This page is for all the Celts on myspace to network together and make our presence known. Whether you are Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Manx, Breton, Galacian, Austurian, Cornish, or one of the millions of Celtic people living in America, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Barbados, Australia, New Zealand or anywhere else, you are welcome here - along with people who have no Celtic ancestry at all but are fellow travelers in the struggle against colonization and imperialism.
The only people who are not welcome here are racists, either anti-english or white supremacist. This isn't about race, it's about the right to self determination and freedom for everyone. I don't know how many times I have to say this but if you're on some "Aryan" bullshit DO NOT ADD THIS PAGE. The whole point of this is to put forward an explicitly anti-racist and anti-imperialist vision of Celtic Pride, based in a proud confidence in our own culture and history with no need to put anyone else down.
oh, and this site is not affiliated with any sectarian political or religious organization, so don't get it twisted.
Plastly - big ups to everyone who posts pics and whatnot in the comments! we love 'em, keep 'em coming! but just keep in mind that if the place where you've got the image hosted takes the image down and leaves an ugly 'this image no longer exists' placeholder image in the comments thread it's going to be deleted. no offense to anyone, i'm *not* deleting comments and pictures randomly, just the dead ones. thanks!