Mitten Clips profile picture

Mitten Clips

I'm a bright spirit on a magnificent journey!

About Me

I am delusional, so I don't like to describe myself because writing things down feels so limiting. Click here to learn what's happening in Darfur, Sudan ..

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My Interests

I like food, William Buttler Yeats, lily pads, and the color lavendar. I'm also interested in turning hate into love. Click Here


music...well that totally depends on what I'm eating. Booberry cereal and cold creamy milk are happy, and like Band of Horses. Frappuccino and diet pills are psycho and all about Bruce Springstien. Cucumbers with lemon and pepper are like cold things on hot days, and opposites like that make me want the Pixies. Then theres curly fries, and that usually means that it's late and I'm drunk and trying to sing along with Matisyahu. It's seriously hard though. I blast the shit out of Nelly Furtado when I jog it all off...well not all. Certain things require hunger so I stick to Raspberry Crystal Light for Fiona Apple, Blue October, and Radiohead. While on the other hand, nachos make it so I can't hear anything. Nachos are their very own music.


Good Night and Good Luck, Amelie, The Princess Bride, The Goonies, Motorcycle Diaries, Harry Potter (Ron makes me drool), Rushmore, I 3 Huckabees, Sophies Choice, anything Chris Farley.......


I am TV deprived but I like the Colbert Report, and a good infomercial


right now: "A Problem From Hell," America and the Age of Genocide by Samantha Power. I recently read: the curious incident of the dog in the night-time by mark haddon and found it life changing. NOTE TO SUMMER: I'm also plugging through Lincoln by Gore Vidal, so can we hang out now?


Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable. - Helen Keller

My Blog

hello, hows the genocide?

Whenever I haven't seen someone in a while, they're always like, so how's Darfur? And I'm like, you know..genocide..yeah it's still fucked up. Well, here's a little more on what that means:   ...
Posted by Mitten Clips on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:30:00 PST

If I had one outfit to wear over & over, it wouldnt be this one

I'm listening to what they estimate will be 11 minutes of stupid fucking x-mas mucic because I am on hold with the incompetent butt ticks at Alaska Airlines who lost my goddamned luggage. I ...
Posted by Mitten Clips on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:56:00 PST

My Bleep

It's Saturday and I'm not hung over - even though I randomly fell over at least three times last night, then repeatedly decided to quit holding full glasses of wine, and caused mass destruction to eve...
Posted by Mitten Clips on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 12:42:00 PST

the new me

Ever watch those old ladies doing laps around the park at like 5am? Not on the standard quarter mile track field, but the dinky pee wee Soccer field. They perplexingly walk in slo-mo but move their ar...
Posted by Mitten Clips on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 12:42:00 PST


    Well, today I woke up early. I've been drinking a lot the past four days. It feels like I'm dragging someone else behind me. Someone whose pours are oozing vodka, and who stinks lik...
Posted by Mitten Clips on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 02:33:00 PST

profile of camp Kalma, Darfur Sudan

I heard someone say something the other day that really resonated with me: "the only way to end genocide is to make it personal".  I had that in mind this morning as I sat at the computer reading...
Posted by Mitten Clips on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 12:34:00 PST

Dear Anderson Cooper

Dear Anderson,I just wanted to thank you for solving my bloody death cycle of being a psycho-neurotic news addict. The old Sarah used to watch/read/listen to the news incessantly and ge...
Posted by Mitten Clips on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 11:37:00 PST

So, I guess I'm a slave.

Kate and I were having a great day together, saw a movie, went to the park, and then we get home and the inevitable happens, she asks me to do the most obnoxious thing ever. She has this catalogue of ...
Posted by Mitten Clips on Wed, 03 May 2006 07:43:00 PST