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Volunteer Adventures

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Volunteer Adventures --

Benevolent to a fault

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Our Volunteers are our heros! Be a Campus Recruiter at your university -- Earn Cash and a Free Volunteer Adventure to South America! Volunteer Adventures, a global volunteer organization based in Denver, Colorado, is now hiring campus recruiters. We are looking for students who• Are currently enrolled in a college or university • Are passionate about volunteering and international travel • Want to make spare cash and a free volunteer trip to South America.What do campus recruiters do? They put up flyers, talk to students, make class presentations – all in the name of recruiting volunteers.Volunteer Adventures creates and promotes volunteer opportunities that improve the lives of others and the environment in which we live. We achieve this goal by connecting volunteers with worthy local projects around the globe.We send volunteers to Africa, Asia, Latin America and even Australia and New Zealand. Volunteer Adventures is part of Bridge-Linguatec, a 25-year industry leader in study abroad programs and Teach English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) courses.Campus recruiters work 5-10 hours per week on campus. Here’s what they get in return: • A FREE trip to Brazil, Chile, Argentina, or Guatemala to volunteer, study a foreign language or teach a Teach English as a Foreign Language course • $1,200 in cash per month for recruiting two volunteers per week • International work and travel experience that boosts a resume • The chance to work for a great causeInterested? Please contact me at [email protected] or Toll-Free 1-888-825-3454.Hope to hear from you soon,Regards,Laurel Kalish Outreach Coordinator Volunteer Adventures 915 S. Colorado Blvd Denver, CO 80246 USAwww.volunteeradventures.com 303-785-8890 (Direct)

My Blog

Have a Volunteer Adventure around the world

Posted by Volunteer Adventures on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 05:57:00 PST