Discurso de Cristina que enojo a la oligarquia agropecuaria=Contesta Cristina en semama santa=
Aguante Christina! Por favor argentinos apoyenla, apoyen la Democracia,no a la oligarquia de la FederacionAgragriaArgentina.
Este es un llamado de refleccion a todos los argentinos, la pulseada entre la FAA y el gobierno ,con sus cortes de rutas,100dias de paros, desabastecimineto de alimentos ,cosechas y frutos perdidos,leche tirada a la calle,es una VERGUENZA.
Por empezar, el gobierno pide una redistibuicion de ingresos,impuestos a la soja(con records de venta y de demanda del exterior),pero como todo agropecuario la FAA o sea la oligarquia que nunca quiere pagar impuestos, y existe una gran evasion fiscal del campo,se han autodenominado representantes del pueblo,del campo y del interior,cuando sabemos con son 4 oligarcas que no los voto nadie,solo las Corporaciones Oligarquicas de siempre,
Di Angello para colmo renta terrenos a Yabran, un tranfuga de la camada de Menem,cuando Menem por decreto vendio al pais con su politica liberal agresiva,los oligarcas no se quejaron de los deretos,se benefiieron en la repartida, ahora Christina saca un decreto y la llaman totalitaria, cuando ella respeto la libre expresion y el disenso, recuerden que si no fuera por los Kirchner,aun estariamos en el desatre economico creado por Menen y sus socios oligarcas(incluyeno la FAA), y los pequenios duenos de campo que apoyan al gobierno tuvieron sus campos quemados, como pueden ver por las nubes de humo aun en BSAS.
Argentinos,no se dejen manjar por los medios contolados por los ricos de siempre, este no es una democracia Corporativa contorlado por oligarcas, es una democracia republicana,ustedes eligieron a la presidenta y los diputados, con la ley ahora llendo al Congreso,es seguro que se aprobara por desicion popular, no por 4 senores latifundistas.
Recuerden que la FAA no tienen nada que perder, no quieren pagar impuestos,los que perdemos somos todos los argentinos,nosotros los pobres si pagamos imouestos,y muestra que las corporaciones quieren contorlan al pais.
Queremos abastecimiento de alimentos,rutas abiertas, sin inflacion, todo esto fue creado gracias al hambre de dinero de los senores de siempre, cuando no los eligio nadie, no representan al pueblo, ni al campo ni al interior, solo a sus propios intereses,no a la de los Argentinos.
Argentines support Christina!
This is an urgent call of reflexion to all argentines, the fight between the Argentine Agrarian Federation(AAF) and the government, resulting in road blockades,100 days of strike by farmers, causing food shortages, grain and fruits lost, milk throw to the streets, is a SHAME.
To begin, the government is trying a redistribution of wealth with the export tax-hike to the soy, corn and wheat (with records sells and international demand), but like the rich farmer sector of the AAF, they don't want to pay taxes, when already there is huge tax evasion there, this oligarchic corporate nucleus call themselves country-farmers and people's representatives, when we know they are only 4 landowners, nobody voted for them.
Di Angello(AAF) is even renting land from Yabran, a close associate-criminal, from the previous corrupted president Menem, as you know Menem by decrees sold the country with a aggressive liberal program, the AFF didn't complain about the decrees back then, because they got a benefit, now after Christina's decree they call her totalitarian, when she always respected the free expression and no repression for the strikes or road blockades.
Remember that if it wasn't because of the Kitchener's, we'll still be on the economic disaster created by Menem and their liberal associates(AFF too),and now the little farm owners that supports Christina has their land burned to the ground, as you can still witness for the smoke in Buenos Aires skies.
Argentines, don't let yourself be use by the bias media controlled by the rich and powerful, this is not a "Corporate Democracy" run by the oligarchies, this is a Republican Democracy, you voted and chose the president and the congressmen, now the law is going to the Congress, for sure will approved by popular support, not decided by 4 Sirs, remember the AFF has nothing to loose, they just don't want to pay taxes, but instead all argentines are loosing,and we all pay taxes,It shows that corporations wants to rule the country.
We want the strike to stop, reopen routes, food supplies back to the supermarket shelves,and no inflation, remember all this was created by the greed of the landlords of always, nobody chose them, they don't represent the national interest and well being, just their own interest, not of all the Argentines.
http://www.porloschicos.com/PorLosChicos.NET/index_english.h tm
HOla,I am Xu Li Ren(Rang),Ljubljana ,Juliano, Julienne,Julian THE APOSTATE
Leo rising Sagitarius,yes I have a very fiery nature,free sprited soul,passionate behind a cold facade.
Earth Monkey rising monkey,very stable,reliable,grounded,a good listener and yet a pain in the azz.
I tend to define myself as individualistic,a lone-wolf and self reliant,not a social person,perhaps I'm defined by my family and friends,what I am today is because of them,therefore my sisters are my jewels,and they made me believe on the goodness of this world,still today people trust and rely on me for big tasks,LIFE is always a challenge.
Pseudo-Definitions apart here a strange one=
What is Your World View?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Existentialist
Existentialism emphasizes human capability. There is no greater power interfering with life and thus it is up to us to make things happen. Sometimes considered a negative and depressing world view, your optimism towards human accomplishment is immense. Mankind is condemned to be free and must accept the responsibility.
Cultural Creative
I have many interests and hobbies, as shown in here=
My Top10 Life Resolutions=
1-I won't make a diet,but take more care of my health.
2-I won't judge people's anger,rudeness or ignorance.
3-I will live and take every day like is the last one.(Carpem diem)
4-I won't get mad, moody or crazy for anyone/anything not meaningfull.
5-I'll try to keep a positve outlook,and be assertive and accepting.
6-I won't accept racists,chauvinistics,homophobic,or sexist comments,I'll challenge them.
7-I'll make fun to everything and laugh with life,is the best medicine for your body and mind.
8-I'll make the commitment to try to help,raise awerness,and volunteer for all causes that I believe.
9-I'll plant a tree,finish my book and clean my neighborhood.
10-I'll try to kiss more,said more"I love you"(very hard for me),hold more and share more time with my loved ones.
-Be nice and kind,smile and treat everybody as we do to children,remember"the heart remainds a child"
-Mis 10 Resoluciones para vivir mejor=
1-No hare una dieta pero cuidare mas de mi salud.
2-No juzgare a la gente por su ignorancia,rudeza o enojo.
3-Vivire y tomare cadia dia como si fuera el ultimo(Carpem diem)
4-No me enojare o tomare nada en serio si no es importante.
5-Tratare de tomar una postura positiva,acertiva y conciliatora.
6-No aceptare comentarios sexistas,racistas o homofobicos,las cuestionare.
7-Bromeare de todo y me reire de la vida,es la mejor medicina para tu cuerpo y alma.
8-Me enconmendare en ayudar y dar my apoyo a todas las causas justas en la que creo.
9-Plantare un arbol,terminare mi libro y limpiare mi vecindario.
10-Tratare de besar mas,decir mas"Te quiero",abrazar y compartir mas tiempo con mis seres queridos.
-Se mas amable,sonrie y trata a todos come si fueran ninios,recuerda"El corazon aun sigue siendo como el de un pequenio"
-I welcome any artists,new poets,writers,musicians and social/nature conscience people.
-Muchachos/as,si son artistas,escritores en espagnol,or musicos de la lengua hispana,mandenme su mensaje para ser amigo,asi los puedo leer/escuchar,y si tienen una organizacion humanitaria dejenme saber,barbaro che!!