New York Area Bisexual Network profile picture

New York Area Bisexual Network

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

The New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN) is a central communications network for all bisexual, pansexual, omni, poly & bi-friendly people, groups, resources and events in New York City and the surrounding Tri-State area .
The idea being that especially in a large urban area such as NYC there is a lot going on for bisexual people, but that it is sometimes hard for people from one part of the bisexual community to find out about what is happening somewhere else.
The NYABN started back in the day in 1987 doing useful things such as setting up a Bi-PO Box that bisexual groups, events, conferences, etc. that didn't have their own can use [still in existence], a "Bi-Info" Telephone Line at 212.459.4784 that listed what is going on in the region and that bisexual groups, events, conferences, etc. that didn't have their own can use [still in existence] and paper schedules, listings, etc. of all the bisexual & bi-friendly "stuff" in the area we could come up with.
Now we have gone "high-tech" and listings are found on this MySpace page, our Blog and Our Website .
    Meetings & Groups [don't sit home alone MEET other Bi People] Special Events & Conferences Political Action [We're Here! We're Queer! Combat Biphobia!] Bisexual Culture [Musicians, Writers, Artists, etc.] Bisexual NYC's History Keep In Touch w/your Community [Blogs, Yahoo Groups] Just For Fun [Cool Friendship & Dating Sites]

MySpace Countdowns
2 0 0 7 B I S E X U A L C O N T I N G E N T

this year put yourself in the picture!
come join us at NYC's Pride March
Bisexual Women
of All Colors Together

The Bi Women of All Colors Together is a social and discussion group for bi, bisexual, bi-queer, bi-curious, transgender-bi, bi-friendly, lesbian, SGL (Same-Gender-Loving) heteroflexible and questioning women from all cultures and diversities.
We organize brunches and dinners in Manhattan and the occasional picnic in the park.
We provide a non-judgemental safe space for women to exchange, share, eat and discuss interesting, exciting, as well as thought-provoking topics that will keep you in the know, on the go, and just so intrigued.
So with that, come join us, and have yourself a good time. "You'll be glad that you did"
Join the Yahoo Group
Bi Women of All Colors Together

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Come to the June 2008 meeting of
on Sunday June 1st 2008 at 3 pm at
NYC's LGBT Community Center .
Bi-Perspective is a social, discussion and support group for bisexual, pansexual, bi-friendly and questioning men, women and couples who live, work or play in and around New York City.
next BiRequest Meeting: Thursday, May 15th 2008
Topic: to be announced
Sign the Million For Marriage petition (US only)

My Interests

Vote Against Hate in 2008

this really cool image courtesy of Legalize Freedom!
NYABN supports a Transgender-inclusive national Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
Read a statement by Wendy Curry, President of BiNet USA about this topic & what the Bi Community is doing

Activism, Activist, Bi, Bi Culture, Bi Curious, Bi Friendly, Bi Inclusive, Bi Men, Bi Network, Bi Women, Bisexual, Bisexual Community, Bisexual Culture, Bisexual Erasure, Bisexual Groups, Bisexual Meetings, Bisexual Men, Bisexual Network, Bisexual Pride, Bisexual Support Groups, Bisexual Women, Bisexuality, BDSM, Celebrate Bisexuality Day, Children, Cisgender, Coming Out, Community Building, Cross-dressing, DL, Down Low, Drag, Drag King, Drag Queens, Families, Fathers, Fetish, Fluid, FTM, Gay, Gay Straight Alliance, Genderfuck, Genderqueer, GLBT, GLBTIQ, Grandparents, GSA, Hetroflexable, Intersex, Lesbian, Leather, LGBT, Marrige, MTF, Mothers, on the DL, on the Down Low, Pansexual, Parenting, PFLAG, Poly, Polyamorous, Polyamory, Poly Pride Day, Post Queer, Same Gender Loving, SGL, Straight But Not Narrow, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning

we're looking for a few good fans!

join the NYABN on facebook

I'd like to meet:

all the Bisexual, Pansexual, Bi-Curious, Omnisexual, Bi-Friendly, Poly and Bi-Inclusive people who live, work and play (or visit, or plan to visit, are interested in . . . . whatever, we're a friendly bunch) in New York City and the surrounding tri-state area of Connecticut, New Jersey, Westchester County, Long Island, etc.

Not from the New York City area?
Looking for bisexual groups in YOUR area of the USA ? Click here to find extensive lists of bisexual & bi-inclusive groups by State .

I Think I Might Be Bisexual (now what do I do?) Don't worry, Be happy, Read this
'Bi the Dozen' a Bisexuality Quiz how much do u really know about being bisexual? : Click on the icon to add us as a friend and keep up with all the latest happenings in the Bisexual CommunityConnecticut Bisexual/Pansexual Groups


The NY Area Bisexual Music Scene
Click on picture/link
to go to an individual artist's site

East Village songstress, poet, 'out & proud' bisexual woman and multi-media maven Rachael Sage has been making gutsy pop music in one form or another since she was three years old. Her latest offering of "lovely and literate folk-pop-rock" (The Village Voice), The Blistering Sun , is devoted to the topics of vision, clarity and facing life head on.

Ben Silver's music slides through folk, R&B, funk, jazz, and back again. Ben sings passionately about freedom, our environment, LGBT issues, parenting, and even an occasional romantic love song. A fixture in the bisexual community Ben's music has carried his concern for human rights for all peoples to the larger community. Currently Ben can be seen in performance with LEGACY in New York City.

If the bisexual activist, spoken word artist, singer and songwriter Robin Renee were to start a religion all her own, it might well hold Groupie Consciousness as its central tenet. She chases after the God/dess within with a reverence and fervour not unlike her passion for the music that moves her most. Renee's latest offering, All Six Senses , is the real-life chronicle of one caught in the act of cosmic transformation. Themes of love, seeking, and celebration emerge through a medium of edgy rock, accomplished singer/songwriter lyricism, pop hooks, and the sonic impact of chant.

From the depths of cabin fever, creativity, and a love for music comes The Velvetland Band . The creation of bisexual artist, writer and musician Michele Kaplan , the music is an eclectic mix of jazz, funk, punk, rock n' roll, hip hop, swing, and even a little country.Her latest album is entitled ' are you anti-bellum? '.

Rorie Kelly is a sensitive singer/songwriter from various towns on Long Island. Her lyrics are extremely personal, her singing is extremely emotional and she breaks strings onstage approximately every five seconds. She currently performs throughout the region, and is in the process of recording a full-length record.

Louisa McBee Light NY's Electronica Seirenes Light grew up in Manhattan and has been surrounded by music and art all her life. Black, White and Native American, she comes from a diverse musical and artistic culture. Light is a singer, beat builder, artist who does shows all around NY. Future Music and Visual Integration/ Fantasy Music "Bringing the visual out through audible sounds arouse sensation by the stimulation of visual receptors."Experience a truly unique and innovative new artist!


OK as genuine queer people here I know we are supposed to say good stuff about "Brokeback Mountain". And it is an achingly sad but gorgeous movie with spectacular scenery and beautiful boys in luv . . . but I wanted to say that I am just SO OVA the entire 'tragic homosexual love story' thing.

Ahem . . . yes dear . . . . but didn't you realize that the move was made for all the good-hearted but misinformed straight people so they can realize the error of their ways, know that all love is beautiful and good and that they have been mislead by the evil George Bush and his cohorts in the Religious Right?

Oh! I see.

Then "Brokeback Mountain" a wonderful movie and we all love it and everyone should go see it and then help get rid of the nasty right-wingers so everyone can live happily ever after instead of having to get married to the wrong people, being gay bashed or crying in closets.


almost all the stuff on LOGO , yeah, yeah, yeah we do watch 'the L Word' , and of course there is 'In the Life' [even thought they somehow manage to omit the "B" word from their subtitle], QAF (gone but not forgotten), 106th and Park , Veronica Mars , Comic View (never mind the guests who can't get enough of Sheryl Underwood ? it's like they put your aunt on TV!) Guilty pleasures: 7th Heaven (been watching it since it 1st came on)Remember When: Clarissa Explains It All , Clueless and Moesha so what are we forgetting to mention here?


Fun Bisexual Books We Love
Click on picture/link
to go to the book's MySpace page

The Bisexual's Guide to the Universe: Quips, Tips, and Lists for Those Who Go Both Ways Increase your Bi-Q now!. Yes, this is a book that Nicole and Mike have been working on for the past five years or so, and it's irreverent, funny, sexy and serious all at the same time! Organized by experience level, this no-holds-barred, irreverent guide is for anyone-bisexual, queer, pansexual or none of the above-who wants the best of both worlds.
In Phyllida and the Brotherhood of Philander Brooklyn's own Ann Herendeen has written the romance novel for the 'post-queer' era. She has put a new twist on a traditional form, creating the ultimate love story she always wanted to read: a bisexual historical romance. In this romantic comedy, a bisexual man makes the best husband — for both his wife and his lover!"
Even More Bisexual Books

    Poetry Is Not a Sickness & Finnegan's World Travels by Finnegan the Poet Bi Any Other Name : Bisexual People Speak Out by Loraine Hutchins & Lani Ka'ahumanu Getting Bi : Voices of Bisexuals Around the World by Robyn Ochs & Sarah Rowley The Bisexual Option by Fritz Klein, MD Bi America: Myths, Truths, And Struggles Of An Invisible Community by William E. Burleson
also Click on A Literary Life for more bi books & authors
    Bi Magazine an online magazine by & for the Bisexual Community Bi Tribune the website for a magazine for the Bisexual Community bi Community News a magazine for the bisexual Community from England

The purpose of the Bisexual Writers Association is to provide a forum for bi writers to network with each other, increase awareness of our writing within the bi community, promote our writing in the LGBT community and to use our word power to dispel myths and stereotypes about bisexuality in both the gay and mainstream press and to help the “gay press” truly become the “LGBT press.”
Join the Bi Writers Association
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All the people working to build a better world & fight biphobia -- if that includes you come join the " BiNet USA Yahoo Group

come join BiNet USA
the US National Bi Group

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My Blog

[CT USA] Reminder: Conn-Bi-Nation Monthly Organizing Meeting tonight

Conn-Bi-Nation is Connecticut's bisexual / pansexual / etc. activist and social group.Every 2nd Sunday evening of the month, Conn-Bi-Nation holds its Monthly Organizing Meeting. We discuss activism...
Posted by New York Area Bisexual Network on Sun, 11 May 2008 03:00:00 PST

your thoughts on bisexual people and politics

We are X-posting this on behalf of well-know Bisexual-identified LGBT writer William E. Burleson who is looking for input on a piece he is writing for Lavender Magazine. People wishing to respond to ...
Posted by New York Area Bisexual Network on Fri, 09 May 2008 05:34:00 PST

Bi Writer Makes Good - Community Invited to Help Celebrate

To everybody who will be in the New York City area on the evening of Tuesday, April 29th 2008 . . . . . . in a story that sounds like it came straight out of the page of a romance novel itself or at...
Posted by New York Area Bisexual Network on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:39:00 PST

[USA]: ALERT Bisexual Resource Center Website Dow

From: Bisexual Resource CenterDate: Apr 22, 2008 9:38 PMSubject: Bisexual Resource Center Website Down Hello everyone,Our site,, was hacked today, and it will be down for an indeter...
Posted by New York Area Bisexual Network on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:27:00 PST

[Brooklyn]: Aids Walk NY Bake Sale & Fundraiser 4/17/2008 6 pm

Hello Friends,We need YOU to join CURVACEOUS DIVAS & FRIENDS for this year’s AIDS Walk New York!The Curvaceous Diva Society is a sisterhood for plus size woman to empower each other, educate on...
Posted by New York Area Bisexual Network on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 05:49:00 PST

[Los Angeles]: ArtWallah 2008 Festival - Call For Works

Please Start Sending your Submissions ASAP Deadline for Submission: April 15th, 2008The ArtWallah 2008 Festival, a multi-disciplinary arts festival of the South Asian diaspora (including artists with ...
Posted by New York Area Bisexual Network on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:59:00 PST

interesting article from EDGE "Bisexuality -- Whats in a Name?"

A thoughtful, well researched and quite extensive meditation on bisexuality in current western european/american culture, written from a gay man’s point of view. It is X-Posted from the on-line ...
Posted by New York Area Bisexual Network on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 03:17:00 PST

WHAT ABOUT KRISTEN? Sex Worker Organizations Respond to Spitzer Scandal

PS Since you might have been wondering, we are x-posting all of this because it is another example of society's discomfort with, attempts to control, and many (most?) times outright hypocrisy about --...
Posted by New York Area Bisexual Network on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 08:04:00 PST

This = Ridiculous! US elected official spews nutty hate speech

To quote directly from gay blogger angry_biscuit, because we couldn't say it any better:What you're about to hear is a portion of a jaw-dropping speech delivered by Oklahoma State Representative Sally...
Posted by New York Area Bisexual Network on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:16:00 PST

[NYC] Sunday 3/2: Dont let the spoilsports at AOH ruin YOUR St Pats fun

Instead come join the 9th Annual multicultural & welcoming St Patrick's Parade & Irish Fair held on the afternoon of Sunday, March 2nd 2008 in the friendly multi-ethnic community of Sunnyside Queens."...
Posted by New York Area Bisexual Network on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:43:00 PST