Joel Vallie profile picture

Joel Vallie

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Joel Vallie (not valley but pronounced the same).I guess my love for movies and making dumb short films to make people laugh finally paid off. I'm in filming right now for a movie called Corazon de Campeon its in Spanish but don't worry folks I'll put subtitles in it for you and if you cant read...then I'm not sure what your gonna do. I have a deep love for films and film making. I love zombie movies and if you haven't seen Shaun of the dead go out and buy it today. ============================================================ ========================= I also love to play music I cant wait for the day that I fim a movie that i wrote and score it to my own music its going to be great ============================================================ ========================= Personally I think of myself as a laid back person who loves to laugh. I'm not judgmental to any one in anyway.I have done a lot of bad things and hurt a lot of people in the past and if your are here getting ready to send me a nice email of how much you hate me I totally understand but let me just say to you that I am truly sorry for every thing I have ever done and that i am not the same person I use to be. PEOPLE CAN CHANGE. I do believe in God and I have that right to do so.I don't send you hate mail because you don't believe in God do I? Noo!!! So back up off me about it, you aint going to change my mind. In the last 8 years or so I have made friends with people all over the world and I have learned what it is to be a friend. Thanks to all who have played their part in helping me learn that.

My Interests

movies,music,Comics, video games

I'd like to meet:

Edgar Wright (the greatest Director of all time and one day the world will see) I'd also like to meet Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Kevin Smith and George Lucas and Steven Spielberg,Quentin tarantino,Stan Lee,Dave Matthews, Guillermo Del Toro, Jackie Chan and last but not least Robert Rodriguez.================================================== =================================== Here is a short film I did for a womens conference. I know, I know, I'm such a charitable person.===================================================== ================================ ============================================================ ========================= ============================================================ ========================= Here is the trailer for my new T.V. series LA CHURCH ============================================================ =========================


Are we movie
compatible? My Flixster


Shaun of the dead, Hot Fuzz, Are there any more movies besides those ohh yeah i like star wars as well all Kevin Smiths stuff (bow down every one to mall rats) and The Magnificent Butcher, legend of the drunken master, Iron Monkey, Battle Royal , 7 Faces of Dr. Lao,Hero,House of flying daggers. 36 chamber of shaolin ,Kill Bill 1&2 ,Se ying diu sau (Snake in the Eagle's Shadow),Chinese Super Ninjas,Shaolin vs. Lama, The Return of the Living Dead, Fist of legend,Fist of the north star,Nija scroll, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Street Fighter 2 anime,all George Romeros stuff (land of the dead could have been better even though 2 of my favorite stars where in it you know who they are if you understand the majority of this page.Sam Raimi, Big Trouble in Little China, The original Texas chainsaw massacre, Brain dead, king kong, psycho, true lies, freaks,true romance, the Machinist, Curdled,In the Mouth of Madness, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, i could go on forever ith this list


Spaced, Spaced, the office, spaced, my name is earl, asylum, scrubs, prison break, alias, black books,doctor who,hyper drive,Worst week of my life, Spaced, Samurai Champloo, Simpson, Family guy, Cowboy Bebop,The boondocks,Arrested Development and Spaced

My Blog

(video) cops show up on my film set.

What happens when the Director and the Producer of the film get stuck in the sand on the way to shoot a big desert scene? Watch and find out. ...
Posted by Joel Vallie on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 04:21:00 PST

(Video blog) a very short film

He is a short film i did for a womens conference. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. And to give every one a update on the movie I am filming the end sequence over the next couple of d...
Posted by Joel Vallie on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 04:10:00 PST

video blog (a song I wrote)

Hello every one I have gotten a lot of emails saying " Joel in your pictures you have pics of yourself playing music so what do you do? do you direct movies or do you make music" My answer is I do bot...
Posted by Joel Vallie on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 06:16:00 PST

Joel vallies next movie (video blog)

My next MovieHere is a very quick promo for my next movie that i put in the movie im making right now. I also threw in a quick scene from Corazon de Campeon (the movie im making now) . My next movie i...
Posted by Joel Vallie on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 05:35:00 PST

behind the scenes 1 (video blog)

Here is the first of what will be many behind the scenes of the filming of Corazon de Campeon. Thanks for all your comments. I love hearing for all of you.Enjoy ...
Posted by Joel Vallie on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 06:12:00 PST

casting video (video blog)

I was thinking that I could write a blog about how the casting went for my movie but I decided to put up a video of it instead. What's better reading or watching? Please comment on the video, I love h...
Posted by Joel Vallie on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 05:08:00 PST

Is any one going to read this

    So this is my first blog ever. I thought who's going to read this any way. So if you are sitting at your desk or laying in your bed or however you decided to surf the internet today...
Posted by Joel Vallie on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:34:00 PST