HELP AFRICA by PiccolissimaLaura profile picture

HELP AFRICA by PiccolissimaLaura


About Me

MY NAME IS LAURA, I AM A 20 YEARS OLD ITALIAN-GERMAN GIRL LIVING IN GERMANY... THIS SITE IS DEDICATED TO AFRICA... WITH THIS SITE I WANT TO SHOW PEOPLE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE "OTHER PART OF THE WORLD" THE PART, WHERE PEOPLE REALLY NEED HELP, URGENTLY...*REMEMBER THAT WATER IS LUXURY* sometimes we do not appreciate what we really have...water for us is "only" water, but water is more than "only" water...water is live! can you imagine that some people do not have clear or any water? when we are thursty we go to the fridge and take a bottle of water...other people can't...they have to go kilometers to reach their water, what is not clear like our water.a lot of children, adults become ill by drinking their water because it is not potable and they do not have possibilities to fit - they do not have any money for medicine...and beeing in a situation like this is very terrible!*CERTAIN THINGS THAT WE HAVE THAT SEEM SO OBVIOUS FOR US ARE TINGS THAT THEY DO NOT HAVE, BUT NEED VERY URGENTLY* i feel very sorry for the poor children living in africa...they do not have anything and there is anything they can do against this! they are little innocent children who are living a life much more terrible than living ín hell! this children are nearer to death than to life! please note that you are living a very good live...sometimes we are angry because we are not getting what we want...sometimes we want more and more clothes...we want the latest mobilephones, a big plasma television, a new car... things from prada, chanel or gucci...poor people do not know what that is...they wish to have a little bit clear water to drink and a little piece of bread...when our mothers cook and we do not want to eat it because we do not like it, my gosh, we do not know how good we have it!

My Interests

*EVERY PASSING MINUTE IS A CHANCE TO TURN IT ALL AROUND*HELP AFRICA BECAUSE AFRICA NEEDS US:Fast Facts:A child dies every 3 seconds, 1.2 billion people don’t have access to safe drinking water, 14 million African children orphaned by HIV/AIDS Every day in Africa: 30,000 children under five die from poverty related causes, HIV/AIDS kills 6,600 people, 1,400 newborn babies are infected during childbirth or by their mothers' milk. HELP THEM! HELP THEM TO SEE THAT LIFE IS WORTH LIVING! HELP THEM TO KNOW THAT LIVING IS ONE OF THE BEAUTIFULEST AND BEST THINGS ON THE WORLD! NO ONE DESERVES TO "LIVE" (WHAT THEY DON'T DO) LIFE LIKE THEY DO!

I'd like to meet:

A WORLD WITHOUT PROBLEMS, THE UNIVERSAL PEACE!HOW WOULD YOU FEEL WHEN.. wake up every morning and the first thought that appears is: "oh my god, my children are so ill, i do not have anything that will help them to fit...we do not have anything to children are starving, and they are so young..." AND HOW WOULD YOU FEEL WHEN this thought will not appear only in the morning but will haunt you the whole day, and that EVERY DAY?PROTECT THE CHILDREN. GIVE THEM THE FEELING OF SAFETY.HELP THEM TO GROW. HELP TO GIVE THEM A FUTURE! DO NOT FORGET THEM-THEY ARE HUMANS...NOBODY WANTS TO LIVE ONLY FOR DYING!



My Blog


World Hunger and Poverty: How They Fit Together... 854 million people across the world are hungry, up from 852 million a year ago.3 Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes--on...
Posted by HELP AFRICA by PiccolissimaLaura on Wed, 21 May 2008 10:06:00 PST

where to sponsor?

..TR>  ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Where can U sponsor ??? Do you want to sponsor, but don't really know where? Well, I have found some places w...
Posted by HELP AFRICA by PiccolissimaLaura on Wed, 21 May 2008 10:04:00 PST


Stand up against poverty   Over 43.7 million people, in 127 countries have broken the Guinness World Record  set last year at 23.5 million - for the largest number of people to "STAND ...
Posted by HELP AFRICA by PiccolissimaLaura on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 05:01:00 PST