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About Me

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Visit or send a text message with your ZIP code to “KNOWIT” (566948) to find HIV testing near you.

Let your friends know you support HIV testing! Grab one of the badges below and add it to your MySpace page. Simply copy the code below the image you want and paste it in your "About Me" section.

Click the link below to listen to and view our podcasts. You can also check them out on YouTube and Icyou ! podcasts on iTunes

We're a gateway to all government U.S. HIV/AIDS information! We provide basic HIV , testing , prevention and education , treatment and care , research information and more. Come check us out !

June 27 was National HIV Testing Day . President Obama released a special video message about the importance of HIV testing in honor of National HIV Testing Day.

You can take action and take control in response to HIV/AIDS:

    get tested for HIV practice safer methods to prevent HIV decide not to engage in high risk behaviors talk about HIV prevention with family, friends, and coworkers provide support to people living with HIV/AIDS get involved with or host an event for one of the HIV/AIDS Awareness Days (listed above) promote an HIV testing web badge on your MySpace or other social networking profiles or websites send us a message to let us how you’re taking control and taking actionfind out how else you can Act Against AIDS (a new campaign from the White House, CDC and HHS).

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My Blog

National HIV Testing Day PSA
Posted by on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 09:36:00 GMT Blogs - CDC MySpace Blog
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 11:09:00 GMT

National Latino AIDS Awareness Day

October 15 is National Latino AIDS Awareness Day. For more information, visit
Posted by on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 12:00:00 GMT