Life, communication, psychology, singing, writing, reading, acting, art,meditatation, dancing, drawing, good food and wine, travelling and learning from people from other cultures, history, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, voice over, etc.
I'd like to meet:
Kind, honest, spiritual, respectful, creative, funny and competitive people.
Pop, Rock, Latin, Gothic, Heavy Metal, Dance, Hip-hop, etc.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Documentaries, the News, Martes y Trece, Cashmere Mafia, Sex and The City, Dirty Sexy Money, Ally McBeal, Boston Legal, Melrose Place, X Files, etc.
The Power of the Actor: The Chubbuck Technique
Vida despues de la vida/Life After Life
Mensajes Desde El Retiro De Saint Germain: Sorprendentes Revelaciones Sobre LA Vida Despues De LA Muerte, El Proposito De Vivir
El Alquimista: Edicion Con Guia de Lectura
Los Limites Del Amor/ the Limits of Love
The Power of the Actor
An Actor Prepares
Biblia Católica
Ama Y No Sufras
El Alquimista
El amor en los tiempos del cólera
100 Love Sonnets: Cien sonetos de amor (Texas Pan American Series)
El Silencio Habla/ Stillness Speaks (Perenne)
The Power of Now (ECKHART TOLLE)
Psicomagia y Psicochamanismo (JODOROWSKY)
Dejame Que Te Cuente (JORGE BUCAY)
Amarse con los ojos abiertos (JORGE BUCAY)
Don Quijote de la Mancha
The Stories of Eva Luna (Isabel Allende)
La Sombra del Viento (Carlos Ruiz-Zafon)
The Definitive Book of Body Language (Allan Pease)
The Interpretation of Dreams
Love in the Time of Cholera (Gabriel Garcia-Marquez)
Medicos del Cielo, medicos de la tierra (MAGUY LEBRUN)
Emotional Intelligence: 10th Anniversary Edition; Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
Meditation: The First and Last Freedom (OSHO)
Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously (OSHO)
Love, Freedom, Aloneness (OSHO)
The Art of Loving (Erich Fromm) powered by
Jesus, my parents, my grandmother, José Rivera, Santa Teresa de Jesús, Ghandi, good psychoanalysts and doctors, and anyone who has given big to humanity.Save The World - One Click At A Time!
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