Enlightened Spiritual Solutions profile picture

Enlightened Spiritual Solutions

Intuitive and Empathic Tarot Readings

About Me

Professional tarot reader/psychic/intuitive/empath, Tibetan Reiki Master, Usui Reiki Master, Shamanic Healer - Vajra Healing Transmission, student of Esoteric Philosophy, student of Eastern/alternative healing. Sensitive, acquiescent, intelligent, transcendental, old soul. Using tarot as a divination and my expertise obtained through spiritual growth, education and workshops, I bring forth compassion, integrity, empathy, and a commitment to assisting you using my intuition along with the tools I have studied and practiced for over two decades. I provide answers using my developed God given abilities, and I'm dedicated to working with you to provide resolution to your life’s questions.
I have been naturally empathic and intuitive throughout my life, and open minded enough to deal with a multitude of complex situations. I offer you compassion and understanding as I interpret your reading to the very best of my ability.
My credentials include: Over 20 years as a Tarot reader ~ more than 11 years as a certified Usui Reiki Master ~ more than 10 years as a certified Tibetan Reiki Master ~ student of the Esoteric Philosophy Center mid 1980s ~ private consultations, psychic fairs, and network reader ~ courses further developing intuition and psychic development throughout the 1980s and 1990s ~ Pete Sander's Free Soul series "You are Psychic" mid 1990s ~ Life student of Tarot and Esoteric Philosophy
TESTIMONIALS:Amanda McIntyre:My sincere thanks Joelle for your peaceful insight to my career. Your warmth and sincerity has empowered me on my journey! Thank you for listening with your spirit's ear and speaking from a sincere heart.~Amanda McIntyre, award-winning author
Carina, rude fairy:I wanted to thank you from my heart. You have been a true inspiration, and given me a bright spark of hope and faith when I thought there was none. You helped me climb out of great despair. You helped me understand I'm not the only one who sees sees the reasoning behind human turmoil, or that people consider a little beyond the norm, and that the awareness of others like me was not born out of a wild imagination.
Thank You Joelle for answering my calls, when I was in need, thank you for the friendship and insight you gave me in regard to life and love.

Winged Light Carrier: Greetings and Blessings, I just wanted to stop by and tell you how gifted and committed you are. You have this ability to key right in and help others with compassion and grace. I am so very proud of you and your accomplishments. Keep smiling, stay in the space of surrender and flow on the wings of the Goddess.

My Interests

Tarot and intuitive readings, energy work and healing, alternative healing, paranormal phenomena, naturopathy, homeopathy, painting, drawing, cooking, floral design, reading, walking

I'd like to meet:

Cause oriented, liberal, urbane, bright, open minded, esoteric,visionary, friends, clients, people on the path.....



Rock, Renaissance, Baroque, Brazilian, Celtic, Bollywood, Healing, but mostly I'm a global kind of chick! The genre really doesn't matter as long as it resonates within my spirit ~


Shawshank Redemption; As Good As It Gets; A Beautiful Mind; Elizabeth I (Cate Blanchett version); Copy Cat; Dune; Enemy Mine; The Bone Collectors; Wait Until Dark (1968); The Women (1939) ; Immitation of Life (1959) and all time favorite - Giant (1956)


Too many things to do to watch much TV.


Seat of the Soul; The Superbeings; Child of Eternity; The Celestine Prophecy; Way of the Peaceful Warrior; No Ordinary Moments; Bringers of the Dawn; Phoenix Rising; Holy Blood/Holy Grail; Beyond the Ashes; Night; The Souls of Animals; Zero Limits.


Hariette Tubman for putting her life at risk to lead slaves out of oppression and bondage. Rosa Parks for refusing to get off the bus. Oscar Schindler who rose to the highest level of compassion and humanity. The men and women who have fought throughout history so that I may have freedom of voice, freedom of choice, quality and equality of life.

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My Blog

Hooponopono - Simple Steps to Healing

Simple Steps to Healing by Dr. Joe Vitale   Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients - without ever seeing any of them. The psych...
Posted by Enlightened Spiritual Solutions on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:22:00 PST


Sent to me by a friend: Maybe we were supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that, when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.Maybe...
Posted by Enlightened Spiritual Solutions on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:23:00 PST


Encouragement----------------------------------------------- --------- A group of frogs were travelling through the woods, and two ofthem fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered aroundthe pi...
Posted by Enlightened Spiritual Solutions on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 10:04:00 PST

The Most Controversial Card& The Death Card

A few weeks ago I was ask to speak at a local Tarot Group. The topic I presented for discussion was the "Death Card". A few nights later, a MySpace friend wrote me a poignant note about a devastatin...
Posted by Enlightened Spiritual Solutions on Tue, 22 May 2007 08:34:00 PST

Enlightened Spiritual Solutions Website

Enlightened Spiritual Solutions  In addition to Tarot readings and spiritual counseling, I offer in absentia Reiki sessions for you and your pet.  I particularly love working on our ani...
Posted by Enlightened Spiritual Solutions on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 06:06:00 PST

A Tarot Reader's Responsibility

After joining two Tarot groups and other groups geared towards enlightenment. scanning dozens of profiles. bulletins and reading their responses, I've become aware that some group&...
Posted by Enlightened Spiritual Solutions on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 12:38:00 PST