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The guidance within evolves the world towards a heaven that is already here…to know this is to kno

About Me

As we begin the 5th month of 2008 I would like to share with all my friends and supporters my last Pay It Forward experience from 2007.
After Paying it Forward in Pakistan last November, I traveled to Cambodia to visit the Centre for Children’s Happiness (CCH). The Centre for Children's Happiness was founded in 2002 and it provides a home and education to approximately 150 children. The children are either orphans or belong to parents who cannot take care of them due to illness, disability and poverty. These children previously worked as garbage pickers at the Steung Mean Chey landfill in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
After hearing about CCH through a good friend back in 2006 and seeing the short documentary now posted on the PIFP page, I knew I had to get involved and at least make a difference in the life of ONE of these children.
After spending 15 days in Pakistan buying cows, I couldn’t wait to go to Cambodia! It was a magical moment when I walked into CCH; the kids, would run up to me with their arms open, beautiful BIG smiles, filled me with hugs and welcomed me as if this was my new home. I have never experienced such a moment, feeling at home in a place that I have never been before.
I met with Mr. Sokha, Founder of CCH who made PIFP’s visit fit to the kid’s busy schedule. The next day I had a chance to visit Steung Mean Chey landfill outside of Phnom Penh. This was also an experience I will never forget.
There are no documentaries or pictures that can truly convey what it was like to be there. The odor, sounds of trucks coming and dumping trash...the sound of kids laughing despite all that was going on around them. In the few years of humanitarian labor I have been involved in, I have NEVER seen ANYTHING like this, to think that there are places around the world that are worst than Steung Mean Chey is hard to believe. For the first time in a while, I felt such an immense sense of frustration knowing that we were able to ONLY rescue one child…
The visit was not long, as hard as it was to walk around the dump site for an hour; it was harder to understand how these little souls can stand to grow up in such an uninhabitable place. In moments like these, it is difficult to grasp the concept of making a difference “just” one soul at a time. Remaining focused had to be a priority, also seeing and feeling the outpouring of love from the CCH children, reminded me that one little soul at a time does work!
The frustration went away within the next few days, as I followed the children from CCH during their activities. Saturday after school was one of the many memorable moments as the CCH children were informed that a “visitor” (PIFP) from America was taking ALL 150 children out to dinner and the fair. Yes, 150 kids were ecstatic to know that the outing would also include ice cream! (a luxury for these kids). The ENERGY that 150 kids can generate from feeling blessed and truly happy can honestly “move mountains”.
Another one of those moments was the very next day when I followed them on their “road trip” as they visited a nearby village to do an educational play for other children. Here is where I met Vuthy Nou a fellow humanitarian who had been teaching children in a small community because there were no schools nearby and children were not getting an education. Among these children was a very special 14 year old disabled boy named Piseth, who was not only literally dragging his feet on a make shift wheelchair, but who had also lost his father and sister to AIDS and his mother was also dying of AIDS. With only his grandmother to care for him, his life is full of challenges.
The children from CCH brought a sack of rice to give to Piseth and his family after their play. While visiting at his precarious house we had the chance to speak to him. He was very shy and did not want us to see his mother as she was very ill. When we asked him if he needed anything other than the rice he couldn’t think of anything else he would need. That is when we realized that a more suitable wheelchair would really help improve his life! After talking to Vuthy and other visitors we drove him to a nearby institution that Vuthy had seen a few times when driving by and knew that we could purchase a new wheelchair for approximately $50.
Much to our surprise, when we arrived at the rehabilitation center, we found out that Piseth qualified to receive a FREE wheelchair! This would teach us all the power of action and just getting involved, no money was needed to change the life of this14 year old. Seeing Piseth in his new wheelchair helped reinforce the fact that lack of money should never be a reason for lack of action. Since the wheelchair was free, PIFP donated $150 to start a small library for the kids in the village where Piseth lives.
Finally, let me introduce you to the little soul we were able to help during our visit to CCH. Her name is Channy, she is a 4 year old whose dream is to be a teacher, and her favorite foods are fresh vegetables and fruits. She was rescued last July from garbage picking at the dump. When I found out that there was no one to pay for her to continue her stay at CCH I knew that PIFP had to step in and help her, so we did. PIFP committed to pay $700 per year until she turns 18 years old in order for Channy to have the life that she deserves.
To think that it only takes $1.91 per day to change Channy’s life, only reinforces the fact that lack of money should never be a reason for lack of action.
Thank you for taking the time to read how Pay It Forward Project is making a difference ONE little soul at a time.
With Love,
Denise =D
Building shelters in Pisco, Peru together with NGO "UN TECHO PARA MI PAIS ~PERU~"
• Mexico
• El Salvador
• Argentina
• Peru
• Pakistan
• Cambodia
To learn more about each one of these projects please visit our website www.payitforwardproject.org
you can visit our blogs
Choose to get involve and make your contributions TODAY!!!
NOTE: - To designate your donation for a specific fund or purpose, please enter a description of how you would like your donation to be used under the “Designation” part of the form, such as Pakistan, El Salvador, etc…
PIFP is a Non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Consequently, gifts, contributions and grants of cash are tax deductible under U.S. Federal or State law.
Our Mission
Our Project has been established to assist in rebuilding the lives, self worth, and the spirit of individuals living in developing nations. The donations collected from our fundraising efforts will personally be delivered to the neediest individuals, families and organizations.
The money will be put to use in the most economical, culturally appropriate and advantageous way for the recipients, whether it is to help them with their health, livelihoods or education. The intention being for the recipients to in turn establish and implement grass root programs with the aim of developing self sufficiency.
100% of monies donated to our organization will go to the individuals who are in need of our services. All travel and transportation expenses will be provided by the board members out of their own pockets.
I truly believe in the power of one; that everyone can make a difference and when this is complemented with a team, GREAT things can happen!! I used to think that something tragic needed to happen to get people motivated to do something or to simply find a purpose in life. I no longer think so, I now know that we all have a choice, and I choose to get involved!
Please visit my webpage at http://www.payitforwardproject.org

My Interests

Pay It Forward Project visited Santa Fe, Argentina

PAY IT FORWARD PROJECT is asking a favor of YOU!
We're now using GoodSearch.com to search the Internet and every time we do, money goes to Pay It Forward Project !

PLEASE start using this GoodSearch.com banner and every time you search, they make a donation to Pay It Forward Project !
It's powered by Yahoo! so you get great search results!
Just 500 of us searching four times a day will raise about $7300 in a year without anyone spending a dime!
The more people who use this site, the more money will go to those in need. So PLEASE spread the word to your friends and family!
PLEASE use this banner, add it to your profile and REPOST!!


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I enjoy traveling and playing sports, I'm a strong believer in working out and playing sports to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I love cycling and playing volleyball. Salsa is also my passion. I like meeting new people and learning about new cultures by experiencing them first hand.

How did I get involved doing Humanitarian work around the world?

I have always been involved in volunteer work and helping others. When the Tsunami hit Indonesia in December of 2004, my instinct of wanting to help kicked in, and after seeing a documentary about the tsunami and the immediate needs they had in the areas affected, I knew I had to act. Since I have 5 weeks vacations through my full time job, to me there were no doubts as to where was I going to spend my vacation time.
At this point I just knew that I would go somewhere in Indonesia to help the people affected by this massive natural disaster with anything that was needed. At this point I realized I would need extra money to pay for my travel expenses so I took a part time job and later I also rented my spare room so that I would have enough money to go on my trip.

Little did I know how my journey to Sri Lanka would forever change my life (to read more about it please visit my webpage). When I returned from Sri Lanka I knew that my life was about to change and that I was embarking on what would become my purpose in life.

After some extensive research and teaming up with my good friend and coworker Wendy Farrell, a decision was made that in order to be able to reach out to more people and also to build credibility we needed to be official, this is when Pay It Forward Project was born in May of 2006. In August of 2006 we officially became a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, consequently, gifts, contributions and grants of cash are tax deductible under U.S. Federal or State law. Our mission is to help families in developing countries develop a sustainable income through grass root programs.

Through micro financing we are helping families in Pakistan and El Salvador develop a sustainable income. 100 % of the donations we receive go directly to the families we help, as we pay for our own travel expenses. To learn more about our Pay It Forward Project and our programs you can go to our page, www.payitforwardproject.org or if you have any other questions you can send me an email at [email protected]


I'd like to meet:




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DUBAI 2006

"From what we get in life, we make a living... from what we give, we make a life"



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The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence, Deepak Chopra
Escaping the Prison of the Intellect, by Deepak Chopra
The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne
The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield,
The Power of Full Engagement by Tony Schwartz and Jim Loehr,
The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer,
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho,
The Power of Now,
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra,
Your Sacred Self: Making the Decision to Be Free by Wayne Dyer,
Manifest Your Destiny by Wayne Dyer,
Your Erroneous Zones,
You'll See It When You Believe It,
Real Magic,
The Sky's the Limit all by Wayne Dyer.
The Universe in a Single Atom by Dalai Lama


My Mom!

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My Blog

Paying it Forward in CAMBODIA

As we begin the 5th month of 2008 I would like to share with all my friends and supporters my last Pay It Forward experience from 2007. After Paying it Forward in Pakistan last November, I travele...
Posted by www.pifp.org on Wed, 14 May 2008 07:37:00 PST

Paying it Forward is Infectious!!!

Paying It Forward in SUCHITOTO, El Salvador  December 2007 Like some of you know, I have been working for some months for the community of Suchitoto. The community has approximately 20 families ...
Posted by www.pifp.org on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 07:58:00 PST

Pay It Forward Project, CHIAPAS MEXICO

Here is how our new volunteer Dave Peterson paid it forward in Chiapas, Mexico, in his own words. GRACIAS DAVE!!! =D From: Dave Date: Dec 30, 2007 9:32 PM I want to first thank the support and contri...
Posted by www.pifp.org on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 09:50:00 PST

PIFP Argentina ~ September 2007 Visit ~

Pay It Forward Project (PIFP) visited the Toba Community, in "Las Lomas" neighborhood in the Santa Fe City. The purpose of the visit was to follow up on the assistance provided earlier this year ...
Posted by www.pifp.org on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:22:00 PST


As I had planned and promised many people last year, I returned to Pakistan to follow up on how your contributions have changed the lives of those we helped last year. I arrived in Islamabad, after ...
Posted by www.pifp.org on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 03:59:00 PST


I was scheduled to travel to PERU for a business meeting with my "regular job" this past October, two months after a 7.9 earthquake devastated the southern regions of Peru. I decided to stay a little...
Posted by www.pifp.org on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:22:00 PST

Peru Earthquake Relief Efforts

Hello Friends,   As many of you may know, I will be traveling in October to the affected areas of the 7.9 magnitude earthquake that struck the southern region of Peru on August 15th.   I...
Posted by www.pifp.org on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:57:00 PST

Denises Visit to El Salvador September 2007

I traveled to El Salvador for business and since it was a long weekend here in the States I took the opportunity to Pay It Forward My first PIFP (Pay It Forward Project) stop was visiting one of the c...
Posted by www.pifp.org on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:48:00 PST

PERU Earthquake Relief Efforts

PERU Earthquake Relief Efforts   In the wake of a massive 8.0-magnitude earthquake that rocked Peru on Wednesday August 15th, I will be traveling to the affected areas to assess the damage and im...
Posted by www.pifp.org on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 08:07:00 PST

Paying It Forward, Guadalajara Mexico

YES! We are still Paying It Forward, this time in Guadalajara, Mexico! Hello friends! As I was having dinner with Edna (a MySpace friend from El Salvador) 12 year old Reyes approached our table and w...
Posted by www.pifp.org on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 10:50:00 PST