Madennis Madonna's Biggest Fan profile picture

Madennis Madonna's Biggest Fan

Star F * cker

About Me

I was born in Miami, Florida, where I lived for a brief period of time before my parents decided to move back to Guatemala. It was in Guatemala where I was raised until about the age of 9; I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn about my roots first hand, which includes being fully bilingual.When we returned to USA, my family decided to move to Chicago were we lived for a few years; we then gave New Orleans a try, followed by Portland Oregon. While living in Portland we came to the conclusion that our favorite place was beautiful Chicago, so we decided to return and make it our permanent residence.I must say that from all the places I have had the opportunity to experience, I feel the most “at home” here, in the Windy City, as we affectionately call Chicago. I don’t know what the future will bring; I certainly have a lot of plans for my career, but for now I really see this beautiful historical city as my permanent residence.Thank you so much for visiting my page, and for your friendship.
** Guatemala **

* Central America
Concerts I've been to :
1 ) Who's that girl 1987 : 1 show in Chicago
2 ) Drowned World 2001 : 1 show in Detroit *HBO*
3 ) Re-Invention 2004 : 4 shows in Chicago
4 ) Confessions 2006 : 4 shows in Chicago: Front row!
I've been buying and collecting Madonna memorabilia since 1984. Madonna is the only woman I will ever love
in my entire life besides my mother.
I'm in love with the most beautiful woman in the world... and her name happens to be * MADONNA *Absolutely no
f*cking regrets!!!
To Madonna :
You are my only love and you are the reason why I never gave up. Growing up you were like my guardian angel. I just want to say thank you for who you are and thanks to your mom for giving birth to such an amazing and beautiful human being. You came into my life and made it so much better. You are special to me now and always will be. You were beautiful back then as you are now. If there was no MADONNA , the world would suck!
Your true fan,
Your mother would be so proud of you.
An important element in Madonna’s success has been her ability to acknowledge her own competences and weaknesses. Very early in her career Madonna realised that neither her dancing nor voice were strong enough on their own, so she teamed up with people who could help her, including Michael Jackson’s manager, Freddie de Mann. Similarly, companies and managers need to think about developing the skills and contacts that they need to ensure future success.
MADONNA isn’t the product of any music company — her success is down to sheer hard work. Most of her entertainment interests have been owned or operated by her own companies. Likewise in industry, compiling strategy or setting targets is easy, the difficulty is in implementation.
* Madonna Versace *
People think being MADONNA is about being fabulous, having your picture taken all the time, going to parties in limousines, having everyone worship and adore you, being rich, rich, rich... ...having it all. And you know what? They're absolutely right.
* The early years *
The frequent reinvention of Madonna’s style and sound has reflected an acute awareness of changing styles, social norms and attitudes in a rapidly changing industry. Likewise companies and individuals who are one-trick ponies can expect market or career derailment unless they are able to renew and reinvent themselves.
This year's "TRL Awards" will present its most coveted awards to two of the biggest names in music. "The Lifetime Achievement Award" will be presented to Madonna who over the course of her career has impacted not only her fans, but other musicians. By always reinventing herself, Madonna has stayed popular and relevant throughout her career. The massive success of her album, and her video "Hung Up" on the TRL countdown, shows her popularity with the MTV viewers.
" She's outrageous, she's provocative, she's inscrutable. And over the years, we've all been witnessed to her evolution, from street smart kid sister to virgin bride, from sex goddess to a yogi. Her mind is as celebrated as her body, she's as feared as she's desired, she leads while other's follow...a woman who is all woman, and all women. "
* Confessions Tour 2006 *
" No matter how you try to get away with it, the sin is within you all the time "
* Francesco Scavullo session from 1984 *

My Interests

*** 1983 ***** 2008 ***

I would like to meet Madonna fans from all over the world.
Make new friends.

This page is dedicated to Madonna,
the love of my life.

I ♥ Madonna and

The Girlie Show 1993

* Buy the Dvd today! *

" I went to new york, I had a dream, I wanted to be a big star, I didn't know anybody, I wanted to dance, I wanted to sing, I wanted to do all those things, I wanted to make people happy, I wanted to be famous, I wanted everybody to love me, I wanted to be a star, I worked really hard,

and my dream came true! "

♥ Madonna ♥

" I've provoked all my life, not for the sake of creating scandals, or to be political, but for MY sake, MY rights as a woman in a male-dominated society "

Bedtime Story

" Money makes people look beautiful "

" You can't sit around, worrying about people disliking you, because they're always going to be there "

" This page is about sex. Sex is not love. Love is not sex. But the best of both worlds is created when they come together. You can love God, you can love the planet, you can love the human race and you can love all things, but the best way for human beings to show love is to love one another. "

*** Star **
* F * cker *

* In the beginning *

MADONNA has cleared the way for so much acceptance, especially of self-acceptance. She is like a big sister who goes before you and clears the way; like experiments and does all the bad stuff and takes all the flack for you. She is so brave and has taken so much on her shoulders. She has taken on the whole world. There is no way we can all repay her for what she has done. She is full of so much love. I guess all we can do is follow in her footsteps and be inspired by her.

* ♥ * MADONNA * ♥ *

" When my daughter was born, I was born again. "

" No matter what you did, no matter who you are, no matter where you come from. You can always change. Become a better version of yourself. "

* Rocco & Lola *

* David with family *

" We have the responsibility to provide these orphans with the means to survive and to make a difference in their lifes. "

Please join me in this effort and get involved. Their lives are depending on it.

Please visit :

Madonna in Malawi

" For I was hungry, and you gave me food."
"I was naked, and you gave me clothing."
"I was sick, and you took care of me. "

And God replied,

" Whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers,
you did unto me. "

" I beg of all those people to go to Africa and see what I saw and walk through those villages. And see the death camps that I consider them to be. To see 8-year-olds in charge of households. To see mothers dying, with Kaposi sarcoma lesions all over their bodies. To see open sewages everywhere. It is a state of emergency. As far as I’m concerned, the adoption laws have to be changed to suit that state of emergency. I think if everybody went there, they’d want to bring one of those children home with them and give them a better life. "

" Do you believe in yourselves? Do you believe in magic? Do you believe that dreams come true? Hold on to your dreams! "

Madonna's stats :

Height : 5'4"
Weight : 110 (while on tour) - 120 lbs
Measurements : 36(c)-24-34
Eye Color : Blue/Green
Natural Hair Color : Dark Brown

Biograhpy :

Madonna's birth mother died of cancer at age 30 in 1963. Madonna was five. Her father, Sylvio (Tony), employed a housekeeper named Joan Gustafson and eventually married her. They are still married.

* Madonna with mother *

" I wish I had a mother I could call but, I don't "

* Madonna w/ family *

Madonna grew up in Pontiac, Michigan , a suburb of Detroit. When the house got too small for the growing Ciccone family they moved to Rochester Hills, Michigan.

That little girl from Michigan would go on to become one of the most famous entertainers and cultural icons in history - selling 275 million records and remaining a star of enormous magnitude and influence for the next 25 years.

* Drowned World Tour

Madonna has 3 sisters - Melanie, Paula and Jennifer (half sister) and 4 brothers - Martin, Mario (half brother), Christopher and Anthony.

In January, Madonna meets actor Sean Penn on the set of the Material Girl video and soon after they start dating.

On her 27th birthday they get married in Malibu. It's the beginning of a troublesome marriage that will last for 3-5 years.

I'd like to meet:

Madonna and Jesus Christ,
so I could ask him.....WHY??

" I got married for all the wrong reasons. And when my husband didn't turned out to be everything I imagined he'd be, I just wanted to end everything. There's no such thing as a perfect soulmate. If you meet someone and you think they're perfect, you better run as fast as you can in the other direction, 'cause your soulmate is the person that pushes all of your buttons, pisses you off on a regular basis and makes you face your shit! It's not easy having a good marriage, but I don't want easy. Easy doesn't make you grow. Easy doesn't make you think. I thank God everyday that I'm married to a man that makes me think. That's my defenition of true love. "

* Madonna and Guy *

" Way back I was loud and, I guess you could say, obscene. Today I use the power of (silence) "

After Hung Up, Sorry and Get Together, Madonna's Jump made its way to the number one spot of the Billboard Dance Club Play chart. This is Madonna's 37th #1 single in this particular chart since her first studio album, back in 1983.

* Borderline single photoshoot 1984 *

* Oh Father video *

" I don't think you know what pain is. I dont' think you've gone that way. I could bring you so much pleasure. I'll come to you when you say. I'm not going to hurt you, just close your eyes. "

" Sometimes I wake up, and I have forgotten how incredibly rich I am. "

" People always see the evolution of my career as marketing, " she says with a laugh. "I change. I evolve. People can't understand that, so they put a label on it like 'marketing.' I call it growing. Most celebrities and iconographic figures have one presentation, and that's what they stick with. Maybe that's what people find unsettling about me. But that's so boring just to have the same hairstyle the rest of your life? "

Most UK # 1 singles by a female artist

Madonna broke another UK chart record yesterday when Sorry became her 12th UK number one single. Madonna has now had more number one UK singles than any other female artist.

* Bedtime Story *

" Only the one who hurts you can comfort you...Only the one who inflicts the pain, can take it away. "


She could've easily disappeared into pop obscurity like the other frothy pop tartlets who came to fame on nascent MTV in the early 1980s. But Madonna's masterful manipulation of her image and the press, combined with an astute business sense, have crowned her as one of entertainment's wealthiest and most enduring acts. Her concerts still set attendance records all over the world, grossing $1 billion over the course of her 20-year career. The Material Girl's portfolio is also crammed with expensive items like contemporary art, real estate and a wardrobe of no small historical significance.

" I think I have a dick in my brain. I don't need to have one between my legs. It would be like having a third leg. "

* Madonna and Sean 1986 *


Vulgar MADONNA is degenerate queen of sleeze...
What a tramp :

With a new piece of commercial sleaze to peddle-This time a film titled "Truth Or Dare"-MADONNA has embarked on another of her patented excursions into public vulgarity to hype the box office and amuse the jaded.

* Truth or Dare premiere in New York City. *

" To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage, because we don't want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt. "

* Bedtime Story *

Why does Madonna wear a red string on her wrist ?

According to Kabbalah teachings, the red string protects her from the negative influences of the "Evil Eye." The red string is kryptonite to "the unfriendly stare and unkind glances we sometimes get from people around us. Envious eyes and looks of ill will affect us, stopping us from realizing our full potential in every area of our life."

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

An Immaculate chart re-entry :

Madonna's 1990 greatest hits album The Immaculate Collection re-entered the UK Top 40 album chart at number 38 last week - this is a great achievement for an album which is over 15 years old!

" I'm not sorry, it's human nature "

" Life's gonna drop you down like the limbs of a tree, it sways and it swings and it bounces until it makes you see "

* The early years *

" I need to Change and how can I change? The only way I can change is to constantly work at it.. I need to Change and how can I change? Knowing is the beginning Knowing more and Learning more and achieving more. The minute you stop wanting to learn more That's when you stop growing and that's when you die That's when you're nothing "

* Hollywood *

* Sex book *

" I hope that when this tour ends and you go out into the world that you are more compassionate to other human beings and more responsible for your actions and your words. Because without those two things, your gifts and talents mean nothing "

" When you look at the destruction of the world, through the eyes of children, sometimes it can make people wake up more "


" Music makes the people come together! "

" You only see what your eyes want to see...You're frozen "

" We need love, without love, I dont think there will be life "

* Madonna with her friend Martin burgoyne, who later died of Aids. *
* she was holding her friend's hand when he died in December 1986, at the age of twenty-three *

*** ♥ Pop Goddess

********* + ********

" This is what I do to sell records! I hope you mother f * ckers appreciate it! "



I'm Going To Tell You A Secret

Die Another Day

Swept Away


Next Best Thing


Girl 6

Blue In The Face

Four Rooms

Body Of Evidence

Dangerous Games

A league Of Their Owned

Shadows And Fog

Truth Or Dare

Dick Tracy

Bloodhounds Of Broadway

Who's That Girl

Shanghai Surprise

Desperately Seeking Susan

Vision Quest

A Certain Sacrifice


♥ My mother, my sister Joanna, my friend Jessyca Langarica, and Madonna
" The road to hell is paved with good intentions "
One of the most important drivers of Madonna’s success has been her vision, held since high school, of becoming the world’s foremost female performer. Firms too must have a vision of where they want to go and how to get there. Similarly, managers who are unsure of their career goals frequently miss opportunities
" Why's it so hard
to love one another ?
Why's it so hard
*** to love ?
Bring your love,
sing your love,
Wear your love,
share your love "
***** ♥
Highest selling female artist EVER!
The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry has just published its updated list of the 150 highest selling artists ever. Madonna appears at number 4, right behind the Beatles, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley, with a total of 275 Million records sold worldwide from 1984 to 2005.
* MTV awards *
It is clear that Madonna’s successes have been underpinned by a deep and insightful appreciation of her customers and understanding of the music industry. Madonna was one of the world’s first artists to bring the focus-group approach to the music industry. In mid-2005 she partnered with DJ and producer Stuart Price to test tunes (without vocals) in clubs from Liverpool to Ibiza. The reaction of the dancers was filmed and used to determine the tracks for Confessions on a Dance Floor. She has also realised the need to partner with the key industry players such as MTV and is a skilled self-publicist. To get ahead in an increasingly competitive and global world, companies must also develop a keen understanding of their customers and industries.
" I'm sexual, I'm a girl. That's the way it goes! "
" Forgive and wish them well "