=Michael= profile picture


Be the change you want to see in the world...

About Me

Healthy in mind, body and spirit with a dark, ironic sense of humor. Heavily involved in the effort to abolish slavery globally, especially focused on women and children. Also working on a number of other humanitarian projects including ending the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. See blog for more info and updates. note: I was out of the country on business five of the past six weeks so I'm way behind on here. Please be patient and don't take brief or delayed responses personally. Also, I have deleted my comment section intentionally for those of you who have asked me about that.

My Interests

Art, Music, Cinema, Travel, Stirring the pot, Massage, Surfing, Theatre, Literature, Snowboarding, Camping, Scuba diving, daydreaming, Love

I'd like to meet:

People who want to make the world a better place...and a loving, soulful, intelligent, spontaneous, sensual, true and empowered goddess . . .


Bowie, Radiohead, Bjork, Nine Inch Nails, The The, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Ani DiFranco, She Wants Revenge, Emeliana Torrini, Sigur Ros, Goldfrapp, REM, The Smiths, X, early Adam and the Ants, Garbage, Gomez, Pixies, Coco Rosie, Libby Kirkpatrick, Patrick Park, Gary Jules, Andras Jones, Anya Marina, Interpol, Bauhaus, Good Charlotte, The Cramps, The Killers, Flaming Lips, Gorillaz, Two Loons for Tea, Fiona Apple, Johnny Cash, , Spiritualized, Matisyahu, Massive Attack, Saint Etienne, Tricky, Air, Zero 7, Elbow, Starsailor, The Golden Palominos, Deep Forest, Franz Ferdinand, Wilco, Dead Can Dance, Bob Wills, The Doors, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zepplin, The Who, The Kinks, The Eagles, Metal Shop, the Spazmatics, Superdiamond, Framk Sinatra, Dean Martin, Artie Shaw, Billie Holliday, Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys (1930's), Latin Playboys, Lou Reed, Nick Cave, Tom Waits, The Reverend Horton Heat, Baxter, Lamb, L7, Olive, Fischerspooner, Terranova, Vast, P'taah, Frou Frou, Cold Play, U2, James Blunt, Jeff Buckley, Beck, Jack Johnson, Michelle Shocked, Al Green, Johnny Cash, Bob Marley, Burning Spear, Steel Pulse, and of course, Rosin Covin (My brothers band playing Pagan Lounge Music!); basically everything inspired and fresh, from Bach to Bauhaus, much of what they play on KCRW and Indie 103.1.


The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The Science of Sleep, Belle Du Jour, Under the Bombs, In the Valley of Elyah, Saving Grace, The Assasination of Jesse James, Bourne Ultimatum, The Interview, Death at a Funeral, Casino Royal, Pan's Labrynth, Half Nelson, Volver, Wings of Desire, Kidulthood, Dancer in the Dark, La Double Vie de Veronique, 400 Blows, My Life as a Dog, Brazil, Munich, Syriana, The Constant Gardener, Crash, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Breaking the Waves, Love Story, Finding Neverland, Closer, Waking Life, What the bleep..., An Inconvenient Truth, Fahrenheit 9/11, Requiem For A Dream, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Rushmore, A Clockwork Orange, Nosferatu, All About Eve, Mephisto, The Graduate, On the Waterfront, Citizen Cane, Altered States, Legends of the Fall, Dances with Wolves, The Machinist, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Roman Holiday, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), The Sting, Close Encounters, Alien, The Big Chill, When Harry Met Sally, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Baraka, Dr. Strangelove, Thunderball, Dr. No, The Bourne Supremacy, Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill!, Hotel Rwanda, Sometimes in April,


Mad Men, Damage, Lost, Prison Break, 24, The Minor Accomplishhments of Jackie Woodman, Arrested Development, South Park, Battlestar Gallactica, Shootout, Greg the Bunny, The Green, Planet Earth, Big Ideas for a Small Planet


Somehow my book list was deleted, but here are a few for now - Sidartha, the Power of Now, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, On the Road, The Four Agreements, My Cousin-My Gastronologist, Rumi, Hesse, Richard Bach, Jack Kerouac, Asimov, David Sedaris


Underdog, mighty mouse and atom ant . . . not necessarily in that order.

My Blog

Miss Conception

I'm going to see my friends film, Miss Conception, starring Heather Graham, tonight at Sunset Laemmle 5 at 7:20PM. Come by if you're in the neighborhood or see it this weekend.
Posted by =Michael= on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 05:49:00 PST

stop the bullet. kill the gun

Posted by =Michael= on Sat, 24 May 2008 07:34:00 PST

returning messages

Just a quick note...I now have 970 unanswered messages in my inbox. I love getting the messages so please keep sending them (except the Care bear 'Have a nice day' and 'showin some love' html's). Kn...
Posted by =Michael= on Sat, 24 May 2008 06:59:00 PST

A Note From the Universe...

Psssssst... Not that you ever would, but when someone tells their best friend about their difficult day, or how tricky relationships have been, or that they have a jolly good life in most regards exce...
Posted by =Michael= on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 02:31:00 PST

Corporations Target Kucinich at Home, an Urgent Personal Appeal

I want to thank you for your support of our efforts to end the war, to create a not-for-profit healthcare system and take America in a new direction, so that we can have a government we can truly call...
Posted by =Michael= on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 04:16:00 PST

Save the horses from slaughter

Once again I call upon you friends to FIGHT for the animals that can not defend themselves!We call ourselves civilized yet we sent out our beautiful and graceful horses while still ALIVE for slaughter...
Posted by =Michael= on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:54:00 PST

the human cost of war

Posted by =Michael= on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 01:04:00 PST

A Note From the Universe...

Don't worry about your "negative" thoughts. They're par for the course in the jungles of time and space. Change them when you can, but when they overrun you, let them run. Because no matter how persis...
Posted by =Michael= on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 01:30:00 PST

The Holidays are Here (and we’re still at war)-lyrics to the song on my profile

The Holidays are Here (and we're still at war)by Brett DennenPilgrims in the parking lotArteries clogged with blood clotsPushing through the aisles of department storesNeon crosses and Christmas light...
Posted by =Michael= on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 02:37:00 PST

Cancer News from John Hopkins

This is a repost. Seemed like some good info in a brief format:No plastic containers in microNo water bottles in freezer.No plastic wrap in microwave...A dioxin chemical causes cancer, especially bre...
Posted by =Michael= on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:17:00 PST