It's not all about ME, it's about US...
THE INVISIBLE HAND NETWORK: The "invisible hand" that I am referring to is contrary to the economic philosphy of everyone out for himself in which greed eventually creates the equilibrium for supply and demand. Perhaps the REAL INVISIBLE HANDS are the ones working behind the scenes to help others without getting paid. "Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality. At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need".
The truth was exchanged for a lie-- The TRUTH is that there is no "life value" in money. It does nothing; you can't eat or drink it, it doesn't sustain your life. THINK about it, it's a piece of paper! We've given it an almighty inflated value. Of what value does an $18 million dollar Faberge Egg have for people who are starving? I'm sure they'd much rather have the real thing. I have to be honest, I find values like that to be a disgusting waste. (Possessions sometimes are given more value than life. Celebrity and sports related jobs are over-inflated, too). What has happened to our value system? We need to take a look at what we value before we all bust. The LIE is that you need money to survive. Some chase it. Some die for lack of it (Terminally ill patients often have $10,000 or more a month in just medication expenses. My co-worker has $22,000 a year in medication costs --he is working himself to death). Others kill for it. We have let ourselves become slaves to it, but we don't have to. Time has become billable hours equal to money. Space has become a demand for money for which one occupies. What can we do to make the world a better place for all of us to live?
SOLUTION? What we need is PEOPLE -VOLUNTEER! DONATE! THE PRICE OF LIFE IS A SACRIFICE! What little bit of time, space, or gift can you sacrifice to help make the world a better place to live? Can you give up one hour to help someone? Can you give up one day a month? Can you touch one person?If you are looking for travel & adventure, a way to truly connect with people abroad or in the U.S., please visit WWW.GLOBEAWARE.COM. or They are one of many volunteer programs, non-profit organizations, that are tax-deductible. (Also, see - discounted airfare for non-profits). Your participation to volunteer could so easily change a life for someone needing a helping hand. You never know in life when you will be the one someday to need a hand from a stranger, but just imagine how grateful you'd be should one reach out to you.Don't forget to invite your friends along or go in a group! ONE person can make a difference, that person is YOU! We have a voice, we have hands, those are free to help and to teach. WANTED: ONE voice, ONE mind, TWO hands, NO money required. TOUCH a HEART! Granted, these trips are not a luxury resort, but imagine looking back on your life and telling your grandkids that you helped build a school, or taught English, etc. in various places all over the world. As for me, before I see my last sunset ever again, I would like to truly say that I was "ONE"!THE HARVEST IS PLENTY, THE WORKERS ARE FEW. REAP WHAT YOU SOW. If you believe in this message, please share me with your friends. Please visit and add my top friends. Thank you!