The Goddess Series
Funky Chunky Textured Gallery
Ink on Paper Gallery
There are so many that I know I'll have to come back and update this when I remember the ones I forgot to add. For starters, I'm a lifelong learner & I will never be bored because life offers so many possibilities. I love ART! Creation is a powerful process. I am a lover of nature and animals (especially the dog kind). I am a big believer in all forms of alternative medicine. I love herbs! I have a thirst for knowlege and a passion for life.
We are all just a part of the whole to make up this time and this place. We all experience love, joy and loss. We are everything and we are nothing but a drop in the vast ocean of life. Kindred Spirit is a state of being and a way of living.
Tricky, tricky. I have a large range of interests. It's endless for me. Basicaly, anything that inspires me at the moment. And in my little world, Beethoven is GOD.
I love to read. In fact, I basically study all the time. My personal library consists of anything from herbal medicine to Anne Rice to The Sweet Potato Queens. Current favs: Ask and it is Given, Dr. Richard Schultz - Save Your Life series (herbal), anything & everything by Dr. Emoto (Hidden Messages in Water, etc.) David Avocado Wolfe
My hero is Larry Perry and the rest of the How's Your News crew!! Also, anyone passionate about living their dreams!
"The Watcher"
An angel with her heart open wide -
A lone eye watching from her side -
Self Portrait
I want to say something to all of you who have become a part of the fabric of my life.
The color and texture which you have brought into my being have become a song and I want to sing it forever.
There is an energy in us which makes things happen when the path of other persons touch ours, and we have to be there and let it happen.
When the time of our particular sunset comes, our thing, our accomplishments won't really matter a great deal.
But the clarity and care with which we have loved others will speak with vitality of the great gift we have been for each other.
-The Monks of Weston PriorySand painting
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