aimlessly i wonder in this vast universe, with either too much to say and never getting in a word edgewise. always being the listener and helping others with their life changing adventures. always being heard but not helped in returned. it's a selfless job but i guess if this is my destiny then i'm the persona to do it.
i am a wholesome person, truthful, and lustful for life...
when i die i can truly say i loved, i lusted, and most of all i lived life, don't get me wrong, i've done it with class. i've charmed many with a simple smile...
while believing life isn't learned until you've made a few mistakes, and there are very few i regret...
when asked who i am i'll often tell you i am just a mutt (most unusual talented token) to-kin with every nationality. that is because i'm mexican/hawaiian american/ descent and have an affiliation for celtic music and culture, yet i find much peace with eastern ways, i find my spiritual guidance from the native ways.......... i think there is a lil eastern, native, celtic...ect... in all of amazes me of the diversity we all have in common......
thank you for thinking me worthy of being your friend... love & light