Traveling, Business, Music, but most of all, People:) I love animals very much - you can learn so much from watching their behaviour. They do need more rights though!!!come and see my travel page:
Mrs. Tina Turner, Mr. Bill Gates and Mr. George Clooney and maybe YOU....!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Classical Music, Country, Blue Grass, Pop, Rock - check
I very much like movies that have a good story line! George Clooney is nice to see.... :)
mspmb src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" width="220" height="220" wmode="transparent" flashvars="nopanel=true&imgpath=http%3A%2F%2Fimg139.rock is nothing that keeps my focus presently on TV other than the news, local, national and international of course...
I presently have not much time to read (unfortunately...) but I enjoy Philosopers, ...
I think everyone who stands up for the weak and those who give their input to better this world - But most certainly those people that help to protect animals!!!