friendship, kinship, coming out, living out, rabble-rousing, fighting monosexism, public education
We are a *local* bi/fluid group with a mission of creating a face-to-face community in Los Angeles and will be sending you lots of event notices, so we will add you if:
1) You are on the bi/fluid spectrum, regardless of labels (e.g., pansexual, ambi, flexual, queer, questioning, bicurious, otherwise identified) or a bi/fluid ally and you live in the Los Angeles area, or travel a lot to our area.
2) You are a bi/fluid org.
3) You are an LGBTQ org in LA.
4) You are an internet resource for LGBTQ orgs.
5) You don't fit into any of these categories but can make a good case for why you want to get spammed by us.
Though different supporters can join the AMBI Myspace network, you must come to an event in person to become a member. Our goal is to build a face-to-face community and so we want people to **COME OUT** and meet us. :-)
To see who's shown up to AMBI, check out our photos .