Pedro Almodóvar profile picture

Pedro Almodóvar


About Me

[A Tribute By
Carletto di San Giovanni:]
Mini Biography:The most internationally acclaimed Spanish filmmaker since Luis Buñuel was born in a small town (Calzada de Calatrava) in the impoverished Spanish region of La Mancha. He arrived in Madrid in 1968, and survived by selling used items in the flea-market called El Rastro. Almodóvar couldn't study filmmaking because he didn't have the money to afford it. Besides, the filmmaking schools were closed in early 70s by Franco's government. Instead, he found a job in the Spanish phone company and saved his salary to buy a Super 8 camera. From 1972 to 1978, he devoted himself to make short films with the help of of his friends. The "premieres" of those early films were famous in the rapidly growing world of the Spanish counter-culture. In few years, Almodóvar became a star of "La Movida", the pop cultural movement of late 70s Madrid. His first feature film, Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón (1980), was made in 16 mm and blown-up to 35 mm for public release. In 1987, he and his brother Agustín Almodóvar established their own production company: El Deseo, S. A. The "Almodóvar phenomenon" has reached all over the world, making his films very popular in many countries.

My Interests

“All my movies have an autobiographical dimension, but that is indirectly, through the characters. In fact I am behind everything that happens and that is said, but I am never talking about myself in first person. Something in me -probably a dislike of cheap exhibitionism- stops me from approaching a project too autobiographically.”
“When I was very young, I was already a fabulador. I loved to give my own version of stories that everybody already knew. When I got out of a movie with my sisters, I retold them the whole story. In general they liked my version better than the one they had seen.”
“I don't know if All About My Mother is my best film yet. I haven't had time to analyse it. If you look at the argument it looks like an outrageous story, but the challenge was to show the story as something real and emotional. The truth is that everybody leaves the cinema feeling a better person.”
“I fit very well, you don't know how much, with winning the Oscar. It happened before with Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. I get sad, especially for the people who surround me and the public who might stop me on the streets. It is a virtual responsibility.”
“I was born at a bad time for Spain, but a really good one for cinema.”
"Right now I don't know if I have dreamt about this or not. But when you are in the ocean you must swim. Being on the race for the Oscars, logically I want to win.”
“Even people who work with me don..t know who I..m dating. I just don..t talk about it so that I won..t implicate others. Just because dating someone famous doesn..t mean they have to lose their privacy. But am I involved? Yes. It..s nice to be wanted romantically, to be desired and, right now, I am."
“This means a lot to us but it's not going to change the kind of movie I'm going to do. ... Tomorrow, it seems to me that I will be sure what I want to do. Today, I cannot think.”
“I hardly ever go back because there I don't return as an acclaimed director, but rather as a little boy. There, I still feel like a little boy.”

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