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Darfur Action Network

400,000 dead and still counting...

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Sign the No-Fly Zone Petition
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"President Bush, we urge you to implement a
NATO enforced No-Fly Zone over Darfur."
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"President Bush, we urge you to implement a NATO enforced No-Fly Zone over Darfur."

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In the past four years, 400,000 people in Darfur, Sudan have been killed by their own government. Millions more need our help. Each day, government sponsored troops massacre civilians, rape girls, and shoot children for sport. But now, a growing number of activists around the world are demanding world leaders take action to end the killing. Please take 20 seconds to sign our petition.
A No-Fly Zone would stop the violence. We ran a No-Fly Zone in Iraq after the first Gulf War. We used one to end the genocide in Kosovo. We can do the same in Darfur. But we need your help. President Bush is already considering a No-Fly Zone as part of his "Plan B" package. Please take 20 seconds to sign our petition and urge the White House to take action.

Terror in the Sky: The Truth about Darfur
This one year old girl was shot by a Sudanese government helicopter. Her mother was killed. A No-Fly Zone would have prevented the attack. The Sudanese government is using its air force to terrorize civilians on the ground. Women and children in Darfur are routinely massacred by shrapnel- packed bombs designed to slay as many as possible.
Rape is used to destroy group unity. After an air raid, the Sudanese government's proxy-militia groups ride into town where they rape women and even young girls. Rape is also used as an incentive for soldiers to fight, along with stolen property from the cities they destroy.
The United States and its allies can end genocide in Darfur. Not through more rhetoric or ineffective resolutions – but through concrete action. A No-Fly Zone would require a single squadron of fighter jets backed up by 4 AWAC planes.
Why are people being killed? When ethnic African groups in Darfur declared their independence, the government of Sudan responded with a brutal campaign of violence against civilians.
Terror in the Sky: The Technology of Mass Murder
An Mi-24 Attack Helicopter hovers above the ground, ready to strike. Sudan uses this model to terrorize civilians on the ground, sometimes disguising their aircraft in the colors of the United Nations.
5 metal Fletchettes. These projectiles are packed into warheads designed to maim and kill as many as possible.
The cell phone service is shut off, and no one can get a signal. The government has shut off service with the help of an international corporation so that victims cannot alert their neighboring communities. Soon, an Mi-24 HIND Attack Helicopter emerges on the horizon. It soars over the town, dropping warheads packed with hundreds of "fletchettes" – nail sized projectiles designed to slice through flesh, killing civilians, but leaving property unharmed.
The Janjaweed militia are close behind. They ride in one horse back to pillage the remains of the decimated community. The women they find will be gang-raped; the men castrated and left to bleed to death; the children killed with the butt of a rifle, or shot for sport. After everyone has fled from the scene or been killed, the Janjaweed and government troops meet to divide up the property from the town they've destroyed.
We've used No-Fly Zones before. After the first gulf war a No-Fly Zone implemented by the U.S., Britain, and France effectively protected civilians on the ground from coordinated air strikes by the Iraqi military. The U.S. used a No-Fly Zone to end the genocide in Kosovo. We can use one now to stop the genocide in Darfur.

Get the code for this petition!
Paste it directly into your Myspace profile, website, or blog.
"President Bush, we urge you to implement a
NATO enforced No-Fly Zone over Darfur."
If you decide not to sign this petition please tell us why (anonymous) so we can learn from your opinion!

11300 Expo Blvd. #1309
San Antonio, TX
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Communication, marketing, networking.

I'd like to meet:

Creative people interested in using online communication to save lives. Especially Graphic Designers and Web designers for a non-profit I run. If you want to know more about how you can help talk to me.

The comments below are only the opinion of the poster, and don't necessarily reflect our views. We welcome support from both liberal and conservatives. Genocide is too important for party politics.


Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Richard Feynman, Einstein, Thich Nhat Han, Mother Teresa

My Blog

Video editing for Darfur

Greetings! We are producing a short video aboutrape in Darfur with the goal of reaching millions of viewers onYouTube.Maia Monasterios (Project Runway, Mtv True Life) has donated herservices as a di...
Posted by Darfur Action Network on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:11:00 PST


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Posted by Darfur Action Network on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:14:00 PST

Help us pick a slogan

So we finally got a logo:Now we need a slogan....Here’s what I’ve got so far:"Social Networks that Save Lives""An Online Human Rights Community" "Log in. Network. Save Lives""Join the Huma...
Posted by Darfur Action Network on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:10:00 PST

Breaking News: Rebel attack on Chad

Imagine this: 300 trucks mounted with machine guns and heavy artillery storm into Washington, DC, leveling buildings and killing hundreds of civilians. Large portions of the capital are destroyed. T...
Posted by Darfur Action Network on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 03:37:00 PST

MLK vs. Malcolm X

I've been thinking a lot about your comments from the last blog Should we boycott the olympics?I ran across this video and it really struck me: Here we have two extremely intelligent, extreme...
Posted by Darfur Action Network on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 04:00:00 PST

Should we boycott the Olympics?

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party has come under pressure to stop supporting genocide. They have responded with minor steps (providing engineers to the UN Mission, humanitarian funding) and whole...
Posted by Darfur Action Network on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 04:48:00 PST

Rebels defeated in Chad

Last week, 300 trucks mounted with machine guns and heavy artillery stormed the capital of Chad in a ruthless attempt to seize control.(Meanwhile the media was talking about Britney Spears.)Some of th...
Posted by Darfur Action Network on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 11:38:00 PST

Breaking News: China tells Sudan "World is running out of patience."

If you follow the crisis in Darfur you know China is the main supplier of money and weapons to the Sudanese government and their proxy militia groups. We've been trying to pressure China to end their...
Posted by Darfur Action Network on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 11:42:00 PST

Why was MLK so great?

Like many people, I'm in awe of Martin Luther King, Jr. He had an almost magical dynamism - the way he could captivate an audience with a paradoxical blend of strength and humility. Other black leade...
Posted by Darfur Action Network on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 01:27:00 PST

Janjaweed attacks prison - frees inmates

The situation in Darfur is volatile right now - everyday it seems there's some unexpected piece of news. Just saw this article about how gunmen (possibly Janjaweed) stormed a prison in south Darfur a...
Posted by Darfur Action Network on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:17:00 PST