and businesses. All PINK, of course! To this end, our t-shirts are made sweatshop free in Los Angeles. Your purchase helps support our ongoing work to build a global movement for peace.
has put a new face on women's activism with a fierceness and creativity that would make Susan B. Anthony grin and blush all at the same time. Unlike our feminist foremothers who chose message above fashion and “Ms.” over “Mademoiselle,” CODEPINK has invented a cheeky new chic. It's the activist equivalent of Victoria Secrets Catalogue meets the Nation Magazine - employing flash and femininity to promote socio-political change.
~Linda Milazzo- Long time CP activist and writer~
CODEPINK is renting a beautiful house in DC for a year so we can support our ongoing peace presence in the halls of Congress. We are committed to ending the Iraq war and bringing our troops home by the end of the year, and having a home base in DC will help us do just that.
Click here for all the details you need to make plans to come to DC

In this photo are the women who stayed at the house during the first week--they're pointing to the space in the middle and asking... will you join us?
The people voted in November 2006 to end the war in Iraq, yet Congress is poised to approve another $93 billion, and then yet another $145 billion, for war. Join us to stop them from making this terrible mistake by participating in our recently launched broad and exciting Don't Buy Bush's War Campaign. We need to flood the offices, halls, sidewalks and streets of Congress with people opposed to the war from now through this Fall. We're asking for your help to get people to Washington DC and to do similar actions locally.
Participate in DC Actions
Don't forget to link back to us! Click here to download a variety of CODEPINK buttons for your blog or website!
CodePink Film: "Women Say NO to War: Iraqi & American Women Speak Out"
This DVD includes:Mother’s DayMother’s Day, a 40-minute documentary by filmmaker and journalist Diane Mason, weaves the historic origins of Mother’s Day into a contemporary exploration of women united to end war. More than a century after Julia Ward Howe’s stirring call for a Mother’s Day for Peace, thousands gather with actress Susan Sarandon and activist Cindy Sheehan in Washington, D.C. on Mother’s Day 2006 for the Women for Peace vigil. Howe’s eloquent proclamation resonates among the women assembled and the grieving mothers at home as they respond to the charge, “We, the women of one country, will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.”
Iraqi Women Speak Out In March 2006, CODEPINK invited eight Iraqi women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under the U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists. Two of the women had their entire families killed by U.S. troops. They were denied visas to enter the U.S. on the grounds that they did not have sufficient family to guarantee they would return to Iraq. The six women who were given visas traveled separately to dozens of cities throughout the U.S., speaking with community groups, churches, veterans, and families of active duty GIs. The remarkable courage of these women and the authenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of the U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal, and immoral occupation of Iraq.
*Available for purchase at the CODEPINK Store*
Julia Ward Howe’s inspirational 1870 Proclamation against the carnage of the Civil War:
"Arise then...women of this day!
Arise, all women who have hearts!…
Our husbands will not come to us, reeking with carnage,
For caresses and applause.
Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn
All that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience.
We, the women of one country,
Will be too tender of those of another country
To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs."
From the voice of a devastated Earth a voice goes up with our own.
It says: "Disarm! Disarm"

Read the rest of the Proclamation here Julia Ward Howe’s Proclamation
WOMEN SAY NO TO WAR! We at CODEPINK, together with 200 prominent women from around the globe, have written our own Urgent Peace Plan to end the war in Iraq. From now until March 8, International Women’s Day, we will be gathering signatures to deliver to U.S. embassies worldwide. So join Alice Walker, Susan Sarandon, Margaret Cho, Dolores Huerta, Eve Ensler, Congresswomen Barbara Lee, Lynn Woolsey, and Cynthia McKinney, Iraqi women from the Organization for Women’s Freedom in Iraq and Women Living Under Muslim Laws, and many more (see initial endorsers) by signing the call today at and passing it on to your friends..
"Before this all started, I used to think that one person couldn't make a difference... but now it's clear, one person who has the backing and support of millions of people can make a huge difference."
Cindy Sheehan from Camp Casey

My Interests

The central command center of an electoral campaign is called The War Room, but CODEPINK's is all about ending the occupation of Iraq and preventing a war with Iran.

Vist our website for extensive information, tips on action planning, starting your own local CODEPINK & much more!

Sign up for CODEPINK e-mail updates here

Got questions? Read our FAQ page

Find a local group in your area!

About us:
CODEPINK is a women initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement that seeks positive social change through proactive, creative protest and non-violent direct action. Please visit for more information and please sign up for our e-mail alerts. (we do not share your information with anyone else!)

“ We call on women around the world to rise up and oppose the war in Iraq. We call on mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and daughters, on workers, students, teachers, healers, artists, writers, singers, poets and every ordinary outraged woman willing to be outrageous for peace. Women have been the guardians of life—not because we are better or purer or more innately nurturing than men, but because the men have busied themselves making war. Because of our responsibility to the next generation, because of our own love for our families and communities and this country that we are a part of, we understand the love of a mother in Iraq for her children and the driving desire of that child for life” — Starhawk

With this call CODEPINK came to the face and space of the national leadership to protest the pre-emptive strike in Iraq. Medea Benjamin, Starhawk, Jodie Evans, Diane Wilson and approximately 100 other women kicked off CODEPINK on November 17, 2002. They marched through the streets of Washington, DC and set up for a four month vigil in front of the White House. The name CODEPINK plays on the Bush Administration’s color-coded homeland security advisory system that signals terrorist threats. While Bush’s color coded alerts are based on fear, the CODEPINK alert is based on compassion and is a feisty call for women and men to “wage peace.”

Through March 8th, International Women’s Day, CODEPINK held a daily, all-day peace vigil in front of the White House. The Women’s Peace Vigil inspired people from all walks of life, and from all over the country to stand for peace. Many organizations sponsored days: Greenpeace, WILPF, WAND, Public Citizen, NOW, Women for Women International, Neighbors for Peace and Justice, among others. On March 8th, CODEPINK celebrated women as global peacemakers with a week of activities, rally and march to encircle the White House in pink. Over 10,000 people participated. Among them, Alice Walker, Maxine Hong Kingston, Jody Williams, Susan Griffen, Starhawk, and Medea Benjamin.

has expanded its work into the following program areas:
Peacemaking and militarism
Supporting the International Occupation Watch Center in Baghdad
Peace delegations to Israel-Palestine, North & South Korea, Burma, and Iraq
Life-affirming economic priorities
Books not Bombs in support of local libraries
Civil liberties
Education and advocacy of grassroots efforts to prevent passage of Patriot Act II
Environmental sustainabilityAdvocacy of more fuel efficient cars
Support efforts to close Indian Point nuclear power plant in New York
Responsible Media and Reporting
Preserve diversity, localism, and competition
Work to stop the implementation of the FCC ownership rulings
Elections and Voter Registration
Encourage women and other minorities to register to vote

CODEPINK-Central serves to connect CODEPINK groups with the international network of global peacemakers. By placing a contact email on the CODEPINK website, local CODEPINK groups make themselves accessible to those in their area who would like to get involved. CODEPINK Central also supplies groups with a range of CODEPINK merchandise to increase visibility: pink scarves, buttons, bumper stickers, and tee-shirts. CODEPINK Central also provides local CODEPINK groups with organizing tips, overarching national campaigns and initiatives. By tapping into the network CODEPINKers coordinate our energies and efforts.

Besides grassroots organizing Stateside, CODEPINK women have traveled to Iraq where they helped to establish the Occupation Watch Center. CODEPINK co-creator Gael Murphy has been key to the development of the international coalition of organizations and the management of Center staff. The first all-women CODEPINK peace delegation went to Iraq in February 2003. Another delegation traveled to Iraq in January 2004.

I'd like to meet:

“ We call on women around the world to rise up and oppose the war in Iraq. We call on mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and daughters, on workers, students, teachers, healers, artists, writers, singers, poets and every ordinary outraged woman willing to be outrageous for peace. Women have been the guardians of life—not because we are better or purer or more innately nurturing than men, but because the men have busied themselves making war. Because of our responsibility to the next generation, because of our own love for our families and communities and this country that we are a part of, we understand the love of a mother in Iraq for her children and the driving desire of that child for life” — Starhawk


Radio -
KPFK the real news!
Amy Goodman - Democracy Now!


CODEPINK recommends these movies to your local group. Host a DVD party with other local members and watch for yourself the countless documentation of the Bush Administrations failed foreign policy and the horrific consequences that resulted. From the devastation in Iraq to the human rights atrocities at Guantanamo these films instill a powerful message of why CODEPINK women can no longer sit by and let the current administration continue to run this country into the ground.


The John Stewart Show
The Cobert Report
Real Time with Bill Maher


TWILIGHT OF AN EMPIRE: Responses to Occupation: Journal Entries from CODEPINK's Iraq Trip CODEPINK's Jodie Evans, who traveled to Baghdad directly before and after the war, explains the stratification between American economic interests and Iraqi helplessness that is the occupation's chief characteristic.

STOP THE NEXT WAR NOW! Effective Responses to Violence & Terrorism

Click here for CODEPINK Recommended Reading List


Click here for bios on CODEPINK Founders & Staff

Not Heros, women to admire but no need to idealize - the founders of CODEPINK are:

Jodie Evans
Medea Benjamin
Gael Murphy

Medea Benjamin

Jodie Evans at the White House - Mother's Day 2006

My Blog

Los Angeles - How will you celebrate the 4th?

for more information & all links please go to www.codepinkalert.orgJune 20th, 2008Thanks to everyone who came out to our CODEPINK LA summer kickoff banner hang! We had a fabulous time over the 10 fre...
Posted by Code Pink on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 12:26:00 PST

Is Your Mayor on the List?

for more information & all links please go to www.codepinkalert.orgJune 19, 2008While George Bush has been touring through Europe, beating the drums for war with Iran, CODEPINK has been creating -- ci...
Posted by Code Pink on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 12:21:00 PST


*for more information & all links please go to www.codepinkalert.orgJune 13, 2008Fathers the world over take pride in their ability to nurture and provide for their family.They work hard to secure a b...
Posted by Code Pink on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 07:39:00 PST

Join us in the Peace Room...

*for more information & all links please go to June 10, 2008The central command center of an electoral campaign is called The War Room, but CODEPINK'S will be ...
Posted by Code Pink on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 07:30:00 PST

Kickoff the summer, CODEPINK-style!

*for more information & all links please go to*June 3rd, 2008CODEPINK LA is kicking off the summer activist season with a premier film screening, book signing, and the rejuvenat...
Posted by Code Pink on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 11:30:00 PST

McCain’s in town...All Hands on Deck!

*for more information & all links please go to 27th, 2008McCain arrives tomorrow! CODEPINK LA is preparing to welcome him PINK style! CODEPINK has been following McCain along...
Posted by Code Pink on Thu, 29 May 2008 09:31:00 PST

LA joins Maxine Waters for Mission to Be Accomplished!

*for more information & all links please go to*April 29th, 2008Last week, over 70 LA peacemakers gathered in front of Diane Feinstein's office to deliver 2 checks and ask, "Which...
Posted by Code Pink on Thu, 01 May 2008 04:04:00 PST

Jimmy Carter, this Pink Badge is for you!

*for more information & all links please go to*April 25, 2008It's time for true statesmanship and gutsy leadership that gathers strength from peacemaking, not saber-rattling. Whi...
Posted by Code Pink on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 04:06:00 PST

This weekend with CODEPINK - LOS ANGELES

*for more information & all links please go to*April 18, 2008URGENT! Volunteer opportunity TOMORROW, April 19th, for the California NOW Conference: Women in the Public Eye, at t...
Posted by Code Pink on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 05:14:00 PST

What seeds are you planting on Earth Day?

*for more information & all links please go to*April 18, 2008 We are in love with our planet. One of the reasons we work for peace is to nurture our entire planet; we want our be...
Posted by Code Pink on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 04:44:00 PST