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Team Earth

TAG, You're it!

About Me

Team Earth
The Greatest Team on the Planet
Don’t fret! This isn’t the old playground bully. You’re being picked for the greatest Team on Earth. What makes it so great? There is no I, or Me on this Team . It’s not about ego. It’s non-partisan. You don’t need to be athletic or good looking. You don’t need a passport. You don’t need to “try out” or audition. It’s not about “us vs. them.” It’s us vs. us. This is the only Team that can take on the most consequential problem in human history: global warming.
Global warming is a problem of epidemic proportions.
It will directly affect the lives of everyone on the planet.
You feel helpless.
You don’t need to.
You are not alone.
You’ve been tagged.
You can do something about it.
Buy a Team Earth T-Shirt!
Your simple purchase will help to educate millions of people…
…and help green energy projects across the globe.
It will spread the word.
It will empower people like you to tackle the greatest human threat in civilized history.
Keep your chin up.
This is just the beginning… not the end.
You are now part of the greatest Team ever assembled.

My Interests

Saving the Planet
Saving Us from Ourselves
Stopping Global Warming
Sustainable Energy
Hybrid Vehicles
Stopping Apathy

What's your Carbon Footprint?
5 Ways to Reduce YOUR Carbon Footprint:
1. Replace all lightbulbs in your house with CFLs.
2. Lower your heating and increase your cooling by three degrees.
3. Keep your tires inflated, have your oil and your air filters changed regularly, and don't speed!
4. Switch to Green Energy.
5. Run your dishwasher and washing machine only with a full load; try to line/air dry.

Energy & Pollution Factoids from Sierra Magazine:
If you replaced your Ford Excursion with a Honda Insight, over its lifetime you'd save $11,000 on gas and produce 107 fewer tons of CO2.
If you replaced your 1972 refrigerator with a 2001 model, you'd cut CO2 emissions by 1,100 pounds a year and save $80 a year on your energy bill.
If you replaced your top-loading washing machine with a new front-loader, you'd save $100 a year in energy, water, and detergent.
If you replaced your 75-watt incandescent lightbulb with a 20-watt compact fluorescent, you'd get the same amount of light but save 1,300 pounds of CO2 and $55.

Energy Federation Incorporated
The NEW American Dream
Lick Global Warming
Climate Change for KIDS
Ecomagination for Kids
Recycline's Preserve Products
Kokopelli's Green Market
Seventh Generation

Click Here to put this symbol in your profile!

Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

Click here to post this on your page or 'blog

I'd like to meet:

Congratulations! You’ve officially been tagged by Team Earth . It’s time for you to join the Team .

You’ve been tagged for one of the following reasons:
1. You’re not sure what to think about global warming
2. You want to do something about global warming but feel helpless
3. You drive a big fat SUV and need to get real
4. Someone you know wants you to be part of the Team

Take one for the Team
How do you join the Team ? It’s simple. You only need one thing: a jersey. By purchasing your own Team Earth T-Shirt , you are telling the world you are a willing and selfless Team player, a vocal proponent and an educated member of the greatest Team ever assembled: humankind. But it’s not over yet. Like any Team , you must practice. Work the largest muscle of your body. Your brain.

We are all part of one Team with one nasty opponent: global warming. Let's play!


Who Killed The Electric Car?
An Inconvenient Truth
The Great Warming
Project Pedal

Blue Man Group on Global Warming

Your attention please. Thank you for choosing earth as your planetary vehicle. We hope you enjoy the many wonderful features of this planet, as you hurtle through the cosmos. Please note, that in the event of continued inaction in the face of global warming - your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device. Please take a moment to locate this planet's emergency exits. As you can see, there aren't any!


My Blog

Help us raise $2,008 in 2008!

As you also know, Team Earth gives a portion of our profits (currently 21%) to Global Warming education/research and Sustainable Energy products.In 2007 we chose Energy Federation Incorporated to be t...
Posted by Team Earth on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:35:00 PST

This was world's warmest recorded winter

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - This has been the world's warmest winter since record-keeping began more than a century ago, the U.S. government agency that tracks weather reported on Thursday.The National Oce...
Posted by Team Earth on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:34:00 PST

Eco-Savvy Nuptials on the Web

From the Washington Post Can lavish weddings help drive us into the next Ice Age? American couples spend $72 billion on weddings every year. Bridal dresses are made of satin, which is often stitched w...
Posted by Team Earth on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 11:38:00 PST

Eating your way to "Carbon Neutral"

Eating your way to 'carbon neutral'.By JENNIFER WILKINS, Albany Times Union - 01/14/07The New Oxford American Dictionary's 2006 word of the year is ''carbon neutral.''The term reflects growing public ...
Posted by Team Earth on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 10:37:00 PST

Global Warming Threatens ALL Species

Global Warming Threatens All Species - Things Are Getting WarmerBy KASSIE SIEGELOn Dec. 27, Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne announced a proposal to list the polar bear as a threatened species under...
Posted by Team Earth on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:50:00 PST

African Growth & Opportunity Act fabric provision -- PETITION & RESPONSE

Our company, Team Earth, is located in New York State. Therefore, when we sent a letter urging the House and Senate to pass HR 6406 which supports the African Growth and Opportunity Act fabric provisi...
Posted by Team Earth on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:54:00 PST

Help Ethiopian Farmers -- Watch this video, share and spread the word!

Courtesy of OxFam America in conjunction with You Tube:Starbucks Day of ActionPlease repost, reblog, email to your friends, etc. Help support Ethiopian Farmers by urging Starbucks to honor their commi...
Posted by Team Earth on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:45:00 PST

First Celebrity TAG!

...... Today Team Earth tagged it's first celebrity... Dar Williams (you can find her MySpace profile at: ). Dar was tagged in Albany, NY at The Linda Norris Auditorium at...
Posted by Team Earth on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 08:36:00 PST