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Help Save Darfur

If we turn our heads and look away and hope that it will all disappear then they will - all of them,

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Violence and destruction are raging in the Darfur region of western Sudan. Since February 2003, government-sponsored militias known as the Janjaweed have conducted a calculated campaign of slaughter, rape, starvation and displacement in Darfur.It is estimated that 400,000 people have died due to violence, starvation and disease. More than 2.5 million people have been displaced from their homes and over 200,000 have fled across the border to Chad. Many now live in camps lacking adequate food, shelter, sanitation, and health care.The United States Congress and President George W. Bush recognized the situation in Darfur as "genocide." Darfur, "near Hell on Earth," has been declared the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today.

History of the Conflict
Open warfare erupted in Darfur in early 2003 when the two loosely allied rebel groups, the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), attacked military installations. This was followed closely by peace agreements brokered by the United States to end the twenty-year-old civil war in the south of Sudan which allocated government positions and oil revenue to the rebels in the south. At that time rebels in Darfur, seeking an end to the region's chronic economic and political marginalization, also took up arms to protect their communities against a twenty-year campaign by government-backed militias recruited among groups of Arab extraction in Darfur and Chad. These "Janjaweed" militias have over the past year received government support to clear civilians from areas considered disloyal to the Sudanese government. Militia attacks and a scorched-earth government offensive has led to massive displacement, indiscriminate killings, looting and mass rape, all in infringement of the 1949 Geneva Convention that prohibits attacks on civilians.The war, which risks inflicting irreparable damage on a delicate ethnic balance of seven million people who are uniformly Muslim, is actually multiple intertwined conflicts. One is between government-aligned forces and rebels; a second entails indiscriminate attacks of the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia on civilians; and a third involves a struggle among Darfur communities themselves. Its implications go far beyond Darfur's borders. The war indirectly threatens the regimes in both Sudan and Chad and has the potential to inspire insurgencies in other parts of the country.Related Items: Situation in DarfurHistory of the Conflict Current SituationUN ResolutionsUS Legislation
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Current Situation in DarfurNearly three years into the crisis, the western Sudanese region of Darfur is acknowledged to be a humanitarian and human rights tragedy of the first order. The humanitarian, security and political situation continue to deteriorate: atrocities continue, people are still dying in large numbers of malnutrition and disease, and a new famine is feared. According to reports by the World Food Program, the United Nations and the Coalition for International Justice, 3.5 million people are now hungry, 2.5 million have been displaced due to violence, and 400,000 people have died in Darfur thus far. The international community is failing to protect civilians or to influence the Sudanese government to do so.The international community is deeply divided -- perhaps paralyzed -- over what to do next in Darfur. The UN Commission of Inquiry on Darfur described the massive scope of atrocities carried out in the territory, primarily by the government and its allied Janjaweed militias. And the situation on the ground shows a number of negative trends, which have been developing since the last quarter of 2004: deteriorating security; a credible threat of famine; mounting civilian casualties; the ceasefire in shambles; increasing tensions between Sudan and Chad; and new armed movements appearing in Darfur and neighboring states. Chaos and a culture of impunity are taking root in the region.The humanitarian situation remains catastrophic, due to ongoing state-sponsored violence, layers of aid obstruction, the lack of an overall humanitarian strategic plan, and the weakened state of displaced Sudanese. Refugees and internally displaced civilians (IDPs) have been displaced for long periods, they are in terribly weakened states, they are subject to sexual abuse and attack, they do not have adequate shelter, and a new famine is feared. Infectious diseases and dysentery will drive up the body counts rapidly. Conventional responses are simply inadequate to prevent increasing mortality rates, and the current response will fail unless buttressed by a number of bold and urgent actions.Rape has become a hallmark of the crimes against humanity in Darfur. It has proven one way for the Janjaweed militias to continue attacking Darfurians after driving them from their homes. Families must continue collecting wood, fetching water or working their fields, and in doing so, women daily put themselves or their children at the risk of rape, beatings or death as soon as they are outside the camps, towns or villages. It is assumed that the hundreds of rapes reported and treated grossly underestimate the actual number committed, as victims of rape in Darfur are often too scared or too ashamed to seek help. In a culture where rape draws heavy social disgrace, victims are often ostracised by their own families and communities. These women and children have been forced from their communities and even punished for illegal pregnancy as a result of being raped.As need far outstrips the ability of agencies to deliver aid, it is not too soon to sound a famine alert. Relief workers on the ground are convinced that few if any of the nearly 2 million IDPs will return to their homes in time for the next planting season, thus ensuring at least longer term food insecurity. The onset of the rainy season in late May will further restrict access.Compounding the problem is that the numbers of at-risk civilians continue to increase. The Janjaweed continue to undertake attacks against villages, prey on IDPs, and obstruct aid activities. Many Janjaweed have been integrated into the army and police; no one has been charged with any crime, and their actions are not being challenged. There remains a state of total impunity.Not since the Rwanda genocide of 1994 has the world seen such a calculated campaign of slaughter, rape, starvation and displacement. I The Sudanese government continues to flout international law with impunity.
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Why are people being killed?

Ethnic African rebel groups in Darfur launched a war for independence, citing a lack of life saving government funds in the region. President Omar Al-Bashir responded with a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing against civilians. He has used proxy militia groups to torch whole cities, rape and kill thousands of women and children. The violence continues today.

Omar Al-Bashir: The man behind the genocide

When Omar Al-Bashir rose to power in 1989 he dissolved parliament and banned political parties. Ignoring countless U.N. resolutions to disarm the Janajaweed militia and end the violence in Darfur, Bashir has made a mockery of international law and the ideals on which the United Nations was founded. He seems to believe the international community will allow him to get a way with the wholesale murder of entire ethnic groups, and so far he has been right.Bashir has used the Janjaweed militia to murder thousands of men, women, and children while enjoying a luxurious lifestyle. Parade magazine's David Wallechinsky ranked al-Bashir #1 in its list of the worlds ten worst dictators.

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is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty Darfur Crisis and CARE's Work Continue in SudanThe United Nations estimates that as many as 10,000 mothers, children, wives and husbands are dying each month in Darfur as a result of violence, disease or malnutrition. More than 2 million people are displaced within Sudan, and another 200,000 have fled to neighboring Chad.In spite of the danger, CARE is committed to helping people make it through this crisis:
*CARE has more than 400 staff on the ground in Darfur and Chad
*CARE is distributing emergency food to more than 300,000 refugees each month
*We're also providing water and sanitation for some 265,000 people Each month, 66 malnurished children receive lifesaving help at our theraputic feeding centers
*Since December 2004, some 13,000 women received reproductive heath care and more than 17,000 children, women and men have taken advantage of everything from acute care to nutritional screening and immunizations
*This vital work must continue until peace returns




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Million Voices for Darfur Campaign An essential part of taking action is letting the United States government know that the American people care about the people of Darfur. The Million Voices for Darfur campaign helps individuals contact President Bush and demand that he do more to protect the civilians of Darfur. Click button below to send a postcard to the President to END GENOCIDE!!
Contact the White House
Shortly after taking office, President Bush wrote "not on my watch" in the margin of a report he was reading about the 1994 Rwandan genocide. However, a year after declaring the violence in Darfur genocide, the President has still not taken any actions neccessary to end the violence. President Bush must hear from Americans who care about ending the crisis going on in Darfur. Contact the White House and let President Bush know that he must act now
Call: 202-456-1111
Email: [email protected]
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wanna help?

Activist Resources has a post called "Activist'>">Activist Resources" that's worth checking out...  Everything you ...
Posted by Help Save Darfur on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 10:09:00 PST

Presidential Candidates Position on Darfur - Barack Obama

Posted by Help Save Darfur on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:29:00 PST

Presidental Candidates Position on Darfur - Hillary Clinton

Posted by Help Save Darfur on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 05:57:00 PST

Presidential Candidates Position on Darfur - John McCain

Posted by Help Save Darfur on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 05:44:00 PST

Presidential Candidates Position on Darfur - Bill Richardson

Posted by Help Save Darfur on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:34:00 PST

Presidential Candidates Position on Darfur - John Edwards

Posted by Help Save Darfur on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:31:00 PST

UN approves 26,000 peacekeeping troops for Darfur!

Updated: 3:57 p.m. PT July 31, 2007UNITED NATIONS - The U.N. Security Council approved a 26,000-strong peacekeeping force for Darfur on Tuesday to try to help end four years of fighting that has kille...
Posted by Help Save Darfur on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 07:48:00 PST

Letters for Darfur

Some of you have asked for 'tips' about writing a letter to your senator and I thought I should make it clear that you don't have to draft a letter from scratch! When you click on this link, you will ...
Posted by Help Save Darfur on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:18:00 PST

March 2007 Update on Darfur from Oxfam

..> Sudan crisis, situation update, March 2007     It is nearly four years since the start of the Darfur crisis. Today the situation is as desperate as ever. Oxfam is one of the ...
Posted by Help Save Darfur on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 02:18:00 PST

CONTACT your elected officials! Here's How

Contact your elected officials! "If every member of the House and Senate had received 100 letters from people back home saying we have to do something about Rwanda, when the crisis was first deve...
Posted by Help Save Darfur on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:28:00 PST